About This Episode:
“My affirmation cannot come from other people or I would have quit so long ago because nobody sees what it takes."
So often in life we as women can feel like we are being defined by the roles that we play, so we begin to search for our true identity. In this episode, I am talking with my friend and director of Tattered Tiara’s about the struggles we face as women to be uniquely who have been created to be. In this candid conversation, Kathleen shares her battle with mental illness following the birth of her second son and how that was the catalyst for her becoming an advocate for women suffering from mental health issues. We also talk about the challenge women face in leadership and trap that we can easily fall into when we look for our identity in what we do instead of who we are.
Kathleen Van Engen is the executive director of the teenage girls organization, Tattered Tiaras. Kathleen is passionate about the advancement of young girls in positions of leadership and influence. Tattered Tiaras offers supports for teen girls in the areas of identity, mental health, and leadership. As a soon to be mom of ironically, 3 boys, Kathleen has been navigating the balance of several important roles; wife, mom, and entrepreneur. Throw into the mix a 2 year battle with postpartum depression and anxiety, Kathleen has also developed a passion for mental health and educating fellow strugglers along the way of how to keep dreaming during difficult seasons.
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