“ I think sometimes we’re overthinking everything, making it way too complex and way too difficult for people to actually get into our world”
About This Episode:
Have you ever felt the frustration of trying to be in your business? It could be that you are out of alignment when it comes to your human design.
Today on the podcast I am chatting with Emilee Tucker a Transformation Coach and Human Design Expert about how we can start showing up energetically with our human design in life and in business.
Emilee Rose is a Transformational Coach and Spiritual Guide. Her mission is to guide people through life-changing transformations, awaken their souls, support their becoming of their most authentic, aligned self, and empower them to embody who they are truly designed to be in this lifetime.
Connect with Emille on IG: @emileeroseco
If you're ready to elevate your mindset book a FREE 20-minute Strategy Call with Andrea: www.andreacrisp.ca/schedule
Connect with Andrea on IG: @andreacrispcoach + @the.couragecast
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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?
Have you ever felt the frustration of trying too hard when it comes to being in your business, it could be that you're out of alignment when it comes to your human design. Now, human design is something that I have more recently started learning about. And so today on the podcast, I am chatting with Emily Tucker, a transformation coach and human design expert, how we can start showing up energetically when it comes to our human design, in life and in business.
You're listening to The Couragecast a show to equip and empower you to live bravely. Each week, we'll share solo episodes and conversations with amazing people who have been willing to face their fear and pursue their purpose with a blend of practical and spiritual advice will help you take brave steps in your own life. Now, here's your host, mindset and competence coach, author, and your secret weapon.
Hey there, welcome to the courage cast. My name is Andrea Crisp, and I am your host, and I am so excited to share this week's episode with you, which is coincidentally, episode number 222. And today, we're talking all things Human Design. Back a few months ago, I had Rachel Weaver on the show. And she was also someone who does human design, she does it from a perspective of a copywriter. And Emily is a transformation coach. And she's going to be sharing how we can show up more energetically in our life in our business. So if you've ever felt frustrated, feeling like you're swimming upstream, when it comes to doing things in your business, then you want to listen up, because I know that she's gonna have some things that are really going to help you.
So I am so excited to share this episode with you with Emilee Tucker. Emilee, thank you so much for hanging out with me this morning. appreciate a good reading. Yes, thank you for having me. I'm excited to be here. Yeah, we'redoing double duty. Today we're doing both a recording for the podcast, which I'm super excited about. But we're also going live into the mindset mentor circle, which is my private Facebook group. And so I wanted to bring you into this space, because I just think that you're doing amazing things. And I think it'd be a great place for the people in the mindset mentor circle to really get an opportunity to get to know you. So welcome.
Thank you, I'm excited to be here to share my wisdom and to connect with your community.
Awesome. So you know, one of the things that I always ask people at the very beginning is I just say, tell us a little bit about yourself, and also who you serve. And just it's open to, to whatever you want to say, however you want to describe yourself.
Alright, so I see myself as a transformation coach, I use spirituality and leadership as part of my pillars. I come from a background in corporate health, health care, and really has have dug into personal leadership, I have earned my Master's in organizational organizational effectiveness, effectiveness and leadership. It's a very long title, right. And with that background and my spiritual journey, I've been able to blend this concept of that we're spiritual beings having a human experience. And that's the take that I take on my clients is we are this being that encompasses both those spheres. And I use primarily what is called Human Design. And we'll dig into that and what that means. And what brought me to it is I was constantly looking to fix and to understand myself and to learn more, and what can I do to become better and I was on this journey and human is out. Like I said, Human Design designed found me where it had this underlying piece that any other assessment personality tool, what have you, and it brought it back to the soul. And it's this awareness tool that I find that's unlike anything else. And it's one of those tools that you can have in your toolbox. And in that saying one is better than the other, right? They can all be complimentary. And so it's just this insight of who are you designed to be energetically so I serve professionals that are spiritually curious. They want to understand themselves they want to and they desire to have transformation and not just information that they go great. What do I do with this now so we can actually implement parts of who you are to this becoming?
