“And as long as we’re in alignment with our purpose, as long as we’re moving in the direction that we really, truly feel aligned to go, then those doors and those opportunities are going to continue to open up to us as we take action, as we move in that direction.”
About This Episode:
What if you opened yourself up more to the possibility?
If you haven't heard it lately, you are limitless. And it is time for you to own that to step into your power. On the podcast, we're going to talk about what that looks like when you truly take responsibility, radical responsibility for your own life, and personal transformation.
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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?
If you haven't heard it lately, you are limitless. And it is time for you to own that to step into your power. And today on the podcast, we're going to talk about what that looks like when you truly take responsibility, radical responsibility for your own life, and personal transformation.
Hey, friend, are you ready to take courageous steps to create a life and business you love? Welcome to The Couragecast. I'm Andrea Crisp, Mindset coach, author, and a multi passionate entrepreneur. For years, I was afraid to allow myself to shine that was until I discovered that I could step into my own power, shift my mindset and take ownership of my own destiny. Now I coach women across the globe who are ready to own their life and make a massive impact. Each week, I'll share conversations with amazing humans who have been willing to face their fear and pursue their purpose. I'll provide a blend of practical and spiritual advice to help you take brave steps in your own life and business.
Hey there, my name is Andrea Crisp, and I am your host, and I am so glad that you are joining me today. You know, it's the end of the summer, I'm super excited to move into fall even though admittedly, summer is definitely my favorite, favorite season of the year. I do love a good, crisp fall day. And I have taken a little bit of time away from recording. And so now I'm back and back into the studio back into bringing you some brand new episodes. And I'm excited to share today with you because I really think that the topic of being unlimited. Just really stepping into all sorts of possibility all sorts of opportunity in our lives, is really something that I don't know that we completely understand or believe to be true.Probably even 50 to 75% of the time. And so what would that look like in your own life, if you stepped into your unlimited potential that anything's possible, any opportunity you'd want is within your reach, if you know how to position yourself for it, if you are willing to take the action and do the work necessary. And if you're willing to believe that you can have exactly what it is that you desire.
I think that so often we and I'm generalizing here, get frustrated, disappointed hurt, by the lack in our lives by things that don't go the way that we really want them to go. And so it's almost kind of like this self preservation or self protection, keeping ourselves from truly being disappointed that things are not going to go the way that we want them to. And so it's almost like we say, the only things I'm going to do are things that I know, are guaranteed to happen. But living like that is just really limited. And I found in my own life, when I look at my you know, circumstances and the things that I'm doing. There are often times where I look at, you know, how I'm out working my business or how I'm living my personal life. And I go, Oh, you know what, Andrea? That's really a limited perspective. What if you opened yourself up more to the possibility? What if you opened yourself up more to the opportunity, or to more relationships or to saying yes to things that truly light you up, even if it feels scary, even if it feels uncomfortable? And even if you don't think that you have exactly what you need resources, money, time to accomplish those things, or to bring them into your life. And it's something that I've been sitting with for a while now. And it's something that I really wanted to talk to you today about.
So what would it look like for you if you stepped into that unlimited potential, and this unlimited potential, this kind of like place that we really want to be when we are believing the best for ourselves, is really going to be when we are connected deeply to our divine power. So oftentimes, people refer to it as God or universe source, divine, whatever it looks like for you collective consciousness. For me, personally, I feel like it's this relationship with God it's a relationship to a higher power a divinity.
Just really having that one on one relationship. But it's also knowing that the entire universe like everyone in their highest form, and highest good, is really they're out there helping me as well. And that belief for me, is empowering, and helps me to believe that anything is possible. Now, in my own limited perspective, perhaps, that doesn't always seem possible, because I can find probably a good 510 reasons for why things shouldn't work in any given circumstance. So whether that is offering something in my business, or making a trip, or you know, doing something new in my life, you know, even trying to come up with a goal that I really want to accomplish or achieve in my life, there are times where I am like, you know, what, there are so many things stacked against me, that I might as well not even do this. But when we look at things through that kind of lens, we stay in a limited perspective, we stay in a place where we are almost victim to our circumstances, and things are happening to us. But when we step out of that limited perspective, and we say, You know what I really truly want to believe that anything is possible for me, then we step into that unlimited possibility, that unlimited potential, where we believe that, you know, through connectedness to God, source, universe, anything, and all things are possible. And as long as we're in alignment with that, as long as we're moving in the direction that we really, truly feel aligned to go, then those doors and those opportunities are going to continue to open up to us as we take action, as we move in that direction. And as we really believe, and trust that that is for our greatest good. So talking about that and being in that space, what would that look like for you? If you were to harness that kind of energy in your life?
