“It’s far too easy to become stagnant and complacent when it comes to our growth. And we’ll never be able to manifest our truest desires when we don’t allow for growth. ”
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Are you ready to move to the next level in your life and business? You will always be faced with the exact challenge you need to create next-level expansion in your life and it is up to you to decide whether you will rise to meet the challenge or shrink back in fear. Today on the podcast I'm sharing the exact steps I take to move to the next level in my life.
90-Day Container Quantum Leap in Q4
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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?
Are you ready to move to the next level of your life and business, you will always be faced with the exact challenge you need to create next level expansion in your life. And it's up to you to decide whether or not you will rise to meet the challenge or shrink back in fear. Today on the podcast, I'm sharing the exact steps I take to move forward to the next level in my life. Hey, friend, are you ready to take courageous steps to create a life and business you love?
Welcome to the Courage Cast. I'm Andrea Crisp, mindset coach, author and a multi passionate entrepreneur. For years, I was afraid to allow myself to shine that was until I discovered that I could step into my own power, shift my mindset and take ownership of my own destiny. Now I coach women across the globe who are ready to own their life and make a massive impact. Each week I'll share conversations with amazing humans who've been willing to face their fear and pursue their purpose. I'll provide a blend of practical and spiritual advice to help you take brave steps in your own life and business.
Hello, friends, welcome to the Courage Cast. I'm so glad that you are joining me today. Honestly, this podcast today is totally going to inspire you to take your business and your life to the next level. So get a pen and paper ready because we're going deep.
I have absolutely been loving doing this 90 Day quantum leap with you taking the last quarter 2022 and being super intentional about moving forward and finishing the year strong. But in case you haven't already join me, this is literally a container that will encourage you inspire and motivate you to finish strong on your terms. I'm sending out a weekly email on Sundays. And it really is that simple. Oftentimes, we're looking for a whole lot more to encourage and motivate us. But sometimes it's just knowing that there are other people doing the same thing that allow for you to move forward and to actually crush your goals to expand in every single way. And so the reason why this kind of came up for me specifically was I was looking back at the entire year 2022. And at the beginning of every year, I pick a word. And that word for me is what I want the year to encapsulate and how I want to focus and so when I chose my word for 2022, it was expansion, you know, to say that this year has been expansive is an understatement because it has been expansive every single way in my life.
So whether it be personal growth, knowledge, my beliefs, my finances, you name it, I'm I'm expanding. And it's been sometimes a little bit challenging and uncomfortable. But it has been awesome. And I've even expanded when it comes to surrounding myself with people who are also doing work, which was one of the things I was most intentional about. But when September hit, I got sick. And if you have listened to the podcast, any previous episodes, you'll remember me telling you that I got COVID at the beginning of September, and literally like everything that I had planned for September just basically went out the window. And it was that that point that I kind of took, you know, a step back and said, you know, in order for me to actually finish strong, I really need to be intentional about the last 90 days and almost take everything I've learned in the first three quarters of the year and accelerate a quantum leap the success. So that is exactly what I want to talk to you about today, the steps that you're going to have to take in your personal life, in your business life in order for you to get to the next level. And it's going to come out of my own playbook, I'm going to share with you what I've done in my own life to allow for expansion. And hopefully this will help you to create steps in your own life. So you can move to the next level.
And if you're listening to this, and you're like oh my gosh, Andrea, I do not need any more expansion, then it's entirely likely you are the exact person who does need it and who needs to listen to this. Because it's really too easy to become stagnant and complacent with our growth and be like yeah, I've grown enough. I've gotten enough knowledge. You know, I'm done. I'm good. But in order to really truly manifest your desires, you have to allow for more growth and more expansion. And some of the most influential people in my life mentors that I both know and I kind of follow from Far, they're always in a place where they are allowing for expansion in their lives. Because they see how important it is for the health of their personal lives or business, their vision. And in order for them to keep moving forward, they have to constantly be expanding. So it's not like you just do you have expansion, and then you stop. Like, that's not how this works. You continually expand to upgrade and get to the next level. And that's how people keep moving forward. And this was driven home by Lindsey Schwartz, cuz she was in one of the masterminds I was in she was a guest speaker in sales and social with Gillian Murphy. And she said, The reason you're not where you want to be is because you're not ready for it. And I was literally stopped dead in my tracks. Because I so resonated with that statement. The reason you are not where you want to be, is because you are not ready for it. And I was like, Oh, my gosh, I'm not ready for it. What do I need to do to get ready for it? What is in my way? What stopping me? I'm like, Okay, I'm stopping me. So I want you to ask yourself a couple of questions. This is going to, you know, lay the groundwork here to see where you're at. Are you ready to go to the next level? Are you ready to upgrade? Are you ready for the expansion? So question number one is, do you have the capacity right now, to serve at a higher level? So think about where you're at? In your business right now think about where you're at when it comes to working with clients? What is your capacity? Currently? And do you have a capacity to serve at a higher level? So if you had clients come to you with different issues with higher level issues, if you had clients who required a bit more of you? Do you have what it takes? Have you done the expansive work in your own life to hold space for that?