I love that I was mentioning to you in a phone call that we had probably several weeks ago that I have just started to you know, do research around human design and my human design and, and how enlightening has really been for me like I've just really He started to see how open or closed I can be depending upon the circumstance and depending upon, you know what's going on in my world, but not everybody does things the certain a certain way. And it's like anything else, right? It's like, we automatically assume oftentimes, like, well, everybody should do it the way I do it. And everybody should process things the way I process things. And that's not always the case. So can you just for somebody maybe listening to this, and it's like, what is human design? And maybe they're like, I'm not really even into the Whoo. Yeah, yeah. Okay, so can you like, kind of, like, bring it home for us? Like, what is? What is human design? Exactly?
Yeah. So we're gonna demystify, yeah, get back to the human. So, you know, we think about Whoo, and there's so many different things that we like we want to lean in, and we're not really sure. And we're like, is this Whoo, is this not? Whoa. So I'm going to demystify that, if not entirely, whoo. It's definitely this modern and ancient science blend, it's a system that brings that in together. Quantum physics, biochemistry, astronomy, so you have all these different pieces, the puzzle is mathematically based, as well. So yeah, so there's four components to human design. And that's astrology, that is the I changed. When you think about giant genetics, you think about your purpose, you also have the Kabbalah tree of life. And that gives you these gates and channels, this energetic flow. And then you also have the Hindu Brahmin chakra system. So when we think about chakra system, we traditionally think of the seven energy centers, you know, the colors of the rainbow route all the way up to crown. And we've evolved. And from the Uranian age, we've evolved from a seven to a nine. And I'm just going to get a little technical for just a minute. So we have the solar plexus, but we also have the splenic. And those split into two. And because we've evolved to be emotional beings, we don't just need to run away from an animal, but we now are using and processing information. So that has split into have those two centers. And then the heart center has split into what's called the G center, and also our ego. So when you think about ego, we're not thinking of it in the context, you typically think of like the ego gets in the way, what have you ego is around your willpower and your material world when it comes to human design. So we are in this nine energy center being. So we have this energetic blueprint, so think of it have a map, okay, and we have these nine energy centers, they can be colored, or they can be non colored, and what that means there's definitions for their undefined. So do you have a stability in your chart of this energy center or not? And there's no right or wrong, there's no good or bad. It's simply how you're designed. And when you understand this energetic flow, and these components, you can show up authentically yourself, you give yourself permission to show up as you and like you said, Andrea, like, we're not meant to have this cookie cutter approach. You're supposed to have this system or this structure or process this way, or, or do this and do that. And you know, as entrepreneurs, we hear how many different systems and processes they're on. They're all wondering, are they are they right? For you? Yeah. Are they right for you, and it gives you this permission slip to be you authentically. So it's just really it's a wonderful gift to be able to do that for people.
One of the things that has been coming up with me, you know, a lot, I just was talking to someone on an Instagram live about this and about expansion and the expansiveness that we can experience and I would love to, like, ask you, when you understand or when you are starting to kind of dive into human design for yourself and the transformation. What, what is available for you in expansiveness when you start to go into that?
Yeah, so I think there's no limit. There's no limit because human design is this experience. It's this experiment, and it's this ongoing journey. There's never a destination is it's just onion, you're continually unfolding. more layers of it. And there's depth of human design, there's environment, there's health, there's relationship dynamics, family dynamics, like there is this depth of information of how you can interpret and play with them. Right. And one of the examples how it's showing up for me, is I'm a manifester. There's five different energy types, and one of them is manifest errs, and they're about 8% of the population. And they were typically the leader. So you think about they can just initiate and go and do so like think of the slogan just do it right. Not everyone's meant to just go do it. These are typically the manifest errs and because historically, manifest errs were the leaders that That's what we heard. That's what we were conditioned to think. And that's not everyone's energy type. Okay? Yeah. So for me understanding that I'm to be this this big energy, this impactful energy to go do and run and say, and also one of the strategy parts of strategies to foreign people, because you as me as a manifester, I can just go and do. Yeah. But you can lose the crowd that way, right? So you just gotta go, Hey, I'm going to New York City. Does anyone want to come with me? If you're like, let's go, if not, not a big deal. So understanding that I'm meant to blaze this trail and do unapologetically, it gives me permission to show up that way. And understand I'm not meant for everyone. So that's just one way of leaning into mind design is, am I creating impact? Am I initiating? Am I seeing an opportunity and leaning into it, versus there's other energy types there? That's not how they're meant to show up. So there's just this level of permission that you continue to give yourself with every day.
