“Our mind body spirit is always going to be trying to tell us what it is that we need. ”
About This Episode:
What happens when everything you have planned for seems to come apart at the seams? Do you cut and run, do you stay and fight, or do you find yourself frozen unable to do anything. It's during times of expansion when we will face our biggest moments of weakness and have to make a decision whether or not we will allow ourselves to sabotage the progress that we've made in order to move to the next level in life and business. On the podcast, I am sharing the three biggest lessons I have learned during an unexpected time of illness.
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Are you ready to step into your LIMITLESS potential?
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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?
What happens when everything you've planned for seems to come apart at the seams? Do you cut and run? Do you stay in fight? Or do you find yourself frozen unable to do anything? It's during times of expansion. When we will face our biggest moments of weakness and have to make a decision whether or not we will allow ourselves to sabotage the progress we've made, or move forward to the next level in our life and in our business. Hey, friend, are you ready to take courageous steps to create a life and business you love?
Welcome to The Couragecast. I'm Andrea Crisp, Mindset coach, author, and a multi passionate entrepreneur. For years, I was afraid to allow myself to shine that was until I discovered that I could step into my own power, shift my mindset and take ownership of my own destiny. Now I coach women across the globe who are ready to own their life and make a massive impact. Each week I'll share conversations with amazing humans who have been willing to face their fear and pursue their purpose. I'll provide a blend of practical and spiritual advice to help you take brave steps in your own life and business. Hey there, welcome to the courage cast.
My name is Andrea Crisp, and I'm your host. And I am so glad that you are joining me today. And I'm excited to chat with you. And I really hope that today's podcast episode helps you if you've ever found yourself or find yourself in a moment where you need to choose whether or not you're going to go to the next level in your life in business, especially when something unexpected happens to threaten to derail where you're going. But before we dive into that, today, I want to share with you that I'm really really excited because the mindset mentor circle is back. And I want to personally invite you to join us weekly on Wednesdays at 12pm. Eastern Standard Time, and just jump into this beautiful community that we have been creating and cultivating. Now over the summer, we took a little bit of a break. But I missed the connection and the community so much that I decided to bring it back and we just got started, again, just this past Wednesday. So I really want you to join us and just to really become a part of this beautiful community that we're creating. You know, I know as as entrepreneurs and as coaches, it can be really difficult to navigate the ups and downs, the challenges that we face, in our own business and in our lives. And those challenges can really wreak havoc on our mindsets. Which is why I think this is a great opportunity for you to get the support, you need to overcome those challenges. And to really get your mindset in a place where you are moving forward. And all you have to do is go to the link in the show notes. And you could register for the Wednesday call. And I will send you the Zoom link. And it is as simple as that. So today, I want to talk to you about some things that have happened in my life, some of the lessons that I have been learning. And I wrote a bunch of notes down about things that I wanted to talk to you about. You know, as soon as I pressed record, it's like one of those things that happened where you're like, Hmm, what do I really want to say, and so I think I'm gonna really talk from my heart. Now, over the past couple of months, I've been on this journey of expansion, and I've been talking about it quite a bit. In fact, I went and did a VIP day with my friend Vanessa in Toronto, it was spectacular. And from it, I decided to create some VIP days of my own. But when I was moving into this new space, there were a lot of things that were happening in my life personally, that I was having to move through. And that's, you know, pretty normal, when you have expansion in your life, that there are going to be things that become uncomfortable, and you have to change and you have to shift and you have to grow. And in order to really embody that new level and to really step into that next version of yourself, you cannot stay the same. And so that was coming up for me. And you know, it's almost like one of those things where you anticipate it's going to be a bit easier. And then you find out that Oh, I guess it's not gonna be that easy. And I have to go through this process. Much like I walk my clients through the process. And so I had decided that I was going to take another trip to Toronto and visit some friends that I had planned this really fun weekend going to meet some amazing people that I had never actually met in person
