
230 | Become A More Confident Performer


So it’s important that you get clear on what it is that you desire, and then you make it intentional in your life. And you show up in the energy of that expectation of that manifesting.
— Andrea Crisp

About This Episode:

Today I want to speak specifically to my creative friends. And if you think that as an entrepreneur you are not creative, then think again. So often as creatives (artists, musicians, designers, writers, actors) we feel as though we have to accept what the world says we are worth -- so today I want to share with you how you can move away from that 'starving artist' mindset to more of an 'abundance mindset'.

Connect on IG: @andreacrispcoach @the.couragecast


Join Weekly Call: Mindset Mentor Circle

Facebook Community: Mindset Mentor Collective

To book a FREE 20-minute Discovery Call with Andrea: www.andreacrisp.ca/schedule


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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?


Are you someone who considers yourself a creative or a multi passionate entrepreneur? Today, I want to speak to all of my creative friends. And just in case you're wondering, if you're an entrepreneur, then you are likely a creative, you just may not know it. So often our creatives, the people who associate themselves as creatives are artists, musicians, designers, writers, speakers, actors, podcasters coaches. So, if you are one of those people, then you got to stay tuned for today's episode. Because oftentimes we feel that when we're being creative, we have to accept what the world says we're worth. And today I want to bust through the myth that you have to live as a starving artist, so that you can start moving towards embodying a mindset of abundance. Hey, friend, are you ready to take courageous steps to create a life and business you love? Welcome to the courage cast. I'm Andrea crisp, mindset coach, author, and a multi passionate entrepreneur. For years, I was afraid to allow myself to shine that was until I discovered that I could step into my own power, shift my mindset and take ownership of my own destiny. Now I coach women across the globe who are ready to own their life and make a massive impact. Each week I'll share conversations with amazing humans who have been willing to face their fear and pursue their purpose. I'll provide a blend of practical and spiritual advice to help you take brief steps in your own life and business. Hey there, welcome to the courage cast. My name is Andrea crisp, and I am so excited to be here with you today. It is a Friday. Here I am on a podcasting recording binge. Right now I'm super excited because I'm bringing you two brand new episodes. Last week, I shared with you all about how to step in to that CEO boss energy. And today I want to talk to you about becoming a more confident performer. And maybe you're like, Well, I don't really perform. So I don't know if this is a really a good episode for me, well, let's put it this way, if you're creative, if you're somebody who is sharing their gifts with the world, then in some way, shape or form, you are also a performer. So I want to talk about the mindset that we need, when we are stepping into that confidence when we are really showing up in our value and our worth. And for many, many years, as a musician, I did a ton of stuff for free. Because while I thought people expected me to I sang at weddings and funerals and events, I would like way discount prices for certain things because it was either asked or expected of me. And it was just something that I did. And to be quite honest with you, I really felt like I that was what I deserved. That was you know, kind of how the gigs went, you know it as a musician, you really didn't get paid what you're worth. And it wasn't until I really started to become a coach and started to understand the full realization of our worth and value when it comes to standing in our power that I recognized, like maybe where I had gone wrong in my own creative life, and how much I had missed out on opportunities. Maybe some regrets that I had, and maybe some feelings of like even bitterness and like resentment for not feeling like I had been renumerated Well, in my own life. So those feelings made me feel as though I wasn't bringing value that I wasn't able to truly show up as someone who had a gift to offer the world. And honestly, that kind of internalized.

And what ended up happening was I internalized those feelings I internalized my own perception of what I thought people were doing. And I had this belief that I wasn't good enough that I was not valuable that what I had to offer was not something that people really truly wanted or were willing to pay for. And when I became a coach that carried over that carried over into my coaching business because I had this underlying money mindset that really kept me from believing I was worthy of charging more in my life, you're like, Well, how does that really impact being a confident performer? Like, here's how it impacts it, when we don't value ourselves, and when we are not living out of an abundance mindset, we can't truly show up in the confidence that we desire, and really give 100% of what we have to give to the world. Because we're in this mindset of lack, that there needs to be more that we need to be doing more, being more, because for some reason, we're not enough. So when you're in that mindset of lack, there's always this like, you know, there will never be enough to go around, I'm never gonna make the money I want to make people just are always trying to use me that are getting a respect for what I do, I feel devalued. I'm never going to make enough money to even survive, or to pay my bills, or to do any of those things. And so, if you are feeling that way, then it is entirely possible, you are in a mindset of lack. And what we want to do when we are moving into becoming more confident and standing in our power, is shifting that. So that you are standing truly, truly, truly, in a mindset of enough and of abundance. And more than enough, really. So how do you do that? That's the big question, right? Like people like, Well, what do I do? How do I actually shift this mindset? What what's the process? So the very first thing is you want to identify what is the limiting belief or the story, the perception that you've been carrying, and that has been holding you back from putting yourself out into the world, or from making a shift or a change, or for you know, telling someone Hey, listen, you know, I am upping my prices, or this is how I'm going to start doing things. When you are really standing in your power, you are not afraid of what people are going to think you're not afraid of whether or not they're going to be like, Okay, well, I guess, you know, I'll go to somebody else or, because if that person does, and obviously like that, you know, it's time for you to move on anyways. So you want to identify where did that mindset originate? What was the limiting belief behind that, so that you can start to shift that mindset. Now, one of the ways to do this, like oftentimes, people talk about affirmations, or mantras, or just believe differently, but here's the thing, friend, these are rooted deep rooted subconscious beliefs that happened probably many, many years ago. And our reach triggered every time something similar happens, you feel the same way you felt maybe when you were seven, and you didn't feel like you were enough. And in order to shift those beliefs, you have to go to the root to the time where you experienced it for the first time and uproot the belief. Replace the mindset so that you can start living out of a whole new paradigm.