Would you shift your career? Would you step out and do something new? Would you like come up with a whole new goal or plan for your life? Would you really allow yourself transformation, maybe there's a mindset that you've been kind of like bumping up against over and over and over again. And you're like, Yeah, I just, I feel like I'm constantly in this lack space, or I feel like I'm constantly, you know, in, in this imposter syndrome, or I feel like I'm constantly comparing myself. But when we actually do the work to shift those mindsets, and to release those limited thoughts, those old stories, then we're able to truly step into that unlimited potential, by replacing them with more empowering thoughts, and beliefs, and paradigms for you to live out of.
One of the things that I have just recently launched is my new VIP experience. And this is an entire day dedicated to your personal transformation, or to transformation when it comes to stepping into that boss energy, really becoming confident in who you are, and what you have to offer the world. And stepping into that embodiment of what it is that you truly desire. Often times we hear people talk about it. And we're like, Oh, that would be amazing if we could do this, but I have no idea what it would look like if I stepped into that if I took the time to truly embody that next level version of myself. And I know you probably hear that all the time. You're like, what does that even mean? That next level version of yourself is that higher version, that higher self that is unlimited, that believes in the possibility that is ready to take action that is moving towards those goals and dreams.
Whereas oftentimes now in the now, we're in that limited space, we're in that space where it feels like there are too many distractions. There's not enough resources, I don't have enough money, right? So we're in that limited space. But when we step into that higher level, that belief and really connect to source anything is truly possible. Now I want to talk to you about what that looks like, really on a practical level. Well, the first thing is
Do you have real clarity around your purpose? Now this is one of the first things that I ever started coaching on was purpose. I love, love, love above, talking about stepping into purpose when it comes to our lives. And really knowing who we are as individuals, how we're wired our values, how what we have to offer the world and how we are connected to one another, and to source and really being able to move our lives in a direction that feels purposeful, that feels intentional, that feels like we're totally fulfilled. And if I could say anything about my journey, you know, through all of the ups and downs, the one thing that has stayed super constant, for me, has been my purpose. And the reason why is because I connected to it early on, I got super clear on who I was on my relationship with the divine, and what I had to offer and that even if I didn't offer that anymore, even if it ceased to exist in my life, there was still purpose in who I was. And really understanding that has helped me move through so many things in my life. But that's like the first step, really, that we take when we are stepping into that unlimited potential.
The second thing is more really about impact. And when we think about impact, it looks a lot like helping it looks a lot like empowering, encouraging, or even serving others with our gifts or talents, our abilities. And many of you that are listening are entrepreneurs or your coaches or you're doing something you know, in your community that is making a difference and making an impact. And we're when we're deeply connected to how we can move in that space, and how we can have a stronger impact, then we are more tied to this beautiful outcome, we're tied to something that feels really bigger than ourselves. And it helps us to see that there's so much more beyond where we're standing right now, there's so much more beyond what we see in like a six foot radius, or within a three mile radius or wherever you're living, because it's easy just to like, look around and go, This is my life. These are my people, this is how my world exists. But when we move out of that, and we see a bigger picture, it's like, wow, you know, I really can truly make an impact.
The third thing would be legacy. And what kind of legacy Are you leaving for your family. Now whether or not you have kids or not, this is totally possible for you. Because when we set something up that is really generational, it will not only help, you know, move the next generations for but doing the work, the inner work to transform also releases the past generations of trauma of cycles of lack cycles of maybe even oppression or abuse, and really being able to say, from here on out, I'm leaving a legacy of healing, of transformation of purpose of impact of financial stability. However that looks for you, or however you want to define that really in moving your life forward.