And, and I had an Airbnb booked. And I was really, really excited to go. But there was something that I was on my mind and I have been kind of working through when it comes to finances. And what I had wanted was I wanted to be able to make sure that my entire trip was paid in full, before I even went on the trip. And this has been something that I have been trying to exercise in my life over the past few months, anytime I do something, so that I am not putting anything on credit, I'm really paying things before I even go. And it's just kind of something that I want to move into myself. So I had made an intention to make some money and put the money aside. And what ended up happening was, I fell into doubt, I fell into this scarcity mode. And I started to doubt that I was actually going to be able to pay the entire trip in fall before I left. And the moment I made the decision. It was like, oh, no, what am I going to do? Should I cancel the trip, should I not go, all of these things started to come up for me, because I was in a state of confusion. And the moment I got into this state of confusion, my body started to you know, react and there was trauma response because I was being triggered. And before you know it, if I don't end up with COVID ending up with COVID-19. And I remember the moment that I took the test and it was positive. There were two reactions that happen. Number one, I was super disappointed, because I was like, Ah, I have to cancel my trip. And on the other hand, I was also relieved. And the reason why I was relieved was because there was a part of me, who was so glad to be able to be let off the hook. And when I mean let off the hook, I mean, to not have to worry about whether or not that money was going to come in, and whether or not I was going to be able to pay for the trip. In fact, I ended up getting money back because I got refunds on things I had already paid for. And so here I was now not feeling well forced to be home, alone, and not able to go on my trip. So that first 24 hours was like this up and down roller coaster for me of really feeling like Oh, I'm kind of relieved. But then I also am super upset that I'm not going to be going and I'm actually not going to be seeing these friends. And I realized how quickly I had descended into my fears. And I had to send it into limitation. And these are things that I have been working on personally in my own life. These are things I work on with my clients. And I was so frustrated and discouraged that here I was again, and why was this happening to me. And I know that I'm not alone in this that there are probably people who are listening to you, maybe you were you can relate to this where it's like you're making so much progress in your life, you're doing the work you are, you know, saying the mantras and the affirmations, you're, you know, taking time to do breath work, and you go to the yoga classes and you're taking the courses and you're really mindful about all of the things you're doing. But then wham, something comes out of left field. And all of the sudden you find yourself in a place where you are in those same fears you have been in for many, many years.
We are not alone when this happens. And so often it happens right before we're stepping into that next level. And for me, this was like one of those moments that was a test for me like are you going to fully step in? Or are you going to shrink back? And unfortunately, I have to say I shrink back. I did not step in. However, all is not lost because I want to show share with you some major major lessons that I learned from this experience, because of the fact that I did shrink back and immediately recognized that that is exactly what I was doing. I was able to go right to the heart of what those specific limitations were, and deal with them right there. And then well, of course, it's not know the best time to do that, because obviously, I wasn't feeling well, I had the chills, I was, you know, I didn't have a fever, but I was, you know, not doing well at all for the, for a good 24 to 48 hours. But beyond that, I actually felt pretty good. Now, here's some of the things that I learned along the way. So the first thing that happened was, I had to make a decision, the moment that I knew I was sick, how I was going to respond to the illness, and how I was going to talk about it. And I think oftentimes, when we are not feeling well, our go to, is obviously, can we get any more sympathy from somebody? Can somebody pay attention to me, and can someone sympathize with my plate. And I knew that by me trying to garner sympathy for what I was going through, was not going to be beneficial for me, because it was going to keep me in a mode where I was constantly looking inward at poor me, and this happened, and I was, you know, almost going to be in a place where I would, you know, be feeling sorry for myself, and I knew that was not going to be beneficial in any way, it was not going to speed the healing process. So it was really important for me to make a decision that I had to have a mindset that would support my healing. And this was really something that I leaned on the entire time, because even though I had put all of my plans on hold, and even though I was very, very disappointed, I knew that this would be a catalyst for an emotional healing for me, and through this illness, and my body, you know, going through the process of this healing, that I was also going to be healing, emotionally as well. And the reason why I tell you this is because there's been so many times where I've been hit with something, when I have an attitude of being a victim, or you know, see all things all, you know, stuff always happens to me or, you know, often we say, you know, different things like that, right. And this time, I knew that I had to take ownership of the fact that I kind of put myself in a position to get COVID. And I went over my aunt's house, I knew she wasn't feeling well. And I ended up getting covered from her. And so it was one of those things where I could have stayed home, I knew I was going away, I knew that I needed to stay healthy. But instead I allowed myself just to, you know, go through the motions now.