And last week, on the podcast, we talked about paradigms, we talked about what is that a paradigm is a new way of believing a new way of living for years, you probably have lived a certain way because of a belief you had. Well, now you have a new belief. So you need to create what it is that you want and live out of that. So the best way to do that is to really get into the science of it of the neuroscience. And really to shift those beliefs. You can use things like the neuro cycle, you can use NLP. But I would recommend when you are doing this mindset work that you are working with somebody who knows what they're doing, and can help you not only shift the belief, but integrate that into your life, so that it becomes something that you are consistently moving yourself forward in. The second thing I would say when you're in this, you know, mindset of lack or you're feeling as though you can't be confident, you want to embody that new mindset. It's like what I just shared in the first one, which is, is really stepping into a new paradigm. So when you're embodying a new mindset, you're showing up in a whole new way. And there are often times where resistance will hit you like a ton of bricks and all of a sudden you're like, oh my gosh, like this keeps coming up and that keeps coming up. It's like one test after another and you're like it just would be easier to go back to the old belief because that's where my comfort zonas that's where I was. But when you're embodying a new way of being a new paradigm, it's so important that you have the structure and accountability for you to be able to move in the direction that you truly desire to go to be in the embodiment of this new belief. So it's important that you get clear on what it is that you desire, and then you make it intentional in your life. And you show up in the energy of that expectation of that manifesting. And that happening. And manifesting is not just like sitting back and letting something happen all the time manifesting does require us to, to take action. But it's almost, I think it's funny, because people are like, Well, is it just, you know, allowing what's allowing, but it's also being in partnership with the Divine and allowing the divine to work through you. And you're partnering. So you know, manifesting, you're doing it together, you're bringing it to being together? Anyways, I digress. Okay. Number three, live out of this new mindset. So set boundaries around what you will and will not do from this point forward. Say yes to what completely lights you up. Many people say, if it's a full body, yes, then do it. And if you're not sure, then this may take a little work. I mean, for me, I was not entirely sure how I felt if it was a full body. Yes. So I think sometimes it just really takes a little bit of time for you to step into that new mindset and really live it out. And then stay in that, that mindset of abundance. And that could mean you know, being around people and around a support system that is that new level for you, and is moving you in the direction that you truly, truly want to be going.

So if you're somebody who is a creative, if you're somebody who is living their life, putting their gifts, their talents, their art into the world, friend, it is so important that you are creating in your life, a mindset of abundance, so that you can call in opportunities, so that you can call in what it is that you desire. Maybe it's new gigs, maybe it's the payment for what it is that you truly want to be doing. So that you're not feeling as though you're being used or you're being devalued. But it's really up to you to shift that for yourself and step into the embodiment of being someone who is calling in abundance in their life, and really has the confidence to speak up for themselves to really stand in their power. And in the VIP experience that I've created, there is a track where we just focus solely on this. For creatives for people who are multi passionate entrepreneurs, or people who are putting their gifts into the world that feel as though well maybe people don't get what I'm doing. As someone who has been a multi passionate entrepreneur and a performer and a musician for many, many years, I truly understand the mindsets, the blocks that that one can face when they are trying to move into this place of abundance and and to really embody a new paradigm. So with a new VIP experience, I created a track that is solely for creatives solely for people who are wanting to elevate their confidence. And all of their confidence is going to be really rooted in enoughness or abundance. And really what it is that you believe to be true about yourself and your life. So if you are in a place in your life where you're like, This is me on a call and more income, I want to call in more opportunities. I want to call in more of what lights me up so that I can stay in this and I can truly outwork my passion and my creativity. I want to encourage you to set up a discovery call with me. And let's talk about what that would look like for you specifically, maybe what blocks you're facing, and see how this could truly transform your mindset and truly help you embody a new way of being so that you can create what it is that you truly desire in your life, through your art and through your creativity. Friend I love hanging out with you. I'm excited To jump into a long weekend. If you want to know more about the VIP days, go to Andrea crisp.ca forward slash VIP. And if you want to book a discovery call with me, then you can do so right there. Until next time, remember, you have everything you need to live briefly. If you liked this episode of The Courage cast, we'd love to hear from you. Leave us a rating and review and while you're there, hit subscribe so you never miss an episode. Original Music by Stephen Crilly.

229 | Step Into Your CEO Boss Energy


A a paradigm shift is defined as “an important change that happens when the usual way of thinking about or doing something is replaced by a new and different way.
— Bob Proctor (paraphrased)

About This Episode:

Are you ready to take that next step in your business and truly embody the version of yourself that not only acts but feels like a complete boss. Today on the podcast I am going to share with you three mindset shifts that I believe you need to make in order to move your business to the next level.

Connect on IG: @andreacrispcoach @the.couragecast


Join Weekly Call: Mindset Mentor Circle

Facebook Community: Mindset Mentor Collective

To book a FREE 20-minute Discovery Call with Andrea: www.andreacrisp.ca/schedule


Listen Here:


Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?


Are you ready to take that next step in your business and truly embody the version of yourself that not only acts like a complete, badass boss bitch? Well, today on the podcast, I'm going to share with you three mindset shifts that I believe you need to make in order to move your business and yourself to the next level. Hey, friend, are you ready to take courageous steps to create a life and business you love?

Welcome to The Couragecast. I'm Andrea Crisp, mindset coach, author and a multi passionate entrepreneur. For years, I was afraid to allow myself to shine that was until I discovered that I could step into my own power, shift my mindset and take ownership of my own destiny. Now I coach women across the globe who are ready to own their life and make a massive impact. Each week, I'll share conversations with amazing humans who've been willing to face their fear and pursue their purpose. I'll provide a blend of practical and spiritual advice to help you take brave steps in your own life and business.

Hey there, welcome to The Couragecast. My name is Andrea and I am your host, I am so excited to be back with you. You know what, this morning I woke up and it was like fall is in the air. And there is nothing I love more than feeling like the crunch of the leaves underneath my feet, although they haven't completely fallen off the trees yet. But I love having new seasons. And as much as I loved summer, and it's like the best season in the world. I also really love fall. And there are new things happening in my life. There's probably new things happening in your life as we move and shift into a new season. And today I want to talk about what does that shift look like in your life, when you're moving from one belief to the next. So you might be in a place in your life and your business right now where you're like, Yeah, I'm a small business owner, or I'm a coach, or I am an entrepreneur. But I don't really feel like the CEO of my business. And you maybe even don't even know what that is or what that would feel like or what kind of shifts you would need to take or making your life in order to step into that new level in your business. So today, I want to talk about three shifts that you can make when it comes to mindset.

And how you can start embodying this next level version of yourself within your business. So maybe if you're thinking to yourself right now, like Well, that's a big leap like that, you know, from where I am now. Maybe it just started, you know my business a year ago, and you're already wanting me to like jump into the CEO mindset. Wherever you're finding yourself today, I'm sure there's going to be something that you can take from this particular podcast episode. It was actually interesting, because the other day I was talking to somebody who's very new in the online space. And she's like, Yeah, I already feel like a boss. But it was really interesting, because once we started to dive a little deeper into what her mindset was, there were so many indications that she really wasn't owning up to the level of success that she wanted or desired, or allowing herself to truly step into that level of success. So if you're feeling that way, I hope that you will get something from this particular episode that you can take away, you can implement into your life. And of course, I'd love to hear about that. You can follow me on Instagram at you can follow me on Instagram at at Andrea crisp coach and tell me what one of your takeaways are from this episode. So the first thing I want to talk about is having a paradigm shift. And that's a fancy word for saying mindset shift. Because when you think about a paradigm, which is learning I've gotten from Bob Proctor, when you have a paradigm shift, it's almost like you have this way of being shift, this way of believing shift. So when we're in an old paradigm, we are functioning out of an old way of thinking, believing and being.