Okay, so with the theme of showing up, because I do love that? How are the other types showing up?
Yeah, so we can dig into that for just a minute. So there are five different energy types. Like I said, manifest errs, we also have projectors. So those are the people that can see through the trees, they are the guides, they are here to do things much more efficiently. And they see things and they can go gosh, like why are these other people not seeing it? Do they not understand what why it's right in front of them? Well, they're not seeing it the way that a projector seeing it. So they have this magical view that others may not, and they're about 20% of the population.
So they're even more so than the manifester.
Yeah, so the Okay, the smallest group are reflectors, and they're about 1%. And they are literally the mirror to communities to the world, they are completely open and undefined, which means they're going to take on other people's energy, and they're going to look back. So if you want to a health check, or a pulse on what's going on in the community, these reflectors literally give you back then information. So they're 1%. So they're very rare. And again, as we're evolving, that's where these, this reflector group has come in and evolve and has been created. So we have manufacturers, we have projectors, we have reflectors, and we also have generators, so they're about a third of the population, then they're here to generate energy. And they have what's called a defined sacral space. And that sacral Energy Center, they're here to be lit up by their work. And when they do that they're energetically aligned. They're bringing people into their space, they're bringing people in magnetically because they're doing what they love, and they're generating this energy. Their strategy is to respond. And that can mean different things. So one way I try to explain this, like you have an experience, and you go, do I want to do this again, do I now to do this again? And you lean back into your bond and go hmm, like, is this something that I want? And you say yes, of more of the things that you want, and you say no, of the things that aren't serving you.
And as you go on, you start to say yes, to the things that are right for you, you find more alignment, you find more joy, you find your purpose, and you lean into that, because you're responding to what's coming to you, rather than just going and creating it and you're going to find resistance as a generator. If you're trying to go do go do go do, you can certainly look to partner up with someone like a manifester to just go create, but you're having this response of is this something that I want? Now, let me ask you a question about the response. Because I'd maybe didn't understand that before. I think you're explaining it a little bit more in detail than what I had maybe heard. So when you say in response, it's more like in response to your own, like what's coming up within you or in response to somebody else.
So it can be both okay. And like I said, it's his experience, it's experiencing it experimenting and experiencing it, right? So you get to lean into what does a response meter look like for you? So for an example, you could see, there's a summit coming up, and you're like, ooh, do I want to experience this? And most often, there's a sacral connection and authority for generators and you're going to have this like yes or no response. Yes. And as you teach yourself to understand what does this yes or no mean, in my body? You can then say yes, if you're finding resistance, it's likely you know, default to a no and practice with it. So it could be you see an opportunity. It could be, Hey, do you want to be a podcast? Guest you know, there can be this different levels of what does the response meter look like? So it's not going to look the same every time. And you by practicing it will lead into what does the response mean to you? Go. Does that mean?