In no way am I faulting anybody, or am I even faulting myself. But what I am doing is I'm being curious about how I responded, based on how I was feeling. So when I was feeling fear and doubt, it was easy for me to make decisions out of that place in order to relieve that emotional pressure, which then ended up with COVID. And for myself, and that's not why all white people, you know, get sick. I'm not saying that, but I this is the lesson that I am learning for myself. And and so when we are in times of pressure and stress in situations, it's so important that we evaluate how we're you're feeling and don't make decisions based off of how we are feeling in that moment. Because often it's just going to take us down the train to nowhere good. So I want to encourage you that when you are facing hard, difficult things, make sure you get yourself in a position where you are able to truly make decisions out of a place that would benefit you and not put you back. And so for me, I ended up having to go backwards in order to learn the lesson instead of moving forward into something that might have been really amazing.
The second thing that was really stood out to me was that whatever you focus on, you will attract. And, you know, even though I wanted something, and I want I desired to go away, my focus was not on going away, my focus was actually on the fear and on the limitation, and that was the underlying subconscious belief that I had. And subsequently, I ended up attracting an illness and having to stay home. Because I was focused on my fear and on my limitations, and almost needing something, an excuse to get me out of what I really wanted, which was to go away. But my fear was stronger than my desire. And so often we let our fear be stronger than our desire. So even if you're expecting something in your life, or you really, really want something to happen to manifest in your world, if your fear, if your limitation is louder than that expectation, then it's going to crowded out. And you are not going to call in what you desire. Doesn't matter what kind of action taker you are, doesn't matter how hard you work, or how much you hustle for what you want. If your expectation is being crowded out by your limiting beliefs, then you are going to stay in a place where you call in and manifest probably the exact opposite of what you truly want. And your fears are going to speak louder, and that is going to attract more fear. So the lesson for me was to be so so aware of what I'm thinking. And if I really do want something to be very certain about what it is that I want, and focus only on that.
The next one was that our body is always trying to tell us tell us something was always telling me something. And that we need to listen, we need to step back and actually listen to what it is that we need. Now, there are so many other little things that were happening during the two weeks when I was you know, sitting at home convalescing, getting better all of these different thoughts that were coming to me and decisions that I was making, that I really hadn't been paying attention to. But the moment I was still enough, because I was laying in bed, all of the sudden those things came right to the surface and right to my attention. And my body wanted me My Mind, Body Spirit wanted me to listen, to pay attention, and to really start to source my own support. I realized during that time, that I was actually looking outside of myself for everything for answers for help for the support I needed in my business. And I was not taking responsibility for myself, I was allowing other people's voices to be louder than mine. And for me to really defer to what other people were telling me to do. And instead of looking for answers, within myself, I was listening to a podcast reading a book, just you know, taking the advice of my coach. And none of those things in themselves are bad or wrong. Because obviously, I have a podcast, and I'm talking to you online right now. And I've written a book and I shared with, you know, stories in my book, and I'm a coach. So all of these things in themselves are not bad. But when we're not listening to what our own intuition is leading us towards and guiding us towards, then we're going to stay in a state of confusion. And that those states of confusion are often going to keep us from moving forward, keep us from truly expanding and moving into what it is that we really really desire. And our mind body spirit is always going to be trying to tell us what it is that we need. And for me it came in the form of getting completely still and being sick enough to lay in bed and actually have to take the time to really source the answers for myself. And so that really led me to slowing down completely and going you know what, maybe there are things that I'm doing maybe the timing is off.
Maybe I don't need this as much as I think I need this. And I started to really examine what was for me and what was not for me. And I think that in the the moment of really not feeling well was when I was taking stock truly, of what it is that I needed to move forward into the next season of my life.
So, there are so many other lessons that I learned, but those are the three that I really wanted to share with you today. How important it is to have a mindset that supports are healing. Number two, what you focus on, you will attract. So be very mindful of what it is that you are expecting. And then number three, is really pay attention to what your body, mind and spirit is telling you so that you can make decisions in a way that support exactly what you need to move your life forward. I hope this helps you if it did, I would love to know if you would leave me a comment in you can reach out to me on Instagram you can DM me, I would love to have a conversation with you about this. You can find me at at Andrea Chris, coach and friend. I hope that you are well and that whatever you are doing is prospering. And until next time, remember you have everything you need to lift briefly.
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