When I'm working with clients, I see this all of the time, because, generally speaking, they're successful. And when they're coming to me, there are often areas of their life that they're telling me, you know, this is not exactly where I want it to be. And the moment we address a limiting belief in that particular area, or something that seems to be stopping them, all of the sudden, it translates into also into their business. And it opens up something because it's always connected to something else. For example, a relationship issue is generally speaking, not just about your relationships, a financial or a lack limitation, is generally speaking, not just about your finances,all of these things are inter woven together. And so when it's popping up in one area, it's generally going to be seen in multiple areas. And until you are at the point where you can say, I wonder what this limitation or this belief truly is about, and get to the bottom of it, it's going to cycle through almost every area of your life until it gets your attention. And until you do the work to expand and move through it. So when when you're thinking about having capacity to serve at a higher level, serving at a higher level is going to require you to be at the level to serve the other person, and to help them move forward. And I have seen this time and time and time again, I wonder often like why am I going through this? Like why is this coming up in my life? And within like, I don't know, a week, two weeks, three weeks, I'll have a client come through that had literally the same issue. And I'm like, Oh, now I understand.
This is why I had to expand in my own life and move through so that I could hold space for them and serve at a higher level. So the next question is, are you emotionally, physically and spiritually ready to hold space for what is coming? Now the reason why I said all three, emotionally, physically and spiritually, is because if you are weaker in one of the three areas, it's important to focus on one of those areas. Maybe you're like excelling it too. But the third one's like I don't No, I'm not really great at that. Make, for example, emotionally right now great, spiritually great physically, not so great. And for you, it may be completely different, maybe physically, you're doing really well, maybe spiritually, you're even doing really well. But emotionally, you're not doing well. So when you're thinking about, are you at a place in your life emotionally, where you are doing the work to be able to move emotions through where you're at, it's at a place in your own life, where you're feeling where you have the capacity to help other people, and not be just completely overwhelmed by it. Are you spiritually in a place where you are co creating with higher power with source with divine? Are you physically in a place where you are feeling in your body, like you can hold space for other people, for example, when I got sick back in September, it was a huge, huge motivator for me to say, Andrea, you're not in a physical space right now, to be able to move to the next level. And that has been kind of like a red flag for me. Like, okay, this is the exact thing you need to focus on.
And then third question is, when you're met with challenges, do you expand to meet them? Or do you shrink back? Now this is going to come up in your life at every turn, right, because you're always going to be met with a challenge or something that is going to be presented to you to move towards? For me, this comes in various forms, like it can come in making a decision in my life in my business. I can even be in times where I feel like, I have to move away from something that's really even good for me, because it's not serving me at the next level that I'm going to be at. And then I have to actually move through the challenge of letting it go and releasing that thing. And there's always going to be something that is coming up in your life that causes you to grow and to expand. So are you shrinking back? And be like, Oh, I don't know? Or are you rising to the challenge to meet them.
So here's the thing, here's how I personally, am allowing for expansion in my own life. And I have three steps that I think are going to be helpful for you to be able to take a look at where you're at, to see how can I really get to the next level in my own life. So step number one is really want to get clear on what that next level looks like. Okay, because it's like playing a video game, right? I'm not a video game player. So it's not like something that I know a whole lot about. But I do know people who play them when they're getting to like the next level. It's all about learning, like the pitfalls and all about learning, you know what they're going to need in order to be able to be successful in that next level of the game. And really, when you're getting clear on what you want your next level to look like you really want to know, okay, well, well, what is required of me in the next level? Am I going to be serving higher level clients? Am I going to be in a better leadership position? Am I going to be required to speak at more events? Am I going to be required to, you know, understand how to communicate my messaging more clearly? What is it going to be for you? In that next level? Do you need to have all of those things? Maybe it's growth in one area? Or maybe it's growth in multiple areas? So take a look at who is already there? Doing the same thing, doing the thing that you are wanting to be doing yourself? What is that level look like for them? What is required for them at that level?
