“But if you use your voice, if you share your story, your message, that can change someone else’s life because you’re authentically showing up as that version of yourself. And that’s really all that matters.””
About This Episode:
Is there something that you are itching to get out into the world? This week on the podcast we're talking about taking those big steps to own your voice and your power by being confident in who you have been created to be.
In the third episode of the series Becoming Your Future Self, we are talking about how to own who you are by becoming more confident.
Connect with Andrea on IG: @andreacrispcoach @the.couragecast
Connect with Andrea via TEXT: Text the word COURAGE to 647-424-2429 CLICK HERE
To book a FREE 30 minute Strategy Call with Andrea: www.andreacrisp.ca/schedule
To enter the 200th Episode Giveaway, please send a screen shot you sharing the podcast, subscribing, rating and reviewing. Send the screenshot to Andrea at andreacrisp@me.com.
Connect with Niki Ferguson on IG: @wildly_worthy
Andrea Crisp 0:01
Is something that you're itching to get out into the world? This week on the podcast, we're talking about taking those big steps to own your voice and your power by being confident in who you've been created to be.
Andrea Crisp 0:15
Hey, friend, are you ready to take courageous steps to create a life and business you love. Welcome to The Couragecast. I am Andrea Crisp, mindset coach, author, and a multi-passionate entrepreneur. For years, I was afraid to allow myself to shine. That was until I discovered that I could step into my own power, shift my mindset, and take ownership of my own destiny. Now I coach women across the globe who are ready to own their life and make a massive impact. Each week, I'll share conversations with amazing humans who've been willing to face their fear and pursue their purpose. I'll provide a blend of practical and spiritual advice to help you take brave steps in your own life and business.
Andrea Crisp 0:54
Hello, my friend, my name is Andrea, I'm your host. And I love that you've joined me today. We are the third week into January, and I bet you're already slaying 2022. Like I'm just believing it right now. But I know that usually in the third week of January, it is the hardest weeks. So they say and you know, although I always wonder who they is anyways, but we've decided this year, we're making the rules, right? So like, we don't have to like play by that rule anymore, and decide that everything's gonna be hard. We can decide right now, it's gonna be easy. And I've got some pretty exciting news, because next month, we're going to be celebrating our 200th episode of the podcast. And as we are preparing to reach that crazy milestone, I can't even believe that we're going to be at the 200th episode. I love your help, as we get a little bit closer to celebrating this monumental milestone. And if you've been a longtime listener, would you consider sharing one of your favorite episodes, maybe even this one, maybe this one's going to be your new favorite. And when you share it on social, tag me, so that I can repost it, and also screenshot it and send it to me through email or DM, I'll have both of those links located in the show notes. And then you're gonna be entered into a giveaway for the 200th episode. And who doesn't love prizes? Because I mean, I love a good prize, right? So another way that you can enter is by subscribing, rating, reviewing the podcast and screenshot that as well. And then send it directly to me. Again, those links will be in the show notes.
Andrea Crisp 2:32
Now, this month, we've been going deep into a series that I believe really will shift your life, and your vibration, as you start showing up being expansive, being magnetic, and being confident. This week, we're going to talk about a word that gets thrown around a lot, and can be very misunderstood. And I believe that's confidence. So let me ask you, how confident are you feeling right now? You know, often we look on the outside to feel confident, put on a pair of jeans and wonder how we look in those jeans. And you know, is my hair a certain way, and how my appearing on social media, and you know, that's what we feel like how we feel confident, but we're not limited to that. You can have confidence, and yet not be activating it in your life or your business, because you're not authentically showing up as yourself. And people can tell when you are showing up as yourself, and you are confident about who you are. But what if you could be so completely confident to be yourself, share your voice, your message with the world. That would be something right? I would call that really being able to accelerate your confidence. Now, I'm always attracted to people like that, you know, I see them. They walk into a room. It's like, oh my gosh, they totally know who they are. They're easy to spot because I give a rat's patootie about what anybody else thinks, and what anyone else is doing or how they're doing it. And then there's everybody else, who's like, so caught up in approval being judged, comparing themselves to one another. And quite frankly, that's kind of exhausting.
Andrea Crisp 4:13
So, back in December, I decided I needed a little social media hiatus. And as an online coach and communicator, that's kind of a scary thing. Because thinking about being offline for any length of time is always, "Oh my gosh, like what's gonna happen?" But I knew that it was more important that I took the time to hear my own voice and stop listening to the voices around me. So I made the decision to step away from all my social media platforms. Have you ever done anything like that? Yeah, like so it's both amazing and scary at the same time. But here's the thing, in order to know what it is you want to say, sometimes you have to get quiet enough to hear your own voice to go within and to get real about the transformation that has happened in your life, and step into your power and share that message.
