“For a long time in my own life, I felt as though I was not worthy, I was trying to build a business, I was trying to do all sorts of things based on my gifts, talents, and abilities because I knew that I was really good at those things but I didn’t feel worthy of them.”
About This Episode:
Do you ever wonder if you truly deserve success in your life and business? Today on the podcast we're going to talk about what to do when you don't feel like you're standing in your worth, and how you can change that so you can have a bigger impact in your life and business.
If you're ready to elevate your mindset book a FREE 30-minute Strategy Call with Andrea: www.andreacrisp.ca/schedule
Connect with Andrea on IG: @andreacrispcoach + @the.couragecast
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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?
Andrea Crisp 0:00
Do you ever wonder if you really deserve all of the success you desire in your life in business? Today on the podcast, we're going to talk about how to spot when you do not feel like you're standing in your worth, and how you can change that so you can have a bigger impact in your online business.
Kate 0:21
You're listening to The Couragecast a show to equip and empower you to live bravely. Each week, we'll share solo episodes and conversations with amazing people who have been willing to face their fear and pursue their purpose with a blend of practical and spiritual advice will help you take brave steps in your own life. Now, here's your host, mindset and competence coach, author, and your secret weapon.
Andrea Crisp 0:46
Hey, friend, welcome to The Couragecast. My name is Andrea Crisp, and I am your host. I'm also a mindset and confidence coach. And today we're gonna be talking about something super deep, we're talking about standing in your worth. And friend, this is something that I have struggled with myself, and I am on the other side of I'm very happy to say. But honestly, when you don't feel worthy of things in your life, you are constantly going to be standing in your own way.
It wasn't that long ago that I was part of a mastermind to fast foundations, which I absolutely loved. I was in two rounds of it. But during my second round, I was triggered a lot. There were so many high level coaches in there, that were making really good money. And they had these fancy Instagrams, and like, I would look at them and they were like, you know, super shiny driving these really nice cars. And oh my gosh, like if I could even describe I can't even describe to you like what it was that I saw. And every time I would get on these calls with these people, I'd be like, Oh my god, goodness, like I cannot compare to these people. And I'm never going to be as good as they are. And I was really downplaying my ability level, I was downplaying who I was what I had to offer the world, and really not thinking that I was worthy to be in the room to be quite honest with you. And if you found yourself in a position like that in your life, maybe you're in a networking group, or you're in some sort of coaching mastermind, and you find yourself in this position, comparing yourself to others, or judging what they're doing, because you're like, Well, I would never do that. And I would never post about that online. Or you find yourself consistently hesitating, when it comes to making decisions or putting yourself out there.
Or you're looking for approval, you're needing their attention in order to feel good about yourself. Or you are just thinking, You know what, I should probably post something that doesn't feel in complete alignment with the, because maybe then people will pay attention to me. If you're doing any of those things. Can I please just ask you right now to stop.
So many of us are not living out of our true worth, not only as coaches, but as humans. And I think before we do anything in the coaching space, it is so important that you know your worth. And you may say well, how do I know? Like, how do I know if I know my worth? Well, you be asking questions like this. Am I good enough?
Maybe you're comparing yourself against other people. You're like, am I as good as this person? Am I as good of a coach? Do I have a good system? Do I have a good program as a person? I don't feel like I'm enough. Or maybe you're growing and scaling but you're like, I don't deserve this or do I deserve this? Or maybe you're thinking to yourself, you know, I really love being in this program, but this other girl is triggering me all the time. And you're wondering, Is she better than me? Do all the clients want to go to her?
Or maybe you're finding yourself, like chasing other people wanting them to be your clients or in collaboration with you? Or you might be questioning all the time.
What did I do wrong? Did I do something wrong? If you're asking yourself any of those questions, then it is entirely likely that there is something that feels off in your life and you are not truly living into your worth
And when I talk to my clients about this, it is a really heavy subject. Because at the end of the day, we could have all the money in the world, all the clients in the world, all the success in the world. But if we don't feel worthy of that, if we don't feel like we actually truly deserve it, then it's not going to amount to anything.
And if I'm really honest with you, for a long time, in my own life, I felt as though I was not worthy. And I was trying to build a business, I was trying to do all sorts of things, based on my gifts and talents and abilities. Because I knew that I was really good at those things. But I didn't feel worthy of them, I didn't feel worthy to have success, or worthy to have love are worthy to have these amazing clients in my life. And so what I did was I just I try to source my worth, from external things, by peers, getting around people who I really respected and thought were really cool. And if I was in the same room with them, then maybe it would rub off on me and I would like learn how to be worthy. Well, you can't learn how to be worthy, you either feel worthy, or you don't feel worthy.
