“ Every single one of us has intuitive capacity, we all have an inner knowing and an inner sense that guides us to what is the best direction for us to go, the best decision for us to make the best possible solution for an outcome.”
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Your intuition is one of the biggest gifts and capabilities that you have to navigate your life and business, and if you're not using it to its fullest potential you will not have access to all the gifts that God and the universe desire to give you. Today on the podcast I want to share with you ten reasons why it's important to grow your intuition.
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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?
Your intuition is one of the biggest gifts and capabilities that you have to navigate your life and business. And if you're not already using it to its fullest potential, you will not have access to all the gifts that God in the universe has desired to give to you.
Today on the podcast, I want to share with you 10 reasons why I believe it is so important to grow your intuition. Hey, friend, are you ready to take courageous steps to create a life and business you love?
Welcome to the courage cast. I'm Andrea Crisp, mindset coach, author and a multi passionate entrepreneur. For years, I was afraid to allow myself to shine that was until I discovered that I could step into my own power, shift my mindset and take ownership of my own destiny. Now I coach women across the globe who are ready to own their life and make a massive impact. Each week I'll share conversations with amazing humans who have been willing to face their fear and pursue their purpose. I'll provide a blend of practical and spiritual advice to help you take brave steps in your own life and business.
Hello, friend. Welcome to the Courage Cast. I'm glad that you're joining me today. We're talking about intuition. And I'm really excited about talking about this topic today. I feel very passionate about it. And it was so funny, because yesterday, I recorded the episode. And it's like 20 or so minutes long. But at the end, I just felt like something was off. My intuition kicked in. I was like, Nope, this is not what you're supposed to release. And this morning when I came down to rerecord it, I thought, well, maybe I'll listen through and pick, you know, pick some pieces out of it or whatever. But no, I deleted the whole thing. And I'm back, I have my notes, but I'm not even sure I'm going to use them.
So when it comes to intuition, how are you using your intuition? Or better question? Are you using your intuition? Every single one of us has intuitive capacity, we all have an inner knowing and an inner sense that guides us to what is the best direction for us to go, the best decision for us to make the best possible solution for an outcome. But so often, we defer our intuition, our inner knowing our God voice to the voice of someone else, to what is happening out in the world to what the mass is doing. And then we wonder why we're frustrated, why we're overwhelmed, why we feel burnt out. And why we feel as though we cannot make clear decisions on our own. There have been so many times in my life, when I had an intuitive hit about something. And then someone in my life and authority figure was actually telling me to do the exact opposite thing. And there were times that I listened. And I actually did what they were saying and didn't feel right at all. And there were times when I kind of went against that authoritative voice. And I did things myself, cause a little bit of conflict. But in the end, I felt as though that was the right thing for me. And if you're in the online space, you are likely being bombarded with so many voices, with coaches telling you to do certain things with mentors promising you that they're going to lead you in this direction or that direction. And you're gonna get this or you're gonna get that and how do we possibly make decisions when we are being bombarded with people's opinions, with voices with all sorts of things, right? So imagine what would happen if you just slowed down. And you really started to get in touch with what your intuition is telling you with what your god voice is speaking to you.
Not that long ago, I had to make a decision about whether or not I was going to continue in a mastermind that I'm a part of, and I wanted to share the story with you because I feel like it really shows how to activate your intuition. And this is a credible mastermind it is one that I highly highly endorse. And I absolutely love the community that's in it. I love the coach that runs it But when I signed up at the beginning, which was six months ago, I had an intuitive hit that it was only for six months. But it was such a phenomenal experience that I was thinking to myself, Well, this must be going for longer, I'm probably going to be led to continue in this mastermind longer than six months. And As the time approached, for me to make that decision, I still did not have a clear yes, that I was supposed to stay in, even though I wanted it to be a yes. I talked to different people in my life, different advisors. And they just really told me to listen to what my own intuition was telling me. I was like, Well, how was that helpful? You're not even helping me with this. But that is exactly what we're talking about today is really listening to that inner guidance, that inner voice that tells you when something is for you, or is not for you, even if it is amazing.