Andrea Crisp 5:08
Because here's the thing, you've got a story to share, you've got a message to share with the world. But what might be holding you back is the fact that you don't feel like you can share it authentically, yourself. So being confident is not about how you look or how you walk into a room. In fact, you can walk into a room with like, what appears to be confidence, when it's really just arrogance. Being confident is standing in the truth of who you are, no matter what, no matter if you feel or don't feel the support of your family, no matter how certain you are of being received when you share your truth. No matter how popular or unpopular you become. At the end of the day, you're probably not going to have the full support of the people you truly care about your life. Maybe even the people that are closest to you. And you might not be that well liked or even that popular. I know I'm really painting picture well, am I not? Okay, but if you use your voice, if you share your story, your message that can change someone else's life because you're authentically showing up as that version of yourself. And that's really all that matters. And we're going to take a quick break and you're going to hear from my friend and money mindset coach, Niki Ferguson, all about being confident when it comes to your finances.
Niki Ferguson 6:35
Hello, it's Niki, your money and mindset coach back with another Money Minute. Today we're going to talk about money confidence, having confidence with our money can give us so much peace. How do we get there? When you think about being confident, what does that bring to mind for you? A quote I once heard said that "Confidence lies in keeping your promises to yourself." So you say you're going to do something, and you follow through to actually do it. With your money that can look like setting a financial goal, and taking the steps required to reach it. So let's say you want to max out your retirement, you would need to know what that number is, break it down to how much you can contribute each month to reach your max contribution level. On the other hand, maybe your financial goal is to get your debt below a certain amount, or to pay it off. If you want to feel confident that you're doing it, you can make an intentional plan with payment amounts set. Now, this doesn't mean that you lose all flexibility in your life, it actually gives you a feeling of freedom and peace, that you are taking inspired action on what you desire. What financial goal would make you feel competent with your money?
Andrea Crisp 7:47
Thanks, Niki for sharing with us. I'm going to put all of Niki's information, social and all that in the show notes so that you can make sure to connect with her. A competence is something that you can activate in every area of your life, your finances, your relationships, your business, and that confidence and ownership, and personal power will propel you to where you want to go in every area. Doesn't really matter which one. So imagine that this is the year that you finally take that step, to be the most confident version of yourself. Here are a couple of questions that you can ask yourself: Who will you impact? How will you impact them? Like what are your gifts and abilities that are just unique to you? And how will you feel when you're making a difference in the lives of others? Here's the thing, friend, confidence is something that has a ripple effect. Because when you're confident about who you are, that gives other people permission to be confident about who they are. And stepping more fully into who you are will help your clients it will help who you serve, your customers. And it's going to give you more of what you need to be successful in your life.
Andrea Crisp 9:19
And I just want to share a quick story with you before we wrap today. Not that long ago, I was talking to a good friend of mine and we were talking about standing up for really owning your worth and confidence when it comes to your income. And so often women hesitate to speak their truth to show up as the most authentic version of themselves. Because they feel like it's tied to dollar amount. And that dollar amount feels like it's their worth. And when I was talking to my friend, and I was you know saying to her, you know, you can start to own who you are and show up as who you are. And she's like, "Yeah, but what if they don't want me? And what if they're not willing to pay me?" Well, here's the thing, friend, your confidence cannot be based on how much you paid. When you decide who you are, and how you're going to start showing up, then you are starting to attract and invite what it is you truly desire, opportunities that will actually increase your income. Nobody is in charge of that, but you. But it means you have to step more fully into your power and be confident in that area of your life.
Andrea Crisp 10:42
Okay, so next week, as we wrap up this series of the podcast by talking about being courageous, we're going to talk about taking those big risks, stepping out, doing all the hard things. But you don't have to wait to live courageously I mean, I want you to go out there and do today, do what you need to do. But if you're still unsure of how that is going to work for you specifically, or how you can activate the confidence in your life to be more fully in your power. I love to chat with you, we can book a 30 minute free call. And we'll talk about how you can start activating that confidence. And the link is going to be in the show notes. And if you head over to andreacrisp.ca/schedule, you can book your time. Now don't forget about the giveaway that's happening next month. Make sure that you share an episode, rate, review, and subscribe to the podcast and screenshot and send it to me. And you're gonna be entered into the giveaway that will be happening on the day of the 200th episode. Friend, I am sending you so so so much love for your journey. Until next time, remember, you have everything you need to live bravely.
Andrea Crisp 11:59
If you like this episode of The Couragecast, we'd love to hear from you. Leave us a rating and review and while you're there, hit subscribe so you never miss an episode. Original Music by Stephen Crilley. Production by Claudia Henock.
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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?