“ It is not necessarily just about what the outcome is, it is about being in the energy of what you desire, it’s about really embodying a whole new version, a whole new identity of yourself within your business of yourself within your relationships of yourself within every context of creativity, of you know, opportunity in your life in absolutely every way.”
Are you in the energy of what you desire? Or are you going back and forth between being committed to what you want and really not sure that you expect it all that much?
Today on the podcast, I'm going to talk to you about staying committed and being in the energy of your desired outcome.
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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?
Are you in the energy of what you desire? Or are you going back and forth between being committed to what you want, and really not sure that you expect it all that much? Today on the podcast, I'm going to talk to you about staying committed, and being in the energy of your desired outcome.
Are you ready to take courageous steps to create a life and business you love? Welcome to the Couragecast. I'm Andrea Crisp, Mindset Coach, Author and a multi passionate entrepreneur. For years, I was afraid to allow myself to shine. That was until I discovered that I could step into my own power, shift my mindset and take ownership of my destiny. Now I coach women across the globe who are ready to own their life and make a massive impact with a blend of practical and spiritual advice. My hope is that the Couragecast empowers you to take brave steps in your own life and business.
Hello, friends, welcome to the Couragecast. I am so glad that you are joining me today. You know, I have to say that today, it was one of those days where I decided that I wanted to jump on to my GarageBand where I record my podcasts and just talk to you about an experience that I just had. That was so phenomenal, that I knew I needed to talk about it right away. So with no notes, with no real forethought into how this podcast episode is truly going to go, I decided that I wanted to share it with you.
Now you know that I have been talking over the past few months about a program that I man called unblock your business. And this is a program that my friend and coach Vanessa. Now it was just I was gonna say her name or last name, Vanessa Bowen, and it literally escaped me as I went to go see it. Vanessa Bowen, who goes by at MIT, where the she has been running both a program called unblock abundance, and now she runs unblock your business. And so I am in this program. And it is absolutely phenomenal. It is changing the way I think about my business about how I'm approaching my business, how I am showing up in my business, and being in the energy of what I desire. And so I wanted to share that with you today.
Because one of the challenges that she had for us was to spend money. For many of you, you might think to yourself, oh my gosh, like that's like the easiest challenge ever. You want me to actually spend money on myself and in my business. But here's the caveat, she wanted us and encouraged us to spend money on something in our business that made us feel like a boss, like a CEO. And so for myself, I was thinking like, I'm not really sure what that is, or several things that maybe I would want. My first inclination was to think about getting a new desk. And it's something that I wanted for a while. And it was a very practical investment that I would have been making. And I was thinking yeah, that that's good, let's be practical, let's do something practical. And as I thought about it more, and as I was listening to some of the things that the women in our group were spending their money on, I was like, just that's not it. Something is not sitting with me. And I don't feel like buying a desk is going to be like total CEO vibes for myself.
And so I sat back and I was still thinking about what it is that I really wanted to spend money on. And then it came to me a new haircut. Actually not a new haircut, but actually a new hair color. And I was like really, like that's the thing, getting my hair colored like how am I going to be in my CEO energy and my CEO vibes by getting a new hair color. And so I kind of sat on that for a bit and I did not take the action. And we got to the call where everyone was talking about what they had spent their money on. And I had to admittedly tell the entire group that I had not done it. And here's the thing I was, you know, in my head about whether or not that was what I was supposed to spend my money on. I was really wanting to be a bit more practical in how I was going to spend the money and really, you know, just yeah, if I'm going to make, you know, a good big purchase, then I really want to know that I'm spending it on something that makes a difference.
And, you know, I've gone for so long now without worrying really about my hair, and whether or not it's growing in gray or not. And all of these things like had like a whole list a whole litany of things, and reasons and excuses why it really didn't matter whether or not I had spent this money. And if I'm really honest with you, there were a lot of things going through my mind when it came to what I was going to encounter, when I told my family members, how much money I had spent on my hair. Okay. I don't know, if you resonate with that. Or if you've ever experienced something that, you know, you're supposed to take that next level, that next step in your business, and making an investment, really putting yourself out there.
