
158 | Why We Silence Women Who Tell The Truth


We don’t get to dominate anyone else’s time, physical space or body without their consent.
— Tiffany Bluhm

About This Episode:

When we think of speaking up on behalf of women so often there is a fear associated to how it might impact our lives.

Did you know that 90% of people will only ever be a bystander to some sort of impropriety which means that we need to examine our role and the complicity when we find out a woman has been abused physically, emotionally or spiritually?

The big question is how do we ensure the safety and equity of women in the workplace and in places of worship?

Today on the podcast I am chatting with Tiffany Bluhm, the author of Prey Tell  -- Why we silence women who tell the truth and how everyone can speak up.

We'll be talking about why women stay silent, what is the role of the gatekeeper, how we're benefiting from broken systems, and what it takes to become an ally.

Tiffany Bluhm is the author of Prey Tell: Why We Silence Women Who Tell the Truth and How Everyone Can Speak Up. She is co-host of the podcast Why Tho and speaks around the world. Her work has been featured on the YouVersion Bible app, Publisher's Weekly, Sojourners, and the Jenny McCarthy Show.

Connect With Tiffany Bluhm:

Instagram + Website + Twitter + Book

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I’d love to connect and chat with you over on my socials. If you’re ready to dive a little deeper into understanding your purpose, grab a copy of my book Designed With Purpose.

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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?

132 | What's Standing In Your Way [P4] The Fear of Stepping Out


You’re going to have to become comfortable to with being so uncomfortable that you feel like you’re been squeezed and pressed and pushed way past your comfort zone.
— Andrea Crisp

About This Episode:

One of the biggest fears that we face in life is the fear that we won’t get there, that we’ll never be ready, that we have too far to go. When we truly get honest with ourselves there is a gap between where we are standing right now and where we want to be. It’s the steps taken in between that will make the most difference.

Over the past four weeks, we’ve been tackling the fears that hold us back, that stand in the way of becoming the women we were created to be, from loving, from pursuing our passions and goals, from loving and being free to love. This is the final episode in the four-part series and it’s all about conquering the fear of stepping out. 

Connect With Andrea:

I’d love to connect and chat with you over on my socials. If you’re ready to dive a little deeper into understanding your purpose, grab a copy of my book Designed With Purpose.

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Are you ready to take the next brave step in your life? Let’s find out if coaching is a good fit for you. Book your FREE 30-minute Strategy Session today!

127 | The Art Of Showing Up For Yourself


It’s going to take making a few mistakes here and there until you figure out how things need to go in your world right now.
— Andrea Crisp

About This Episode:

This season has taken a toll on our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. There are some days when we feel like if we’re just able to make it we’ll be ok. You may have been surrounded with family nonstop for months on end, or have been trying so hard to be productive in this season that you feel like you’ve lost your footing a bit.

It’s entirely possible that you’ve faced some of the hardest moments of your life over the past few months. You might be surprised to realize that you’ve actually been missing the mark when it comes to taking care of the needs of your body, soul + spirit. Discover how you can begin to show up for yourself.

Connect With Andrea:

I’d love to connect and chat with you over on my socials. If you’re ready to dive a little deeper into understanding your purpose, grab a copy of my book Designed With Purpose.

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Are you ready to take the next brave step in your life? Let’s find out if coaching is a good fit for you. Book your FREE 30-minute Strategy Session today!

123 | When Is It A Good Time To Leave A Toxic Situation?


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You have stayed too long when you are feeling criticized when people are using their knowledge of you for harm. The warning signs are all around you when you hear people discrediting you (or others) when it comes to your dreams and purpose. And its definitely time to leave if you are being emotionally, physically or spiritually abused.
— Andrea Crisp

About This Episode:

During times of crisis and hardship, it’s easy to doubt whether or not you have the fortitude to stick things out. 

There is value in staying and being in hard things but there is also value in knowing when it’s time to leave. But how do we know the difference? And why is that we stay too long in the first place? Maybe you’ve been feeling like you’ve overstayed a job or a relationship or perhaps even hung on to an opportunity that you don’t feel aligned with anymore. 

Today on the podcast, I’m going to share with you what I’ve been learned and continue to learn about staying power. Staying in hard things, in hard emotions, in hard relationships, and how to get the most out of those moments in life and also maybe when it’s time to let go and walk away. 



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122 | Why We Resist Staying In Hard Times


We have strategies to avoid feelings, we can think our feelings, but we are not good at feeling our feelings, so the moment we have a feeling we’re going here in our minds - how do I get rid of it, what did I do, how can I fix it, how can I make it better.
— Anjuli Paschall

About This Episode:

Are you experiencing a disconnect between your head and your heart? Are you suppressing what you truly feel in order to just make it through each and every day? You may be tempted to give up - but the ache will always be there. That’s why we need to stay where we resist being. Today on the podcast I'm chatting Anjuli Paschall who wrote the book Stay: Discovering Grace, Freedom, and Wholeness, Where You Never Imagined Looking.

Anjuli shares why we need to stay where we resist and how we can navigate feelings of belonging and loneliness. And if it’s possible for us to begin to re-imagine the future and what does it look like for us to hold space for ourselves and others. 

Anjuli Paschall is the founder of The Moms We Love Club and is a beloved writer for Dayspring’s (in)courage. She lives in Southern California with her husband Sam, and five beautiful children.



Connect With Anjuli Paschall:

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090 | Can’t Fight These Feelings


I used to bury my emotions because I wanted people to think I was perfect.
— Andrea Crisp

About Episode:

Our emotions are what trigger our thoughts, which trigger our beliefs and then trigger our actions. So if our emotions are completely running the show then you can guess what kind of ricochet effect that is going to have on our lives.

But when we are honest about our emotions and get to the heart of what they are trying to tell us then we can reframe any negative thoughts that have been causing havoc, and align our faith to believe for what we truly desire. Then of course we’re able to take action based on those thoughts.

So you see it all starts with our emotions, so don’t run and hide from them. They are there to guide you into the truth of who you are — if you’ll let them.

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