Yeah, that makes sense? Yeah. Okay. So you're responding to kind of like almost like a stimulus, like in the sense of like, what's happening, and I'm responding to that. So whether it's in me in, you know, inviting me some, Okay, interesting. I'm a generator. So that that does make lessons I thought it sometimes I was like in response to what could be people experiences, opportunities, and you'll start to lean into what feels right and what does not feel right. Like an example, someone, I just use this PTA example, because I feel like the PTA PTO, people can understand that, you know, there could be this opportunity to help and you're like, I don't really want to help this way. However, I can help by baking or I can help them next time. And you're leaning into what's this response for you. Does that? Does that make sense? Yeah. So and you can also change the game up, you're allowed to say no, and give you a different terms. And that I think, you know, that comes to learning to use your voice and what feels right and going with your instinct and different parts of who we are. To be able to have these opportunities that feel right for us. Yeah. Because as a generator, not self theme as frustration. And here's where the cycle comes into play. So let's say you say yes to this opportunity, this person, this experiment, whatever, what have you, right? And it comes at time, you're like, I don't have time, I don't have energy, I don't want to do this, there comes a frustration. And there's a cycle, because you've now committed and said something that you now don't want to do. And you're now wasting your energy on something that's not right for you. And it's just not in alignment. So you're gonna feel this level of frustration, and that's natural. And that's a guy posing, let's look at this. Was this, was this right? For me? Why or why not? You know, did I feel not? Like I had enough time or enough or enough resources, or I wanted to spend my energy on something else. So it gives you this feedback? Yeah, naturally, through your body and through your emotions,
I find that so fascinating. Because I think growing up, you know, I always just defaulted to you do certain things because you commit to them, or it's expected. And so in order, you know, and even in business, even as an entrepreneur, or as a coach, when I first got into this space to is the same type of thing. It's like, well, if something you know, is presented to you, you do it, because it's just kind of an expectation. And that was, of course, because of my own what was my own upbringing and my own, you know, environment, right. But then when I started to understand human design, and I'm like, Oh, I get an opportunity to say no, and there, and I really woke up to this understanding that when I'm frustrated, or I'm feeling like this is not working, there's a reason for that. And it's something that I need to take a deeper look at, what did I say yes, to or no to that is not aligning for me, and if not, you know, really putting me in in a space to be able to make more impact. Now, in the mindset, mentor collective, which is a Facebook group that I host for entrepreneurs, and coaches, and if you're listening to the podcast, and you're not part of that yet, jump in, and definitely become part of that community. But it is, especially for entrepreneurs and coaches. And so I kind of want to just dial in for them, because I think this is a really important thing. So what about human design when it comes to understanding your human design? And being a coach? Maybe they're not a human design coach, but how will that impact their coaching, business or entrepreneurial life?
So I think first and foremost, when you show up as your most authentic self, that's when you're the most magnetic. Okay, so understanding your design allows you to show up as the same person in your business and lean into what makes sense. So understanding how you make decisions in your human design is going to be the same way you use them in your business. So someone who let's say, has a splenic authority, spleen authority they're meant to make in the moment quick decisions, and if that's who and how you're designed to operate lean into doing more of that new business, does this launch feel right? Yes or no? Does this launch feel right? Right now? Yes or no? Does this does this make sense to add a team member does it make sense to you start to ask these questions, to practice leaning into what feels right in your decision making so decision making thinking about your launch thinking about what pride Check. So you saying yes to. And I just want to jump back real quick. So manifest manifesting generators are hybrid, they'll go last energy type. They're multi passionate. So if you're someone who's a manifesting generator, you're meant to have different things going on. And again, you have these components of a generator. So what are you saying yes to? Are you putting 10 different projects on your plate? Or should you really be putting four? Does this feel right, right now? Does this feel right? Later? You know, this, if you're thinking about let me think about launching a podcast. Okay, is this the right time yes or no. And it always comes back to bringing it back to the body. And I want to connect it to mindset too. So mindsets, incredibly important. But we also have the subconscious mind is 95% of what's in control, it's our body. So we think about we get back into our body, when we use our human design that leads us naturally, and we can get into our heads, we create these stories, and forget to lean into our bodies. And that's where the answers really lie. I love Oh, as an entrepreneur, give yourself this guidance through your intuition through your body to be able to serve your clients and your customers better. Because again, when you're energetically aligned, we're in, you're in an energetic, good space, people are going to naturally come to you, and you're not in resistance, you're actually in flow, and who doesn't want more flow. And their life is slow in their business. And you start to create, and I know you talk a little bit about manifesting, you start to manifest and create this life in this business that you love. And you enjoy. Yes, because you are authentically aligned.