But when we step into a new paradigm or a new place in our lives, we're essentially shifting into something that is leveled up something that is taking us to another space and time and really shifting our way of thinking and being so this is kind of like the actual definition, and important change that happens when the usual way of thinking about or doing something is replaced by a new and different way. Okay, so I probably could have just said that. But I wanted to explain it in a way that maybe you could relate to a little bit more. So the first thing I want to talk about is how to create a new paradigm for yourself, when it comes to your business, because as we know, you know, we are in the business, right, we are taking part in the business, we are the person who is the business in some senses, but really, the business is only going to elevate to the level you are elevating. And even if there are people in your world that are your support team, and people who are, you know, part of what you do within your business, maybe your staff or people who are, you know, on retainer for you or contract with you, they're only going to go to a certain level, depending dependent upon where you are going.

Okay, so creating a new paradigm for yourself in business you have to ask yourself this question, what would that look like? And what would that feel like? Because you're creating what you desire. So if you're like, I want to feel more freedom, I want to feel you know, that I can flow in my business more that I can, you know, be in my zone of genius, more that I can be confident in what I'm sharing and, and really, you know, position myself, as somebody who knows what they're talking about, then when you're doing that, you have to be very, very clear on creating that new thought, that new way of being in your business. So it's, it's really about how you're showing up. So if you're kind of showing up haphazardly, and you're like, you know, I'm not really going to pay a lot of attention to what I'm doing, I'm not going to put my full effort into it, and I'm just going to kind of throw it together, then you're probably going to stay in an old paradigm.

Because if what is happening right now is not working for you. It's entirely likely you got to shift that. Okay. So the next thing would be, it'd be looking at how are you making decisions from a higher level from this new paradigm. And I was having this fantastic conversation today with one of my peers, Stephanie, her and I talk every week, and we are talking about really allowing ourselves to be the decision makers in our lives, and to allow ourselves to trust more, that we are being led and guided, and that we have the answers that we need, we don't have to look outside of ourselves for confirmation all the time, we truly do know what it is that we need. And that means that we can make these decisions on a higher level, because we're not looking outside of ourselves to say, Oh, is this the right decision? Should I do this? Should I hire somebody? Should I outsource? Should I you know, start a new program? Should I price it this way? All those questions that come up. But when you kind of peel it back a little bit, and you say, You know what, when I'm standing in my power, when I truly am I really stepping into that boss energy, I am making the decisions for myself, and I am trusting my gut instincts. So maybe that would look like you know, really placing yourself in rooms where there are people who are doing the same thing.

Maybe going to conferences, joining masterminds up leveling your own game, in order to be in the same mindset in the same paradigm as people who are doing the same thing. And if that feels like oh, I don't know, I don't know which one to join or what I need to do. And you're just kind of questioning what that will look like specifically for you, then perhaps one on one coaching is more. What you need right now is to kind of dial in, how can you shift that thought process that paradigm, those mindsets, so that you can truly step into that boss energy that really calls in what you desire. So, when you're doing that, when you're in that boss energy, you're also creating a new paradigm for yourself when it comes to abundance, money, getting paid, having clients, all the things.

Somebody asked you a question. If you were to be really, really honest with yourself right now, do you believe that you can charge?

Do you believe that you can charge higher prices right now for your services? Or do you feel like you vacillate between getting a client who will pay for your services, then it's like, two weeks of crickets, nobody's there, nobody's knocking on your door. So you're like, oh, my gosh, I need like a flash sale, I need a slash on my prices. And, you know, hope that someone comes in on like a new offer, right? Like a reduced offer, right? When you're doing that, and trust me when I say this, because I have done this. It really is playing around with your energy with how you feel about yourself or your value. There is nothing wrong with having a sense to offer somebody a lower price on something.

But to slash a price on something, because you are in scarcity is a whole different ballgame. So stepping into that paradigm, stepping into that new way of being when it comes to abundance money clients in your life, really is about how are you showing up when it comes to your money mindset, to your abundance mindset to believe that you can charge what it is you believe you can charge? Because no matter what anybody says, and tells you to raise your prices, or tells you to do that until you are feeling aligned with it until you can have a full body Yes, around it. It's not going to feel right. So it's all up to you. So what does that look like? Well, it looks like when you're having an abundance mindset that you are fully aligned with everything you are doing. And when you are then you're creating offers, you're putting out prices that feel right. And it's not about whether or not they match industry standards, whether they're higher or lower or comparable. It's about what you feel you want to be charging, and what feels good for you and the transformation that you're providing for someone else. I think oftentimes we get, like really caught up in well, I don't know, you know, should I price it this way? Or should I go higher or lower. But at the end of the day, we're not really taking a look at what is the outcome? What is the result? What is that person walking away with? What is the transformation they are having, that they need you that they want to hire you. And if it, if it really is something that they truly, truly want, then they're willing to spend the money on that. And the third thing is creating a new paradigm for yourself, when it comes to being a leader or an influencer, an expert in your field. And the way you know whether or not you're being seen as the expert or not, is whether or not people are trying to sell to you.

Or you're selling to others. This was something that I literally, like just recently had this huge like aha moment for myself. I actually talked to one of my coaches, and I said, You know what, I feel like I'm being sold to a lot. And she said, Well, how are you showing up in your business? How are you showing up online? And she said, I never get sold to? And I was like, What do you mean, you never get sold to? She's like, well, I positioned myself as the authority as the leader. And to me that was like, Oh, well, maybe I'm not really like showing up as the authority and the expert, which means people think that I still need something more. And like I've said earlier, we already have everything we need ourselves, we already have all of the answers within ourselves. I mean, there are strategies and there are things that we can learn, obviously, that's why we're hiring people. That's where we're working with people who are experts in their field. But at the end of the day, how you're showing up energetically within your business within your online presence within your communication, your emails, just in how you are is a huge indicator in what you believe to be true about yourself and about your business and how people are going to perceive you and whether or not you're going to be able to move your business forward. Okay, so you want to always be adding value consistently showing

Up to add value, that doesn't mean you have to be there every single day. I mean, I don't personally believe that that's what you have to do, you might hear people say that all the time,when you feel energetically aligned to do so, then absolutely show up and share exactly who you are. That's why I love having a podcast because oftentimes, like today, I'll record two episodes. And I will get ahead by two weeks. So when it comes to next week, and I'm getting ready to go out of town, and I'm in my cycle, where I'm probably not going to feel like I really want to be like communicating in this way, I will already have recorded, edited, and have a podcast ready. So energetically, I'm not trying to make something happen, that doesn't need to happen during that time of the month for me. So really understanding when I'm showing up and how I'm showing up, but consistently putting out content. Hmm, see how that works. Okay, so you want to add value, position yourself as an expert and authority, and really share more with your audience on your existing platform. You don't have to, you know, reinvent the wheel, you can do what you're doing right now in the space you're in. Or you can invite yourself to be on someone's podcast, asked to be on their podcast, or you can do an IG live to or whatever works for you.