The next one would be relationships, right? We can't do anything on our own. So whether that looks like you know, being in a supported community, a mastermind, whether that looks like friendships, peers, having a coach or mentor or just in intimate relationships. That is where we flourish. That is where we grow. That is where we rub up against conflict. And some of us, myself included, are conflict avoidant, we're like I don't want conflict, I don't want to have to deal with that kind of stuff. But it's in those moments. It's when we are in those relationships, learning about others, learning about ourselves and truly, truly showing up as the most empowered version of ourselves that we see growth and expansion and that we are able to tap into an unlimited potential. Because imagine what you can do on your own. Well think about what you could do with someone else, with a guide with a mentor with a coach with a significant other. Imagine the possibilities when two three minds are put towards a common goal.
And then the last thing it'd be would be talking about mind, body and spirit and how it's so important that we are living in out of our mind, which is our subconscious conscious mind, as well as our body, our physical body, and our spirit, that connectedness to source to God, and really allowing that entirety of our being to truly be transformed. Not just one part of it, but all of it. Now, I know I've been talking a lot today about like, what it looks like to step into unlimited potential. And the reason why I think it's so important is because we're in a day and age where there are so many things that are happening in the world that need answers, they need resolutions, they need us to step in, and to, you know, provide those solutions. I was talking the other day to someone who is really passionate about helping those who have gone through any kind of abuse or trauma in their life. Or maybe you're somebody who is, you know, really, really interested in helping other people with their fitness, or their weight loss goals, or having healthy living, or really financially growing their future and their legacy when it comes to money. Like whatever that looks like for you. You are an answer to someone's problem, you are the solution and are carrying the solution to a need that people have right now. And so when you are tapping into your unlimited potential, what you're saying is Yes, I am willing to use who I am, my giftedness, my abilities, my capacity, to hold space for others to receive what they need.
And in doing so you call in so many beautiful things into your life that you probably really always wanted. And that can look like monetary things that can look like travel that can look like freedom, time freedom. But at the end of the day, this beautiful transformation that you're experiencing in your own life, not only is going to impact your personal life, your business life, but it's also going to impact so many other people, your family, your community and generations to come, which is why it is so important that you get dialed in, really in having that transformation for yourself. Now, when it came to my own personal transformation, there were many things that I needed to look at.
As I mentioned, purpose was kind of the thing that I had dialed in. But I lacked when it came to really being able to show up for myself because I was kind of in this anxious depressive, you know, space and feeling in lack and in victim mentality. That was like the biggest transformation that had to take place in my own personal life in order for me to truly offer my purpose and my giftedness with the world, because those things were actually a block, they were keeping me from showing up, they were keeping me from giving what I had to others, they were keeping me in a place where I was unable to truly be the person that I wanted to be. So whether that looks like a transformation with your mindset, or in your finances, or whatever that looks like for you, I encourage you to get honest and real about how you want to start showing up for yourself. And really, really step into your potential.
Now, as I mentioned, these new VIP days are, I just can't wait, I'm so so excited for you to step in to this opportunity. I'm doing them both virtually, and in person. And they're really to help you uplevel not only in this area, but every area of your life. It's like a domino effect. It's an entire day dedicated to really your individualized attention, really dialing in what it is that you desire, creating an outcome that you want to have so that you can move your life forward in a way that feels so good for you. And the best thing about it is that there is going to be a 30 day implementation plan to help you to take that transformation and put it into action so that you can see the outcome come forth.
It's going to manifest for you because we're not just doing the work on the day, but there will be 30 days where you will be working with me and we will outwork what it is that you truly desire in your life. So that's something that sounds interesting. Maybe you're curious about it, you can check out the website, it's Andrew crisp.ca/vip. And jump on a discovery call with me and we can talk about what it is that you would like to see happen. How you would like to step into that on limited potential in your own life, and see if this is the right fit for you. Friend, I've loved chatting with you. I hope this has been super helpful for tea for you today. And until next time, remember, you have everything you need to love briefly. If you liked this episode of The Courage cast, we'd love to hear from you. Leave us a rating and review and while you're there, hit subscribe so you never miss an episode. Original Music by Stephen Crilly.