So what ended up happening was, it came about two weeks out from when I was supposed to make the decision. And I felt compelled one particular morning to text my coach and say, I would no longer be part of the mastermind at the at the end renewal date. And honestly, I was like, Oh, I just I don't really want to do this. I have so much FOMO. But I just knew that that was the right decision for me to make. And so I sent her the message. Of course, everything was fine. I felt sad about it. But at the end of the day, I was like, No, this is the right thing to do. And there are often times when we don't have a clear reason, or logic for the decisions we make. And that can feel like oh, well, that isn't the right thing that because there should be some sort of logic or reason behind this. But following your intuition is really stepping into the unknown. It's being in a place that doesn't feel comfortable all the time. Because what we're doing is we're tapping into something other than just our logic and reasoning behind life. And that will only get us so far, because we can make great decisions with doing pros and cons.
But there's often times that we really do need to trust and tap into that intuition and into that guidance. And you might think, well, I don't even know how to do that I don't even know how to tap into my intuition and guidance, well, I have a few things I do want to share with you today, that I think will be helpful for you, so that you can utilize your intuition to a higher degree. For me, it really, really looks like guarding my energy, because I am not only intuitive, I'm also empathic. And there is a difference between being intuitive and empathic. And when you are intuitive, you're listening to your own voice when you're empathic you can take on the energy of other people. And so for me, I've had to really, really like ascertain, Is this me? Or is it somebody else? Is this my voice? Or is it someone else's voice? Is this my emotion? Or is it someone else's emotion.
And so sometimes, for me when I'm making these decisions, I have to be very, very clear on what it is that I want on what it is that I desire. And really, really taking a step back and getting a loan, so that I am super clear on what my intuition is telling me or guiding me. And your intuition can come in so many different forms, it can come when you're in prayer or meditation, it can come when you're walking in nature, it can come when you're having a conversation with a peer. It can come when you're writing in your journal or even when you're reading a book, all of these intuitive downloads are often when something is happening, or when you've taken time to be alone and just listen. But it's really about recognizing what it is that is happening when you get your intuitive hit when you have that inner knowing.
For me, it is this sense that I know that I know that I know. Like you cannot tell me otherwise. And even if there's a ton of logic or reasons to back up the polar opposite of what I might be doing. It's just like Like, no, I just know. And that's that. And so here are some of the ways in which I have been working this out in my own life. So I have 1010 things that really are like my guidelines, my guiding posts for really staying in my own lane, and allowing myself to really listen to my intuition.
So number one is I have boundaries, and I create these boundaries around my energy. So even though I love being with people, and I'm definitely a people person, and I can be with someone for an extended period of time, I also know that it's wise for me to limit my time with people. And then if I want to extend it, I can do that. Because I can really ascertain at a certain point, when I'm with somebody whether or not I need to then get alone, or whether or not, I can stay with that person and be in their energy. And it honestly has nothing to do with other person. A lot of times, it's just about what I'm doing, and how I am receiving the energy at the time.
The second thing is really being in some sort of routine and having rituals, this can look different for every person. But I really truly believe that we can all have some sort of routine or ritual, even if it is really, really simple. And every morning, and every night, I have a morning routine and an evening routine. And those are both fluid. So I don't do exactly the same thing. And ever in the same order every day. Sometimes I switch things out, sometimes I move things around, I like to have a little bit of flexibility. And I like to have a little bit of change. So for me, the important part of it is creating that time and space for myself to prepare for the day, and unwind from the day. So what happens within that routine, and in with those rituals is really how do I feel that day? What do I need listening to my intuition? Do I need rest? Do I need to meditate? Do I need to move? What is it that I need to do and really being aware so that you're actually taking steps towards what it is that you personally need. So I could tell you what my routine is, but I don't know that would be super helpful for you.
The next one is naps. I am a pro Napper I love to take a nap every single day, I generally try and keep them pretty short because it is a reset. For me, it is a time where I can reset my battery, where I can literally recharge for the rest of the day. And that also gives me time alone.
The next one is movement. And movement can look like yoga, cardio dance, it can look like going kayaking, walking, it really doesn't matter as long as we're moving our bodies and we're allowing the energy to flow within us and through us. That is the major part of this. Because when we are in movement and in motion, we are allowing our intuition to be activated and to really share with us what we need. And oftentimes we think, Well, I just need to sit still and meditate. Well, there are times when we're gonna get intuition and download when we're sitting still and meditating. But quite often, you actually might get an intuitive hit when you're on the kayak, or when you're doing your favorite activity. So don't underestimate what your thing is like, if you're a runner and you love to run, you're probably going to activate your intuition on run.