As long as you are showing up as the expert and the authority, and really, truly believing that you are. So when it comes to really showing up in that CO boss energy, it's about creating a new paradigm around what it is that you believe to be true about yourself and your business. And then once you have that mindset, once you know exactly what it is that you need to do specifically, then it's all about embodying that, and integrating that into your business. And that is exactly why I created the new limitless VIP experience. Now one of the tracks that we have, is really dedicated to stepping into that CEO boss energy. And for so many people that are sitting in this kind of like, I don't know, and for so many entrepreneurs that are waiting for something to manifest in their business waiting for something to happen and are not really sure. What are the steps that they specifically need to take. This is why I created this day, is to give you an up leveled version is to give you an up leveled experience, so that you can step into what it feels like to be a CEO to be in this upgrade in this upper level in your life. So that you can start embodying it. And oftentimes people think, Well, gosh, you know, like, it's quite a hefty investment. And like, is it just really one day? But here's the thing you're not necessarily paying for one day, you're you're really investing in your transformation, you're investing in? How are you going to shift where you are now and step into this new paradigm for yourself? What is that going to look like? How are you going to embody that? What steps are you going to take? How are you going to implement and integrate that into your everyday life and business. And so in the VIP experience, not only do we spend a day to do that, whether it's in person or virtual, but we take the next 30 days. And I help you do that, I help you walk out the process, and hold you accountable to taking the steps that you said you were going to take. Because at the end of the day, we want to see you have a transformation. There is something that you set out to do. There is a God given divine purpose calling on your life. And in order for you to truly step in to that. It requires you to really embody what that means for you so you can help others get the transformation.

So if this is something that interests you, I'd love to have a conversation with you. We can jump on a discovery call and talk about what are the options and what that might look for you to really take that step and have a VIP experience for yourself. And so you can click on the show notes and you can grab yourself a spot for a discovery call and we can talk

All about it. Friend, thank you so much for hanging out with me today. Next week we're going to be talking about what it looks like to really show up confidently and to put your gift out into the world and so you're not going to want to miss next week's episode. But until next time, remember you have everything you need to live bravely. If you liked this episode of The Courage cast, we'd love to hear from you. Leave us a rating and review and while you're there, hit subscribe so you never miss an episode. Original Music by Stephen Crilly.

EP 183 | The Truth About Love + Entrepreneurship


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Many couples when they’re talking about what they want, they focus on how they’re different. And if you can flip that frame and say, where actually do we agree, that helps lay out the path and the roadmap for how do you grow together, even when there’s going to be places where you’re not growing together,
— Amber Dalsin

About This Episode:

Have you ever wondered if you can have it all? Or do you feel like you have to sacrifice your love life to have a successful business. In this episode of The Couragecast I’m chatting with Couple’s Therapist Amber Dalsin about the fears that hold us back in relationship, how to have our core needs met, and choosing a partner that will be able to support the dream. 

Amber Dalsin is a psychologist, couples therapist, educator and author. After 10 short months of marriage, she found herself single and living in her boss’s dark basement. From a place of loneliness and deeply wanting to be loveable, she hit the relationship research to find the exact tools to help her cultivate self confidence and create a love beyond her wildest dreams.

Connect With Andrea:

Instagram + Website

Connect With Amber:

Instagram + Emotional Intimacy Cheat Sheet


Andrea Crisp 0:00
Relationships can be messy at the best of times, but especially if you're an entrepreneur or a small business owner. Today on the podcast, we're talking to couples therapist, Amber Dalsin, all about how to grow together as a couple, and how to choose the right partner for you, when you're an entrepreneur.

Amber Dalsin 0:20
And many couples, when they're talking about what they want, or where they're growing, they focus on how they're different. They focus on where they're not seeing eye to eye. And if you can flip that frame and say, where actually do we agree? Where actually do we have some shared goals and some shared dreams that helps lay out the path and the roadmap for how do you grow together, even when there's going to be places where you're not growing together.

Kate 0:45
You're listening to The Couragecast, a show to equip and empower women to live bravely. Each week, we'll share coaching conversations and stories of women who are willing to face their fear and pursue their purpose. Here's your host, life coach, author, and your secret weapon.

Andrea Crisp 0:59
Hello, friends. Welcome to the Couragecast. My name is Andrea Crisp, I am your host. And I am pretty excited to bring you this conversation today with Amber Dalsin, which is a very long time coming. Honestly, I think we recorded this episode back in the summer. And it was one of my very favorite recordings because Amber has such amazing knowledge about relationships, and especially when it comes to being an entrepreneur, because that can be really messy. And if you're not really choosing the right partner for you, or navigating your relationship with understanding your core values and what your needs are and how you need to be supported, then things might get a little bit out of hand. So I'm super excited for you to take a listen to this episode. It was originally aired on Instagram as part of their Courage Creator series. And today it's on the podcast and I'm thrilled to bring you Amber Dalsin.

Hey everyone, I'm back for another of our Courage Creator series today. I'm really excited because I've got an amazing guest to share with you today. Amber Dalsin, she is a psychotherapist and she's also a relationship expert. We're going to be talking all about what happens when you are struggling with having really hard conversations with your partner, significant other and how does that work when you're an entrepreneur and you're business owner, so we're gonna have a really great conversation. So she's gonna be here in just a second. Hey, Amber.

Amber Dalsin 2:50
Hi, how are you today?

Andrea Crisp 2:53
I'm good. I'm really excited to have you on I absolutely love this topic. And we're talking about the struggle that partners face when they are having these really tough conversations about their relationship, which I'm sure includes money in entrepreneurship and being business owners especially like after a pandemic, when things have so vastly shifted. I'm sure there's a lot of people who are in these positions where they are asking themselves these questions. But before we get into it, I'd love for you just to kind of tell people who you are and a little bit about who you serve.