So for example, like one of my mentors from afar, and you know, I feel fortunate to have been mentored by her personally within fast foundations is Laurie harder. And when I listen to her podcast, or I am watching what she's posting on social media, I'm taking a look at like, What is she doing? What are some of the challenges she's rising to meet? What are some of the levels that she's at, because if that's the level, I want to go to that I need to be aware of what that level looks like, what is going to be required of me so that I can be clear on how I need to get there. So take a look at who's already in that space, what they have done to get there. And if you have an opportunity to engage with them and ask questions, get in their space in their orbit, find out, ask questions about how they were able to move through certain things so that you can have an understanding of what it's going to be. What is going to be required of you to get to that next level. Step number two is ask yourself what your expansion requires. Okay? So, when we're thinking about expansion, I mentioned that there's, you know, many, many areas, and oftentimes they're, they're tied to each other. But does it look like therapy? Or does it look like more like subconscious reprogramming or moving emotions through your body?
Does it does it look like, you know, working with someone who is a naturopath or a healer of some modality to really move you physically, emotionally, spiritually through where you're at? Are you needing a coach or you need needing someone to help you be forward focused, and really take you to that next level, and help you vision forward? Now, we all know in a coaching industry, there are so many different types of coaches, right? So depends on where you're looking to grow, you might need that particular expertise. For me, when I wanted to communicate my message more clearly, I was looking for a storytelling coach, when I needed some healing from past spiritual wounds, it was through a therapist who focused that was her expertise. When it was someone who I wanted to help with mindset, I looked for a mindset coach. So it just really depends on where you're looking for that expansion within your life, and find out what it's going to take for you to actually get there. And what it's going to require of you. Seven, number three is invest in your expansion invest in your growth. So that's going to mean that you have to take that financial leap forward to invest time, money, resources, to really find someone who's going to help you move forward. Here's the thing about expansion.
There is a lot of work you can do on your own, when it comes to expansion. I am, you know, a huge proponent, if you know what you're doing, have someone who is, you know, doing the inner work, who and I'm highly motivated. So I do a lot of it myself. But I'm also surrounded by people who are also doing the work or who are ahead of me that I can ask questions, who I can be in their programs, who I can hire for one on one. So I'm always looking for people who are able to help me in my own growth, and I am consistently investing in it in every single way, time, resources and money. And here's something that you want to look for, make sure that they've done the work themselves. And they're not just, you know, someone who got a certification somewhere and then is now doing it. There are a lot of people coming through as coaches. And I'm not, I don't want to judge anyone when it comes to this. But if you really need, especially when it comes to mindset or subconscious reprogramming.
If you want to have a shift in your life and a transformation, you truly want to work with someone who has done that, who has had that transformation, who knows what it takes to do it, not just someone who knows about it, because there is a huge difference. And so the same applies for other expertise, especially as you're moving forward. And you're going to those next levels, it's so important that the person you're working with has done the work themselves. So make sure that you are setting aside time for that expansion, and growth.
So those are the exact steps that I personally take. When I'm moving to a new level in my life. And in my business, I get clear on what I want the level to be, what it looks like, who's there, finding out how I can be mentored or how I can get in their orbit to find out what's going to be required of me. Number two, I asked myself, What is this expansion going to require of me personally, and what do I need to do? Do I need to you know, do therapy coaching, what is it going to take for me to expand? And three, I find a way to invest in my growth in some way. Now I have to say over over the past few years, especially you know in this expansion journey for me. I have been so particular about being in the right programs, the right with the right coaches. so that I can expand. And when you are in a coaching relationship with somebody who there is like absolute synergy, you can create magic and something can happen for you so quickly.
So I just really encourage you to do your due diligence and really be mindful about choosing what it is that you need. Now, I mentioned at the beginning the top of the podcast today about this 90 Day container. And you can find the link in the show notes and you can sign up for the email that I'm sending out every week. But if you're really serious about this, if this is like not something you're just kind of like humming and hawing like maybe this would be good for me, maybe not, I don't know. But you're really, really serious about it.
I encourage you to hop on a discovery call with me. And let's talk about what it's going to take for you to actually go to the next level. I will be honest with you about what my personal assessment is for you. And if it seems like a good fit, and you want to work together, then we can explore those options. So go to my website, Andrew chris.ca, forward slash schedule, and you can book a time to chat and we can talk all about what it's going to take for you to move to the next level. Friend, I love that I'm with you.
Thanks for hanging out with me here on the courage cast today. Until next time, remember, you have everything you need to live briefly. If you liked this episode of The Courage Cast, we'd love to hear from you.
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