I love that that is so good. I was even talking to a client yesterday, who was making a decision and was having a hard time making a decision. And as soon as you were you're talking about that, I was immediately thought oh, I think maybe she needs to, to investigate human design. Because it could be that, like, you know, she's having a hard time making the decision, because she's not tuning in to her body and understanding her full design. And, and I think that yeah, we do get in our heads when it's like, oh, I should be doing this, like, kind of the, the topic was coming in that I'm sure so many people can relate to this, but it's like, I've spent so much money. And I would hate to not see anything come of it. So I don't want to just bail on this, you know, and you know, after spending all this money, and I was saying to her, I'm like, you know, this is a foundational piece to what you're doing. And look at this as an investment in you not an investment just in you know, the programs or the coaching or whatever that you've been in. But I'm kind of almost like hearing you say that when you're really in touch with an understanding how you are created, like from a from a human design standpoint. It's like you're able to go okay, yeah, listen, now I know, you know, when is it a right decision to move forward on a new program? Or should I sit back and take a little time, and you have this almost like a sense or awareness or keen awareness to like, I'm, that's okay. Yes, I can, and the worlds are gonna fall apart. Is that Is that right? Is that like, when you have an understanding of human design?
Yeah. So I just had this aha that I want to share. So you know, you talked about being a generator, and this response, right? So if you're having messages coming through, hey, can you help me with this? Hey, can you help me with that, that is you then responding to people's needs. So if you're finding a theme with your clients and your customers, great, create a program, that's your response mechanism, I'm seeing this opportunity and responding to it. So again, when you know what, specifically right for you, you're going to show up energetically, right? So making decisions, how you communicate how you process information is going to be specific to you. So one way that I use it in my coaching, I love decision making cars. We spent how much time yeah, we make 35,000 decisions a day. So think about the rewiring of the subconscious, right? So when we know how to intuitively make decisions that are right for we're, we're breaking down the curve, we're doing what's right for us, and there's this conditioning process. So an example for me, I have an emotional authority, I'm not meant to make decisions that are quick, they're meant to have the dust settle. So not in a high not on the low and that also can be more time or space than other people are willing to. To be okay with. And part of my deconditioning process is setting those boundaries in a loving way of I need more time for this decision and you just know when there's clarity, you know, like He said like this, like, they're gonna be quick, emotional is not and it's leveraging those two. So especially, you know, as an entrepreneur when you're working with clients holding space for people that are different energetic blueprints to so.
So can I ask you a little bit about that like, so when you're for you like, it could be like a decision like, Okay, I invite you to be a guest on the podcast and you're like, Okay, I need to make, I need to, like sit on that decision, is this right for me? So it would take you a little bit of time? To know that answer, like that's,
so it can ebb and flow. So you know, when you think about a bigger decision, like buying a car, buying a house, and during a relationship, you want to be able to have that clarity before you just jump onto it. Because we all as humans, we get excited. We're like, Oh, this is shiny, this is great, this is fine. And then the dust settles, and then you're like, ooh, that's not really what I want. And if you've had a bath, yeah, though, you know, whether it's a large investments, like I actually had this with one of my, my clients, it was a large investment, she was super excited. She wanted to see this particular speaker, and she signed up. And then guess what one of the speakers, the one that she was looking to see, wasn't able to be be there anymore. So then it was like, gosh, like, how do I sit with this? Do I go do I not go and we went right back into how is the right way for her to make a decision. And it was to back out, the energetically did feel aligned anymore. So we didn't waste days or weeks sitting with it, we were able to sit down, reflect on it and take action. And everyone, again, they have different authorities, it's honoring what makes sense for you, and then also communicating that with the people that are in your life.
So it can be as far as much as like, you know, learning how to make decisions intuitively or a really like, you know, I love how you brought up the program thing. It was so funny that you did that. I was like that was really actually meant for me, thank you very much I will take you. And you didn't even know. But it was so funny that you said that. Because there there are so many times where you hear people talk about like, you should start a program like this. And you know, and for me, I find you know, as coaches, you know, you can pull the audience, you know, and I'm like, nobody responds to those polls very often. And I'm not getting any real.