And your first thought is, what is somebody gonna think? What is my parents gonna think? What is my partner going to think? What is my spouse going to think, and then not taking action, because of the fear that they're not going to approve. And here's where I found myself, and why I had really not taken action on this decision. So, you know, with the whole group cheering me on, even though I had not done what I had supposed what I had committed to do, I decided that week that I was going to find a salon that I could go to, and I was going to have this up leveled version, new CEO vibe, I don't know, basically, I was going to get my hair done at a salon, and I was going to feel good about it.
And so I found a salon I called they put me in on Monday morning, which was this morning. And I was headed in today for that appointment. And I had a picture of what I wanted my hair to look like I was I knew exactly what I wanted. And I knew I was probably going to end up having to spend a good penny on this. So when I got to the salon, and I showed up at the salon, I really honestly told myself that I I really want to be in the energy of what I desire. And I really want to experience this to its fullness and have an expectation and a belief for something more to manifest in my life because I'm taking this action.
Now I know that seems a bit silly when you think about like what could possibly happen. But here's the thing friend, like, I came home, and I banged out like I don't know, 10 videos, alive two lives, actually. And some Instagram stories all within the first hour of being home from the salon, which is absolutely crazy. So here's the thing. So I got to the salon today, I was treated like a queen, I felt so good at and did my hair, he did a fantastic job. And I walked out of there feeling like a boss feeling like a million dollars.
And I feel like as I came home today, I am showing up in a whole new energy. I am showing up for myself in a whole new way. And what I didn't realize was is by you know, just staying in this old version of myself that you know, was kind of like little bit lackluster. I was showing up in that energy I was showing up in that lack luster energy. And I can already feel and I'm experiencing a whole new difference when it comes to being in this CEO energy just by getting my hair done.
So I want to encourage you that maybe you are in a place in your life right now. And you're like I don't know if I should make a decision to uplevel in some way. I'm not sure that I should spend the money on coaching. Maybe you have Thinking for some time now you're like, you know what I would love to, you know, get a VIP day and experience for myself and really start shifting that belief in my life. But I don't know if I can really afford it. Or if, if I really think that it's going to make a huge difference for myself, I have to tell you, friend, when you commit to what you truly desire, in showing up for yourself, and put the money forward for it and make the investment, you cannot go wrong.
It is not necessarily just about what the outcome is, it is about being in the energy of what you desire, it's about really embodying a whole new version, a whole new identity of yourself within your business of yourself within your relationships of yourself within every context of creativity, of you know, opportunity in your life in absolutely every way. It is not just about putting down some money for something that you feel is going to uplevel you it is about showing up in that energy. And the moment you make the exchange, the moment you decide that you want to be in that energy, and that you're going to invest in yourself in that way, things 100% shift, which is why Vanessa was right. She told me she's like, Andrea, you're going to experience something, just by going and getting getting your hair done. And I was like, really like just that. But that actually is a reinforcement of the belief that I had this past summer.
And you may have heard me talk about on the podcast before, when I had my own VIP day with Vanessa. And we talked about my business. And we talked about that uplevel and that upgrade for myself. And I started showing up in a whole new way in my business, I started being just even more passionate about what I really wanted to do. And then came my own VIP days, which I was so excited about offering other people.
So friend, I want to encourage you that when you are moving to that next level, when you are taking that step of growth and expansion in your life, it is going to cost you commitment, it is going to cost you an investment, and is going to really cause you to step into a whole new level for yourself, for your business, and for every area of your life. And if you've been considering if you've been sitting on the fence thinking you know what I don't know whether or not this is really going to make a difference in my life by really seeing what is holding me back. When it comes to my mindset.
Friend, I encourage you just to jump on a call with me. And let's talk about where you're at, and what might be holding you back right now. And then you can make the decision whether or not it's right for you right now, to jump into a VIP experience. And to take that next step and really start showing up in a whole new way. Now I'm really excited to tell you how things manifest in my life after this. Like honestly, like I said, I did not script this out there are no notes whether or not I just add something to this later, or I just post this podcast the way it is. You never know. But I did want to record it while I was in this energy because I really felt like it would translate to you that you would really feel it you would experience it and you would know that no matter what you feel like you are being called to invest in for yourself right now. When you do that, things are going to shift you're gonna see a change, and you're going to embody a whole new version of yourself.
Alright, friend, love you. Thanks for hanging out with me today. Until next time, remember you have everything you need to live briefly. If you like this episode of The Couragecast, we'd love to hear from you. Leave us a rating and review. And while you're there, hit subscribe so you never miss an episode. Original music and production by Stephen Crelly