
EP 312 | Clearing The Energetic Clutter


Sometimes life circumstances shift you into a place where you need to release the clutter around you.
— Kim Sneath

Do you feel dragged down energetically and tired of navigating all of the stuff in your home?

Even though you spend so much time, money, and energy on all of your precious belongings it can also feel like a burden having them around and cluttering up your environment.

Your home (and home office) should feel like a sanctuary, a place where you feel relaxed and at ease. But most of the time we are trying to escape all of the stuff that is causing an energetic drain.

In this episode, I’m chatting with Clutter Coach Kim Sneath about how we can clear the energetic clutter from our home so that it can truly become a place of ease.

Connect with Kim: @sneathkim +

Connect with Andrea: @andreacrispcoach + @the.couragecast

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Audio Production and Original Music by Stephen Crilly.


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110 | Free Yourself From Clutter


Kim Sneath.png
Clutter is a physical manifestation of what is blocked in your life or what is not working in your life.
— Kim Sneath

About Episode

Are you ready to shake things up a bit? We're in unprecedented times. Self-isolation, COVID-19 are all things we’re quite familiar with. That and the fact that most of us have been stuck inside for weeks if not months. Being that you’re inside, you may be seeing all of the ’stuff’ that has stood in your way of moving forward in life — whether that be the clutter in your office or basement or the emotional distress that you’re feeling. 

If you’re ready to eliminate the overwhelm and declutter the stuff in your life then this is the podcast you’ve been waiting for. 

Kim Sneath, Clutter Coach helps busy women eliminate overwhelm and get organized so they can find peace and take control of their life, both inside and out. Since 2007, Kim has been inspiring her clients to greater freedom in their homes and with their families, careers, and lifestyles. She offers Virtual Clutter Sessions as well as her signature online course, Space For Grace; the 5 Step Method to Clear Your Clutter for Good! 


Connect With Kim

Instagram + Website + Facebook


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