Can I can I give you a little insight generators are going to be the most have to respond to those. Really? Yeah. And they're typically responding to like, yes, no answers, especially if they're saikal. So you understand your design, you can understand how to pull your audience and what kind of questions so someone who's emotional story, they're going to be leaning into more of that feel? Versus like, Yeah, so like, when you think about polling, you're only going to get an X amount of people because people if they're not generators, they may not lean into that respond. Does that make sense? Like totally
makes sense. Because I and as a generator, I sometimes don't even want to put I don't even want to put that out. Like to be honest with you, if you're feeling resistance, lean
into why are you really being resistant? Are you? And then again, like these stories? Are we saying nobody wants to respond to the is it? How are we presenting it is how we're sharing it? You know, we can then do an internal reflection of how are we showing up energetically? You know, when you think about, oh, gosh, no one's gonna listen to this, no one's gonna respond to this. That's the energy you're actually putting into that and think about people are not going to respond, because you've also created that story that is now being manifested. So they just told me, there's few different parts of that. Right.
I know, you're so right, because one of the the the new program that I'm launching, which is actually a revamped version of something I did last summer, and it was, again, in response to what my clients were saying that they needed. And there was a part of me that was like, Okay, well, I would never have probably done this particular program. It's, you know, but it is in response to, and I'm finding, even as I do through launch processes, and doing all of those things that some days, like lot yesterday was in the middle of launching for a workshop and massive resistance, again, like massive resistance. And I had to sit back and go, I close my laptop and was like, alright, you just need to go take a walk. You know, Where's this coming from? You know, what's going on? Are you still supposed to do this? And I was like, Yes, I really feel like this is what I'm supposed to do. But I was in my head, trying to think I needed to come up with all of the plan, which did not feel aligning to me. And you know, and so, you know, I was like I had to like let that go. But the part of me that used to show up as a coach this way, was always frustrated, because I'm being asked or told to do certain things. And then it wasn't working. And I'm like, I'm doing everything you tell me, I'm a very good student, I would do it to a tee. It is not generating the results that you're telling me it's going to generate an understanding a little bit more of my human side. And like I've mentioned, I'm only just like, you know, in the water, like barely, you know, walking in the water here. I'm already starting to understand more about okay, but I want to go, can we go deeper? Yeah. Can we go do Yeah, oh, bring it up. Because here's something. I'm sure people who are listening to this are going to be like, Oh, my gosh, there's so much to this. And this is why I definitely want you to actually to connect with Emily. Because I really do honestly believe that when you start down this road for yourself, it's going to open things up for you. So that's why I want to say that. Okay, Gates. And there's another word that you use before, and I can't remember what it was gates and channels. Don't understand that.
What is that all about? Yeah, okay. Yeah. So we have 64. We have 64 channels, 64 gates, rather? Sorry, 64 channels, 32 gates. So two channels make a gate? And when you have two channels, okay.
Okay, it's like two pathways making a gate.Yeah. So you have, I'm just, I use my head. So. So let's think about your sacral space, right. So let's say you have a gate that comes out of that. And let's say we have your solar plexus, there's a gate that comes out of that, if they're in the same line, the same space, they're now creating a channel, okay, and each gate has a specific characteristic message. And then also, when they're combined, there's this bigger message, this bigger characteristic that comes to it. And when you have this whole channel that's connected, that's when you have a definition and energy center. Okay. So if you have, let's say, your sacral, to your solar plexus, those now become both defined, and you have this energetic flow that is yours. Does that make sense?
Yeah, and I have seen the chart, and I've seen where mine does connect and where it does not connect. So I do understand that. So like, if you pull up your chart, you would be able to see like, where they actually do connect?