Amber Dalsin 3:36
Yeah, absolutely. So as you said, I'm Amber Dawson. I'm a psychologist and couples therapist. And I'm the founder of ember relationships, psychology, where I love helping couples create connection and clear communication through simple framework so we can feel loved and heard. And part of why I do this is ultimately in my life. Being loved, the desire to be loved, and to fit into belong was something that I just didn't feel like I had, I grew up in a family system where my brother was a drug addict by the time he was 13 years old, and no fault of my parents, great parents. But as a result of that, I don't think any parent is ever equipped to handle a drug addict at 13. And I was just left alone, left to my own devices. And I didn't understand why I didn't get the love or attention or care that I wanted. And being 15 at the time myself, I thought well, I'll just get this through men. But it worked until it didn't work and I didn't know a lot about relationships. All I knew is that I deeply want it to be loved and I didn't have the tools to create that. And so now I have the tools now, I have a love beyond my wildest dreams I feel like I could write a fairy tale about and I want couples to also have the tools to build a love that they dream up because we are so wired for love. We are wired for connection and belonging but because we have fears or lack of skills or tools, so often we don't know how to get and keep that love that we dream of. So that's my goal is to help bring that to couples and make it a bit more accessible so that we can all have our little fairy tale whatever that looks like for us.

Andrea Crisp 5:02
We were talking just before we went live about, you know what that looks like when we're in a partnership with someone, and we're bringing in our own fears or insecurities and having those really tough conversations. I'd love to know, like, what, what are the big fears that you think, are holding people back, especially in entrepreneurship, you know, so maybe one person is an entrepreneur, and the other person is working their nine to five, and all of a sudden, you know, there's these questions around money, and how long are we going to be doing this? And what are some of the things that come up when you're talking to couples, or even people that are in that space?

Amber Dalsin 5:45
Are you asking from the perspective of the person who's starting their own business? Or from the perspective of the person who's not?

Andrea Crisp 5:50
Let's Let's go with the person who is starting their own business? Or is in the middle of that? Yeah.

Amber Dalsin 5:58
Gosh, I think there can be so many fears, right? I think starting out a new business. There's a ton of hurdles, I think most of us are already, you know, we can have that fear of like an imposter, can I really do this? Who do I think I am to be doing this? And so we already have our own vulnerabilities about who are we to be doing this? And are we going to make it? We can have fears and vulnerabilities around? Are we going to make the finances fears and vulnerabilities about being a failure? Or what will it mean, if we don't succeed, what will be left? Will our partner go? Will our partner be able to provide the emotional support we need through this? Will we be supported? Are they gonna be on our team? And I think there's so many different fears that you can have an interpreted, depends on your situation, your finances, your relationship, but I think a lot just around succeeding, getting the support that you need, and what's going to be the impact of whether or not you don't whether or not you succeed in the way that you want to. I think there certainly can come come up a number of fears, especially when we're diving into something where the future is uncertain and unknown. That is the perfect formula for all sorts of fears to emerge or arise.

Andrea Crisp 6:58
Yeah. And I mean, just as you're saying, you know, like, you're not only dealing with your own fear, but you of success, because I know like, if you're an entrepreneur, you're going through this these mindset shifts all the time about, you know, can I do this? Can I step into this space? What is it going to look like? Who do I have to be to be this person now? And then you're shifting, changing, and expanding? And maybe your partner is, you know, over here going, what is going on here? Like, do you see, you know, potentials where they they kind of start going apart? How do they, how would a couple, I guess, navigate staying together and keeping those values, or shared values when one person's really really growing in an area? And maybe the other person is staying in that space?

Amber Dalsin 7:51
Yeah, great question. I think this happens all the time, whether it's entrepreneurship or anything else, because throughout life, I mean, you're lucky if you and your partner go through something and you grow at the same rate, and at the same time, but that's usually not what happens. You know, we go through different life events, and they impact us in different ways. And we're catapulted into grow sometimes, and we don't want to be, and very often we don't go through growth at the same rate, or the same time that our partner does. And couples are always forced to be renegotiating every new gap, renavigating how do we grow through, go through growth and grow together, not apart. And there may be phases where you grow to part grow apart a bit, but then can you grow back together. So the best way that I think that we can do this is through conversations, and men and women as a sweeping over generalization here, but it's also supported in the in the research have different styles about how we communicate how often we want to communicate what we want to communicate about. So just remember that how you communicate in your relationship is going to be different for every relationship.

There are some females who don't love to talk and share and be vulnerable. And there are many females who love to talk and share and be vulnerable. There are some males who don't want to talk about anything, they only want talk about sports and politics and that's it. There are other males who are very open to talking about the relationships. But as a sweeping overgeneralization, females usually are the ones who want to talk about the relationship, they're usually the ones who are managed the emotional labor in the relationship. And so more often than not, the woman will be responsible for typically bringing those things up and having them be worked on. Sure there are men who do that. And we don't want to say men don't need to be part of that equation. They shouldn't be just recognizing also that there's differences for whatever reason, maybe it's biological, maybe it's socialization, but we've got some differences there.

But the thing that couples need to be open to is having conversations about how one person's dream impacts them both and there's a few mistakes that people make sometimes when they're going to have conversations. Some of these mistakes include like steamrolling your partner and just you sharing the way you think it should be and assuming for agreement or assuming that they're going to get on board where, you know, maybe they have to digest maybe they thought all along that you too would both be having a nine to five and they're shocked to hear that you want leave your nine to five. And they need some time to get their mind onboard with that. So just because you brought up an idea, you understand the idea, you have thought through the idea, give your partner some time to adjust and adapt, because it might not be that they don't support you, it might just be a radically different vision than they have in their mind's eye. Because whether or not we realize that sometimes, we all have dreams and beliefs and goals about what our future is going to look like.

And if you've been in a long term relationship, you can't help but create goals and dreams based on your partner as well. And so when we're going into this, it's really important to share our side, but also ask about our partner's side, their point of view, without judgment, without criticism without blame without, you know, accusing them that they're not supporting, but giving them the time and space to voice their concerns, their opinions, even if you radically disagree, because one of the things that would influence that it's kind of irritating is we actually have more influence with people, when we get them to feel seen, heard, understood, we validate their position, before we get that agreement in ours. And most of us when we're feeling like super gung ho, and supercharged on the vision on the path that we see, it can be incredibly frustrating when our partners aren't there with us, we want the support, and we want it now. And when they, you know, offer resistance or reluctance or fears or feel unsupportive, or have criticisms, we're like, how dare you. And the last thing we want to do is hear them.