I spent a lot of money on getting more credentials, and you know, learning more things, getting more tools in my tool belt to help people. And gosh, I mean, I feel like I have so many tools, I sometimes don't even know what tools to use, because I have so many tools.
I joined masterminds, I joined coaching programs, I, I did all of these things to feel like I was worthy and to source my worth externally. And you know, it, even when I would hear people say stuff like, Oh, I love your hair, you know, like things like that your background and your Instagram posts, like, those things were like, Oh, I'm finally worthy. But at the end of the day, none of those things truly made me feel worthy. None of them.
I had an underlying belief that I was not worth being seen, being heard, being loved. And all of that stemmed back from things in my own childhood. Now, I know this is hard to hear sometimes, because oftentimes, it's like the thing we don't want to do, well, I don't really want to do the inner healing work, I just kind of want to make money, I just want to, you know, make an impact in the world, I don't really want to have to deal with my own transformation.
But honestly, friends, if you're going to really make an impact in the world, you have to deal with those things in your own life that are holding you back. And you might even be making a lot of money right now, and scaling your business, but you still do not feel worthy of that success.
And if you don't feel worthy of that success, or having those clients or living the life you're living, then it's time for you to actually do the work so that you can hold that space safely and in integrity for your clients. Because they deserve that. Because you want your clients to feel worthy of their success of what the transformation is that you're providing them.
And in order to really do that, you have to have the transformation. You have to do the work, the inner healing, the mindset work, the shifts that aren't sexy, don't feel glamorous, and to be quite honest, can be difficult at times.
And when I looked at my own life, I started to realize that a lot of this inner healing work that I needed to do was going to be the very catalyst that would propel me forward. And I have been working on my mindset for years, and I have been really leaning into my worth. I've done a lot of therapy, coaching, energy work. I mean, you name it, I've done it. And and to be honest, a lot of those modalities were super, super helpful. But at the end of the day, I had to champion myself. And I had to believe that I was worthy of everything that I desired in my life. And if you truly want to make an impact in the lives of your clients, to have success in your life and success in your business, then you are going to have to stand in your own worth as well. So maybe you're asking
So okay, well, like what do I need to do here? Like, what are the steps I need to take? Give me a list, let me do it. Okay. So I'm going to tell you a couple things that I think are going to help you. But you have to listen very carefully to how I'm going to instruct you to do this. Okay? So the first thing is get support, but get support from people who are doing the work, don't get support from people who are doing the same BS you're doing right now.
Okay, you have to get support, from like minded, honest, real people who are walking in integrity, have done the mindset work, or living out of their worth. Because if you find yourself around other people who are not, you are going to be staying in that low energy and low vibration. So it's really, really important that you get around people who do believe that they're worthy. And I found that to be so true for myself, if I was constantly having conversations with people who are in doubt and unbelief about their theirs themselves in their business. And this is not clients, but I'm talking about friends, or peers, then I felt like, oh, well, I don't feel worthy of that. So I needed to cut that out and cut those people out of that space in my life in order for me to truly be able to be around other people who are living in their worth. So you can join a mastermind of people who are really, truly investing in that in themselves. You can take a look online, you can join the mindset, mentor circle that I run. But most of all, I encourage you to do the inner healing work yourself. And it doesn't have to be long and involved doesn't have to take years of therapy. In fact, it can be one session that will truly transform your life and help you to step into your worth.
The whole reason you want to make an impact is because you know that you can help other people transform their lives. So you have to transform your own life. Okay? So just make it really simple.
Get the help that you need, the mindset shifts that you need, so that you can start making a bigger impact on other people, and truly be in integrity. Living out of your worth.
Unknown Speaker 12:41
Friend, I love you. I know this has been kind of like a straight shooting episode today. But I really felt like it was so important to share this with you because I don't want you to walk down a path that you feel as though you're trying everything in the world, but you just really, really don't feel worthy. And if that's you and you're like, Okay, Andrea, I do I want to take that step I want to you know, move through some of these limitations that I'm feeling. Let's jump on a call. We can work through it in one session. And you may, that just may be what you need is one session. If there's other things that we can do, and we want to build something around that then we can but just give yourself that gift of doing the inner healing work. You can find the link in the show notes and book a session with me and you will be amazed at the transformation that happens in your life. Friend, I love you. Thanks for hanging out with me today. Until next time, remember you have everything you need to live briefly.
Kate 13:38
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