Yeah, so for me, I'm gonna give an example in some contexts, I have just a few different channels that connect for me, and one of them is the gate of correction. And this is where that when we get into the deeper parts of human design, gated correction, there are so many different ways that you can use it there is the shadow frequency. And there's higher frequencies of how to use these gates to so we can dig into those, and coaching. And so a shadow part of the gate of corrections that you see something that can be fixed that become better. And that's also why I think I've been on this journey of like, how do I fix How do I do this? How do I do that. But if you're using that energy in the wrong way, the shadow self can come out. And I can see that there's things wrong with other people, again, that's also a reflection of myself. So when I'm looking at this gate of correction, if I'm not using energetically in the right way, I'm like nitpicking it, people are seeing things and the shadows are coming through, rather than if you're using in your purpose, you're using energetically correctly, you are saying, okay, like, How can I fix and solve some of these things. And like the gate of correction can be a gift, it can be this beautiful thing, if you're using it in energetically right way. So like, for me, I see problems, I want to fix them, let's see how we can fix it like I am this resourceful. Let's look at the different angles. Let's do this. Let's do that, you know, as part of my coaching approaches, I can see this game of correction. And I can use that in a loving heart centered way of, you know, I'm seeing this as an opportunity or something that you want to work on, let's move you into the space that it's energetically you're using in the right way. So not more or less fixing someone, but you're finding more of a solution. So we each have these different characteristics and components of how we're to energize us ourselves. So for me, I'm here to help with that data correction. I'm also I have this gate of crisis. Okay, lightning of the dark, like I can be there for people in these moments. And it's also part of my design. And then you also will go a little deeper based on how these channels show up for you. There's what's called an incarnation cross, and there are four quarters and there's different expressions of them as well. So mine is the service is the incarnation of service. So I'm here to be of service to people, right? We're all here to serve others. However, how are we using that with other people? How are we stepping into our purpose and what feels right when I'm helping people i i I am excited Only with like, yeah. So knowing just some of your gates, some of your channels, knowing your purpose, it leads you into how are my power using this? And it's not, you know, not everyone's meant to be a coach. But that could be a really great way. But when you're looking at your incarnation cross, how am I using this as part of my coaching? How am I using this as an entrepreneur, so you can connect those two as well. So there's, again, there's this depth, and because it's very personalized, I want to you know, I want to be able to dig in and help you have this awareness of where am I using my gifts? And when you think about the gates and channels, there's different types of circuitry to so there's what's called collective so there's also tribal, you know, is your energy really connected on how you serve portal pro your community in your tribe, and there's give and take? So there's this energetic connections with each of these gates and channels, there's a signature, will you? Okay, so understanding that part as well, can be a really great thing, and how you show up for your community, how you show up for your clients? Because understanding that type of energetic circuit, you're able to lean into that more, does that make sense? Like, through a lot of information?
So good, so good. Yeah. It makes it makes a lot of sense. And I think that as coaches, entrepreneurs, you know, when we're working with clients, or we're doing certain things, and, you know, we're not only making an impact, but we're also kind of, you know, working out things in our own lives as we go and wanting to show up in a way that is truly authentic. And if you're not showing up in that way it can it can feel off putting or frustrating or like you want to quit, or, you know, I'm done with this. And maybe it's it's not that you need to be done as much as take a deeper look at maybe there's something you're missing, or you should be like pivoting in some way to do you know, more of what light does light you up, which, which I think is amazing. This okay, this is so okay. I love this.
I am loving, I am loving this conversation. And I hope you know if there are any questions, please reach out. Yeah, we dig, we dug into so much. So, you know, I just want to let them all know, certainly reach out with any questions, because I'm sure many have gone.
Well, and this is the thing, like I think it's so you know, like oftentimes, you know, we're going well, how do we, we continue to expand and grow ourselves and elevate. I noticed for myself, when I this year was probably Yeah, 2022 was when I was introduced to human design. And it was kind of like a slow, like a slow introduction for me into it. But I've had some really amazing conversations around it as the years gone on. And it continues to, you know, be a thread through my year so far. So that's been pretty cool. But I've also seen that, when I have an understanding of my human design and my purpose, you know, in a real sense of who I am, you know, personally, it has really helped me. And really, I've allowed myself and given myself permission to do things that I maybe wasn't doing before because I wasn't looking there, or I wasn't investigating that. And this gave me permission. I would love to know, when people do work with you. And they do have, you know, a better understanding of human design. What does that look like to actually work with you?