But what most couples if you work hard to hear each other, even if they're very differing views. So I always like to say, the measure of success isn't if you start out in different books, you're not gonna be on the same page, it's great if you and your partner talk and you're on the same page and the same book, you get two thumbs up. But most people, if you're going through a radical change, or you're growing in different directions, you might start out in different pages of the books, I mean, different books, different pages of the books, and I think the measure of success isn't where you start. It's where you finish. So if you're bringing these things up, and you're talking about it, and you want to grow together, I think it's really important for both people get the opportunity to share their beliefs, values, goals, dreams, fears, even if these things are founded in logic and reality or not. Yeah, and then figure out what are your shared goals or dreams? What do you have in common, and work to get at least in the same book, if not the same chapter if not the same page. And many couples, when they're talking about what they want, or where they're growing, they focus on how they're different, they focus on where they're not seeing eye to eye? And if you can flip that frame and say, where actually, do we agree? We're actually do we have some shared goals and some shared dreams, that helps lay out the path and the roadmap for how do you grow together, even when there's going to be places where you're not growing together?

Andrea Crisp 12:51
Yeah. Now, you know, when a couple stays together, or one of them is having tremendous success, because I've seen both. So I want to address both sides, where an entrepreneur all of a sudden has this like accelerated success and is making a ton of more money, maybe then the partner, or the the partner is in a business, and they are having a hard time. And the partner now is like, "Okay, well, I need you to get a job." So like, those are two different sides of the coin. But could you address both of those, because I feel like, there will be people who find themselves like all of a sudden, they feel like my partner really, really wants me to get a job, and I am having resistance to like going back to a nine to five. And then on the other side, they're making a ton of money. Yeah, and now they're like having to explain like to their partner who maybe is making less now. So what do you say to that?

Amber Dalsin 13:51
Well, I think anytime we make a change in our relationship, we're always going to have to be adjusting and re navigating the roles that we're in and the experiences we're having. So I think I guess I'll start with if you're making less money, and you feel the pressure by your partner to get a job. I think this is going to look different for every single relationship. And remember, no one is in your relationship. But you and I think this again, comes back to some really difficult conversations that might not always be the most pleasant to have. But instead of thinking, "Okay, they want me to get a job," I think it's important to sit down and to talk about what are the core needs here. So is the core need to be financially secure, to pay your bills, tend to know that we're headed toward a shared vision, to save for retirement. And then once you understand the core goals you both have, there can be more flexible ways that you think about meeting those needs. So maybe your partner can say look, I can financially be in this position with you where you're not bringing in money, I can handle that for three months, or I can handle that for six months. I can handle that for one year. So you can talk about timelines or time durations of not getting a job. You can talk about, you know, minimum amounts of cash flow to be bringing in so you don't have that pressure. You could be talking about is there a part time job where you could do half and half or another thing that you could wants to have some money coming in.

So I think it's not always a conversation that is so cut and dry like you need to get a job or you don't need to get a job, although your partner might say that, figure out what the core need is, is the core need security? Is the core need contribution? Is the core need saving for retirement is their core need? Is it the lasting financial legacy? Once you figure out that core need is for you both, you can compromise on how is that done? Certainly doesn't mean you're going to just always have these free flowing easy conversations or compromises smooth. Probably not because you're probably both going to be triggered. But you might need to keep coming back to what temporary compromises are, what things can you agree on for now, and maybe follow up and revisit in a week or a month or in six months, so that you keep working towards what you need. And your partner, here's the thing, your partner might want you to get another job, that might be their preference.

Andrea Crisp 15:52

Amber Dalsin 15:53
But if they're willing to tolerate the distress of perhaps that entrepreneur not making the income, and their preference would be to get you to get a job, but maybe you just, the person who is the entrepreneur, would just need to tolerate the distress of their partner not liking where they're at. And together, your joint agreement can also be we agree to not like it, or move forward until it feels better and revisit that in a number of months. So sometimes agreement and solutions doesn't mean liking. Sometimes it means accepting the problems and the pressures that you have, which isn't always the most desirable outcome. But John Gottman, and their research are the Gottmans and the Gottmans is doing their research have found that 69% of relationship problems aren't solvable, that means that only 31% of relationship problems can be solved. And so sometimes the antidote is accepting that your partner doesn't like where you're at, and you don't like where they're at. And you move forward. Anyway.

Andrea Crisp 16:49
Wow, I didn't realize that. That's that is, okay. Now, okay, so for the person, we've been talking a lot about people who are in partnerships and relationships, but for the people who are maybe not, I would love for your thoughts, because they're going to set themselves up, in a way, in a relationship where they have a clean slate, how can they set themselves up for success? By really communicating well, with a new partnership? And how, how do they actually, like I mean, I, you know, this is purely selfish on my part, I'm single. So tell me what I'm going to need to do to set myself up for success in my next relationship.

Amber Dalsin 17:33
Great, great thoughts. So I think one of the first things you need to be considering when we're dating is choosing a partner that matches the emotional availability that you need. So right from the outset, we're getting clues from certain people, if they're willing to talk to you, if they're willing to have some difficult conversations or not, or if they're throwing up flags that they don't want to talk, I think right away, because in early relationship, we are swept away with dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, pheromones, and we can fall hard and fast for no good reason other than, like our biology said so, our biology is incredibly powerful. And the initial stage of falling for someone, it can be like red flag, red flag, flashing red flag in your nervous system is like, what red flag, I don't see it. Just kidding. Like, I will flood you with more pheromones, you don't see any red flags.

So I think the first thing to be aware of is just how powerful our biology is. And recognizing that that is gonna, if you meet that person, and we've had this experience, you meet someone, and your biology just loves them, they might not be that great in any other way, but your biology is like lit right up. You're literally going out for like a Christmas tree and you can't calm that down. You can't unplug it, no matter what you try to do. So it's just to recognize that that is a biological thing. And it does not always mean that partner is great for you. In some cases, we lean up even more to the people that aren't great matches for us because it actually sparked some anxiety in us. And then when they show up in the way that we want intermittently, then we get reward and we get relief. And so we get even more sparks sometimes for people that are poor matches for us. That being said, we can also get sparks. Yeah, so we get sparks for people that are great matches, and we can get sparks and sometimes way more sparks from people that are awful matches for us. So we don't want to just buy into it feels good, therefore, it's right. We need to have the hat of like, of course, we want it to feel good. We want it to be a little bit of magic. That's part of the fun of dating and falling for someone. But we also have to balance that with a bit of the logical hat or the hat that is maybe you know, the check marks of what we want. Now it's not all checkmarks because when you find that right person for you, they're going to check boxes you never even knew you had and they're not going to check boxes that you thought were important to you and you're going to choose that person or not.