The next one, which is my favorite is music. So there are times when I like to be very still and I like silence and I just listen. And I'll get an intuitive hit really, really quickly. There are other times though, when I will play music, whether it's me playing myself, or it is listening to a song. And I can have literally so much come through at that time. It's almost like it's just like a channel that's just been open and like receiving so much through that moment. Music for me that frequency when I'm attuned to that frequency is like so, so much comes through.
And of course there's journaling. So processing your thoughts through writing them out, reading them back. Oftentimes, there are people who like to draw and that creates an opening receptivity to intuition as well. So if like art is your thing journaling, writing, however it looks can be on a computer can be an actual journal can be on a writing pad, whatever it is for you allow that to come through through that way.
The next one, which I can honestly tell you is not one that I'm really great at, but it is eating, well, eating healthy eating for your body, really being aware of what your body needs in order to function optimally. When I'm at the highest vibe. I'm definitely eating well, when I feeling low energy, low vibe, it's probably because I've been eating too many things that are not great for my my particular body. And I know right away, I can start feeling used to I would not know right away, but now I can eat something and be like, Yep, I shouldn't eat that. And I'd like I shouldn't eat it. But it is, well, do I want to feel this way or do I want to feel better. So I've decided to be more intuitive when it comes to what my body wants to eat.
The next one is alone time, I need more alone time than I do with people. Now I live with my parents and six months of the year they are traveling and in Florida will actually probably more than six months. Because even when they're back in Canada half the time they're not here. So there's a lot of time when I'm alone. And then there's a lot of time of the year where I'm with them. And I love spending time with them. But even when they go out for the day, it's like something in me just feels this release, because it's my alone time and it is so nice. So that is often when I'm going to get intuition, my intuition is going to come through for me is when I have a long time, animals, they're very calming, met, whether it's like your cat, or your dog or your bird or pet snake or whatever it is not me for a pet snake, I'll stick with a dog, but I find them very calming, very helpful, I learned a lot of lessons from my dog, I'm not gonna lie, because she teaches me so much about myself. And she's a mirror for me, she mirrors back what it is that I need to see about myself.
And the last one is gratitude. When we are in gratitude for things, and we're really in a space of just being thankful and thoughtful about what is happening in our lives. So much more comes to us because we're in a space where we're actually raising the vibration. And we're raising the energy to really receive that intuition and that God voice speaking to us. So every single day, I want to encourage you to really carve out something in your life that allows that intuition to come a little clearer for you think of it almost like a radio, if you are tuned to the right signal, then you're gonna have the right radio station come through. But if you drive out of that signal range, then it's going to become a little fuzzier and it's going to be harder to hear. So it's really important that you're tuned into the right frequency.
And when you're applying any of those 10 things, I'm sure there's definitely more that you could do. or less, depending on on how you are wired, then I encourage you to find out what those specific things are for you, so that you can really listen to your intuition, be guided to make the right decisions, and really know for yourself exactly what is the next step for you to wrap up the story that I shared at the beginning of the podcast about this mastermind, that a man?
Well, I have two weeks left of the mastermind, and I still am not entirely sure why I'm supposed to be at the end of my time, other than I know that where I'm going is going to require something different. And so I really that's all I know, is just that and so I have to really be in a space to trust that I'm I'm being led in the right direction, and that I can trust myself implicitly and and trust my intuition that is guiding me that this is the right decision for me. And so it's not resolved yet I don't have an answer for you for why it is that I am supposed to be leaving this mastermind, but I really truly know that this is the right step for me and trusting myself along the way.
So I love To hear, what are some of the things that you do to increase your intuitive capacity in your own life? Or maybe where do you need to grow? I would love to know. So, screenshot this episode, write your takeaway and post it and make sure to tag me at Andrea crisp coach.
And I would love to hear what takeaway you have and how you are growing your intuition. Until next time, remember, you have everything you need to live bravely.
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