Yeah, so we I do one on one sessions, and we get to discover we unlock, we bring awareness and we shift. So I find it in a space that I default to where you're needing assistance, are you looking to grow? So, you know, is it the resistance in your business? Is it communicating in your relationships? Is it you know, going back to decision making, is it how are you leading into decision making, so I default to what feels right for, for you as a client, and almost no way focus on like that one thing approach, because if you do too many things at once, you're not going to be able to say sustain that lifestyle that shift that change. So a very layered approach of how we do that. So very much this uncovering, let's discover, let's create awareness, because you can't do any anything unless you have this level of awareness. So example tone when you think about communication, if you're not aware of your tone, you can't change it. Yeah. So something as simple as that is, I lean into what you're finding is an opportunity for you and we deconstruct that and we rewire we relearn we decondition When we give you permission to really step in that space and to love yourself a little bit more, and usually, with that, you release this guilt and this shame and this conditioning that you've had. And it may be, you know, 30 plus years, 20 plus years, 40 plus years, you know, it could be a limiting story that you've had from your family, it could be generational trauma that you're trying to break and tribal energy, and especially doesn't circuitry to, if you're stuck to this tribal energy, it's really challenging to break through because you're looking at your identity, you're looking at who you are, who you're becoming, and you separating from that. And that can be very difficult in the sense that you feel lonely, you're, you know, when you think about, and here's just an example. If you're someone that is being an entrepreneur for the first time, and you are not like the rest of your family, no one in your family understands entrepreneurship, what it means what it looks like, doesn't feel safe, no tribal energy safety and security, right. So that route safety and security. So if you're looking to break yourself through as an entrepreneur, and you're still stuck on this tribal energy in the identity of this tribe that you have with your family, you're actually you're getting stuck in this pattern to not be able to move yourself and propel yourself forward. So you're holding yourself back from success, if you're still stuck in this tribal energy of your family, if they don't understand what that means, or what that looks like. Does that make Yeah, as a question like, you know, when they are second tribal energy, or when they when they do identify that then what happens next?
It's let's deconstruct that story. Okay, is this a story that's still serving you? One of my my greatest connections and friends, Kelly Brock, she talks about this principle a lot is this table is let's knock the table down, let's not build legs of the table down. And we get to deconstruct the story and really say, Is this really serving us? Is this something that is still true? You know, when you think about money, stories, money doesn't grow on trees, money, doesn't miss money doesn't matter, right? And we're able to say, right, like, is this does this make sense anymore? Is this really what we want to create? And have this becoming of who you want to be?
Yeah, that's amazing. Okay. So there's so much that that you can do like, you can look at it from a business perspective, personal decision making, relational, all sorts of different ways, which, if you're kind of feeling, you know, you like, as you said, you know, your transformational coach catalyst, you know, and really understanding how you can transform in, in the different areas through human design. That's, it's it is
it's limitless. There's so many different ways that you can use and experiment with it.
Awesome. That's amazing. Well, I really appreciate you joining me today. If so, Emily, thank you so much for being a guest on the courage cast today. I so appreciate you. Where can people connect with you, and learn more about what you do?
Yeah, so you can find me on pretty much every platform. So I'm on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, so any of those platforms. And one of the things to do to get started on your journey is to pull up your human design chart. So just a few things that you need is your your time of birth, your date of birth and your location of birth. And just because you don't have that information, doesn't mean you can't work with me, I certainly can help transform how with other tools and modalities, so you can find me, like I said on Instagram, LinkedIn, and
Facebook. Awesome. Thank you, Emily, for being with me. Thank you so much for having me.
Okay, wow, I am walking away with so much more insight into myself, but also into human design. And, quite frankly, quite excited to dive even deeper. You know, one takeaway that I'm going to really be applying in my own life is that there's no right or wrong when it comes to our human design type, that we just have to give ourselves permission to show up as ourselves. And for a long time, I think that I was looking for a prescribed way of doing things. And so this is just really shown me that there's no right or wrong way to do things that we just really have to know how we can show up when it comes to our own lives, and our businesses, our relationships and in every other way. I want to encourage you to connect with Emilee. I will put all of her links in the show notes. And I'm sure that she can help you when it comes to getting your human design chart as well as really having a transformation in your own life and in your business. Friend, thank you for hanging out with us today and, and if we're not already connected on Instagram you can find me at at Andrea crisp coach. Until next time remember you have everything you need to live briefly.
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