But you want to get really clear on what are the values what are the goals that are absolute deal breakers for you. So for me in my personal life, I know that I'm I mean, I talk for a living, I know that I need someone that can have an emotional conversation with me, at least sometimes. Now, my partner, we're not having emotional conversations every day, not even every week. But when I need to keep tanned, we have incredibly different preferences for how deep or emotional conversations about relationships we want to have. But he'll have an incredibly deep conversation with you about sports or politics. Now, I think there's a lot of people in this world that wouldn't say those are deep conversations or superficial, but for him, they're incredibly deep and meaningful. So we have to make sure we're aware of what our expectations are. So we need to know our expectations about emotional availability, first and foremost, because you cannot make someone love you, or care for you, or give you Words of kindness or touch that isn't prepared to do so. If they're not going to do it, they are not going to do it. And like, Yeah, sometimes it can be learned, or sometimes they will change. But more often than not, if someone has a pattern of behavior over time that says they are not available, probably not going to be.

So the first thing is that be aware of what you need in terms of emotional availability. Then you want to consider how do they speak to you ultimately, because the some of the biggest predictors of relationship breakdown aren't the problems you actually have. They are how you talk about the problems that you have. So some predictors of relationship breakdown or what you call harsh startup. So that's what it sounds like. It's starting a conversation with harsh words, clipped marks, criticism, or contempt.

Andrea Crisp 21:32

Amber Dalsin 21:33
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. So the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are so bad for relationships, the goblins have turned them the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. So these are overlapping categories. So like I already said, harsh startup has criticism and contempt. Those are two of your four horsemen. Another one is defensiveness, or stonewalling. And let's be clear, even the best relationships do those sometimes. So if someone does those, sometimes, it's not like, Whoa, red flag!

Andrea Crisp 21:57
Right? That not run for the hills? But?

Amber Dalsin 22:00
Yeah, but if that's a dominant pattern of behavior over time, probably not great. So those are the top two predictors of divorce, harsh startup and the four horsemen and I could go on and on and on with those. So you just want to be aware of "Are these the dominant patterns?" Because if they are, that's probably not great. And then just recognizing every partner comes with a set of problems. Everyone does. Yeah, and choosing a partner is choosing the problem that you want, and choosing the qualities that you want. So I think it's really important to be discerning when you go in like, okay, yes, that's a flag. Is that a flag I can handle? Or is that a flag that's going to be an incredible deal breaker? So I'd be going in with a bit of like, what do I really want what's really important? Knowing what I'm flexible with knowing like, there's absolutely no way I'm going to tolerate that, and then kind of going along with it. And I think when it comes to the long term, like is this person a great long term mate.

So give yourself a little time if you're noticing those love hormones beginning to fade, as they eventually do. Is the relationship still filled up with good positive feelings, even when kind of all those chemical signals in your body were off? Because what we know in the relationship research is in day to day interactions, you need a ratio of 20 positive things for every one negative thing to have a neutral balance. And in conflict conversations, you need five positives for everyone negative to have the complex conversation generally steer in a positive way. So as those love drugs fade out of our nervous systems, is there still positive things happening in relationship? As you know, there's still phases across the room? Are they still using nurturing touch? Do they still call? Do you still have conversations? Are they still emotionally available in some ways? Are they still doing these things that fosters the loving feelings? Or are they the kind of person that when the love drums go away, they're like, no, they have the mentality that love should be easy, or it should always feel genuine, like love could be easy, and it could be genuine, if you're creating the rituals and the habits, that puts those things in place are they're second nature.

So those are some of the things I really look at, does the good feelings persist? After you know our our neurobiology is in firing as strongly, so those are some of my initial thoughts when you're headed into a relationship when you're dating and you're thinking okay, is this person a great match for me, and I think, yeah, just early on, pay attention to the flags if you can, and it doesn't mean you have to end a relationship then in there. But if your friends are bringing things up, if they're like, Oh, you know, I noticed your partner like drinks the lot like more, be careful that you're not like, "Oh, yeah, I only drink a lot but it like makes them really fun and like they're they're just really great with their friends," and like notice what your friends are saying. Because sometimes when we're filled up with the love drugs at the beginning of relationship, anything, any concerns anyone brings up we can have a rationalization or an excuse for because, like we're lit up like a Christmas tree inside. So just noticing what people say. Analyzing it also recognizing in the early stage of relationship, like we're not the greatest Judge of things because we're so flooded with our own pleasure hormone. So it's just an ongoing evaluation.

Andrea Crisp 25:25
This is like been like, gold. Really, I mean, we've covered pretty much everything we can cover, as far as like in relationship or when we want to be in start being in a relationship and kind of how to navigate those conversations. Where can people find you if they want to connect with you? And maybe even there have questions that they have specifically related to some of these things?

Amber Dalsin 25:51
Yeah, absolutely. So two places to find me if they're listening to this on the podcast, you can head over to my podcast, which is Relationships Psych the podcast. Alternatively, you can find me on Instagram, I spent a lot of time there, which is @emberrelationshippsychology, EMB, E, R, relationship psychology, so you can find me there. And if you're in the province of Ontario, and you want therapy, you can go www.emberrelationshippsychology.com, and figure out how you can book yourself in for a session. So that's how you can find me, and I love seeing people on Instagram. That's the best place if you have a question. It's a comment or you can put it in the comments or send me a DM I can't give direct advice on there. But you'll see it show up in different ways, or I can answer your question vaguely. So, you know, that's the best way to find me if you have some more questions.

Andrea Crisp 26:35
That's amazing. Thank you so much for hanging out with me on Instagram, and also on the Couragecast. And I can't wait for this to go live elsewhere, as well. But for those of you who joined in today, or watching the replay, thanks for tuning in, make sure you connect with Amber as well here on Instagram and have a great weekend.

Amber Dalsin 26:57
Yeah, you too. Thank you so much for having me on. It was an absolutely delight to speak with you this Friday.

Andrea Crisp 27:03
Wow, wow, wow. Honestly, I love that conversation. You know, I am a single woman, talk about this all the time. And, you know, when I think about being in a relationship, there have been a lot of barriers and obstacles that I've personally had to really think about in my own life, that have perhaps kept me from really getting into a relationship. And talking to Amber was really eye opening for me, because it made me realize what it is that I truly do desire in a relationship. And maybe you're in that place in your own life. And you can be navigating this single, as a couple, you know, or even struggling to figure this out. Maybe you're in a long term relationship, that you've recently become an entrepreneur, and trying to figure out how does this work. And the one big takeaway that I really, really I'm coming away with is really, that it's all about communication. And it's all about being honest about where you're at, what you need, and how you can be supported or feel supported by your partner, when it comes to choosing a partner, when it comes to being with your current partner, or even really explaining to someone you really love about what you need moving forward so that you can truly follow your dreams. And that's what it's all about, right? I think we can have it all. I do really believe that, I do believe that it is possible for us to have amazing partnerships, and amazing businesses all at the same time. So I want to say thank you to Amber, for coming on. She's a wealth of knowledge. Make sure you do follow her over on Instagram, she's got amazing reels, tons of content that she pushes out every single week. And if you're in Ontario, and you're looking for a couples therapist, she's your girl. So thanks, Amber for being on the show. And I'm so glad that we got to spend this time together friends. Also make sure to connect with me, over on Instagram. You can find the podcast at @the.couragecast. And you can find my coaching account at @andreacrispcoach. Until next time, remember, you have everything you need to live bravely.

Kate 29:35
If you like this episode of The Couragecast, we'd love to hear from you. Leave us a rating and review and while you're there, hit subscribe so you never miss an episode. Original music and production by Stephen Crilly.


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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?

126 | Get Your Mind Right


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We have strategies to avoid feelings, we can think our feelings, but we are not good at feeling our feelings, so the moment we have a feeling we’re going here in our minds - how do I get rid of it, what did I do, how can I fix it, how can I make it better.
— Anjuli Paschall

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A crucial aspect of creating success in anything you do is having your mind right. The truth is that your thoughts determine your life and your legacy. So whether you are starting over or you are wanting to take your dream to the next level it’s important to attack your fears instead of running away from there. Today on the podcast, I’m chatting with internationally recognized coach Todd Durkin. 

Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS, is an internationally recognized strength, speed and conditioning coach, personal trainer, bodyworker, motivational speaker, and author who motivates, educates, and inspires people worldwide. He is the founder of Fitness Quest 10 in San Diego, CA, a world-class facility that provides personal training, strength and conditioning, therapeutic massage and bodywork, Pilates, yoga, nutrition, chiropractic, and physical therapy programs.

Todd works with a high-profile clientele of elite professional athletes. This includes NFL MVPs, Super Bowl Champions and MVPs, Heisman Trophy Winner, Olympic and X-Game Gold Medalists, and many other champion athletes. He is a 2 Time Personal Trainer of the Year (IDEA & ACE) and has received numerous industry accolades. Greatist has named Todd one of the Top 100 Most Influential People in Health & Fitness for the past four years.



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Are you ready to take the next brave step in your life? Book your FREE 30-minute Strategy Session.

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Clutter is a physical manifestation of what is blocked in your life or what is not working in your life.
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Are you ready to shake things up a bit? We're in unprecedented times. Self-isolation, COVID-19 are all things we’re quite familiar with. That and the fact that most of us have been stuck inside for weeks if not months. Being that you’re inside, you may be seeing all of the ’stuff’ that has stood in your way of moving forward in life — whether that be the clutter in your office or basement or the emotional distress that you’re feeling. 

If you’re ready to eliminate the overwhelm and declutter the stuff in your life then this is the podcast you’ve been waiting for. 

Kim Sneath, Clutter Coach helps busy women eliminate overwhelm and get organized so they can find peace and take control of their life, both inside and out. Since 2007, Kim has been inspiring her clients to greater freedom in their homes and with their families, careers, and lifestyles. She offers Virtual Clutter Sessions as well as her signature online course, Space For Grace; the 5 Step Method to Clear Your Clutter for Good! 


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I was missing comfort and pieces of home and things that made me feel safe...so I took it on my own to start my own clothing brand.
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Many entrepreneurs are facing uncertainty and challenges in their business right now. With everyone competing for a place in the market right now the temptation is stronger than ever to compare our success with that of someone else. The problem with comparison is that it keeps us playing small.

In this episode, I’m talking with Allie Duff founder of Pure Balanxed about her journey as a start up and what she is doing to navigate these uncertain times.

Allie Duff is the founder and owner of Pure Balanxed, a clothing brand designed to help women step into the right to live in absolute confidence. Allie prides herself own sharing her journey with her mental health. It all started in childhood, but it was after ending her career as a division one athlete that it became apparent she needed to seriously address her health. Now her mission is to raise awareness, address the stigma, and provide a supportive community for those living with mental health and eating disorders. She shares her story to help others find the hope to continue with their own journey.


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108 | Why You Should Embrace Not Knowing In These Uncertain Times


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In the midst of uncertainty — we have to think outside of the box. Look at problem solving in a whole new way.
— Andrea Crisp

About Episode:

No one really wants to live in uncertainty. We crave safety and security, not living in the unknown. Considering our current climate with COVID-19 taking a toll on health care, the economy, relationships, and life, in general, the one thing that we can be certain of is that we need to embrace not knowing during these unsettling times. 

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107 | Accepting This Present Moment


We are in the space in which all of life happens and to hold on to any one moment or any one feeling or any one thought causes suffering but to try to learn how to be open to be the space to which all of life can be experienced is the goal, and how do we stay open.
— Brady Toops

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Learning to accept the present moment becomes the only antidote to pain and loss. Maybe you find yourself questioning your own faith, understanding of God, the divine. Perhaps you’ve left a community of believers, or perhaps you’ve never even been to a church in your life but you consider yourself a very spiritual person. I’d like to invite you into this conversation with Brady Toops as we explore spirituality and faith means to us on an individual level. 

In this episode, we talk about Brady’s addiction to success, how his deconstruction of faith altered the way he views the world and spirituality. We talk about why we resist letting go, and why pain is inevitable. 

"The pain of deconstruction, the drying up of monetary means forces us into a new place, that is life helping us grow, evolve and change. God is too kind to let us stay in the small place that we were in.” Brady Toops. 

Brady Toops is a singer-songwriter based out of Nashville, TN. Brady’s distinct and soulful sound garnered national acclaim. He appeared on Season 11 of ABC’s hit reality TV show, ’The Bachelorette’. Brady is the host of The Unravel, a podcast designed to both challenge and help you live more inspired. The Unravel explores spirituality and examines the deep questions of life. 


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