“When it comes to taking big steps in your life, it’s all about courage.”
About This Episode:
Something we don't often talk about is having integrity as a coach, entrepreneur, or a creator.
But it definitely comes up when we see others not doing it. Have you ever had a conversation with a peer about someone else who is operating in their life and business out of integrity?
Here's an even better question to ask -- what does it look like for YOU to operate out of integrity and why is it important to have a thriving business.
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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?
Something we don't often talk about is having integrity when it comes to being in the on line space, or being a coach, or even a creator. But it definitely does come up when we see others not working or living out of integrity. So let me ask you a question. Have you ever had a conversation with a peer about someone who is not operating out of integrity in their life and business? Or here's an even better question to ask, what does it look like for you to operate out of integrity? And why is it important? To live in integrity when it comes to having a thriving business,
you're listening to The Couragecast a show to equip and empower you to live bravely. Each week, we'll share solo episodes and conversations with amazing people who have been willing to face their fear and pursue their purpose with a blend of practical and spiritual advice will help you take brave steps in your own life. Now, here's your host, mindset and competence coach, author, and your secret weapon.
Hello, friend, welcome to the courage cast. My name is Andrea, I am your host. And we are in your five, like, whoa, what in the world? I am almost I actually had to like, look back and see when I actually started the podcast. And we just released our fifth year episode, which was last week, August 3, because we launched on August 3 2017, which absolutely blows my mind when I think about what it took for me to get started on this podcast. And if you told me that I would still be doing it today, five years later, or into the fifth year, I would have like not never believed it. So it's just I mean, I'd set the testimony number one, to just, you know, continuing to go on to go forward when sometimes there's a law or you don't feel creative, or, you know, you don't feel like showing up, it's a testimony to the many people who have worked behind the scenes over the years. I'm so grateful and thankful for the team that I've had with me, I would never have been able to do this. And just to think of like, the fact that we have come this far is just like absolutely blows my mind. But today on the podcast, we're going to talk about integrity. And the reason why I think this is such an important topic to cover is because there are so many people that are not operating out of integrity, when it comes to their leadership when it comes to their business, and even their livelihoods. And why is it so important that we operate out of integrity? Like what does that look like in your business? And what does that look like to grow your business? So not that long ago, I was talking with a friend and up here about like, basically the state of the online industry, how frustrating it can be to see other entrepreneurs are coaches that are kind of while for lack of a better word, creating a toxic culture or environment. And I see this all the time, that there are coaches, you know, telling people that they're making million dollar months, they're making, you know, gross amounts of money, and I have no problem at all, with people making money. In fact, I think it's amazing that people are making money. However, when it's done out of integrity, it can really feel like a toxic culture or environment. And this is something that I have firsthand knowledge of when it comes to being in cultures and environments where not everything is as it appears. So I have been in various situations within my life within my career, where I have been in toxic environments I've been, you know, in places where there is a huge lack of integrity. So when that happens, it is really easy for me to notice and for the red flags to go up. And so when I see other people operating out of a place that is not really out of integrity, it's kind of like I can see it from a mile away. And when I was thinking about what I wanted to share With you, when it comes to integrity, I really felt in my heart that I wanted to share from a place where it is safe. And you feel as though you are able to process through maybe how you have felt within the industry and how you are offering your own services, online or to others. And I think it's really, really important because if you've ever dealt with coaches, entrepreneurs, or people, leaders really that are out of integrity, it can feel really slimy. And you might want to stay clear from it. And I mean, I've listened to podcasts where they talk about, you know, different coaching styles, you know, being manipulative, and really what it boils down to, is, the people are out of integrity. So, for us, for the purposes of the podcast today, for our conversation, I want to talk about it from a vantage point where we are making that decision to operate out of a place of integrity.
Because if we're really being honest, the only people that can be responsible for our lives are ourselves, right. So when it comes to being in integrity, you have to lead from a place that you know exactly what it is that you truly value, and how you want to operate. And when it comes to taking those big steps in your life and in your business, it's really all about courage, it's all about just really being brave enough to take thee. It's really about being brave enough to do the right thing. When it comes to creating a business, a podcast, writing a book, whatever it is that you're doing, out of a place of integrity. So today, I'm going to leave you with a series of questions that you can work through. And don't worry, if you don't have place to write them down right now, or you're not in a position to do that. Maybe you're on the treadmill, or you're walking the dog, or you're driving the kids somewhere. And you're like, I don't have a pen and paper, you may just want to listen through, and then go back later and grab the questions. And I will actually put them in the show notes on the website. And in order to find them. Just go to the courage cast.com. Okay, so it doesn't really matter. If you are a seasoned coach, like if you've been doing this for a number of years, or you're a brand new entrepreneur, or an artist or a leader in corporate does not matter. These questions will work for you in every phase of your journey. Okay, so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to talk about creating something that lasts and what does that look like internally? Okay, how are you approaching what you're doing, whether it's creating a podcast, or a business or your leadership skills? So the first question is, how will you leave this space better than you found it? So what is it that you possibly could bring to the table that is actually going to add value or help others and make it better? So for an example, for me, when I think about even recording this podcast today, you know, me leaving the coaching space better than I found it is, you know, looking at people who are just, you know, out there just to solely make money, and really aren't providing the transformation. I want to be someone who is capable of making that money, and does have a thriving business and delivers on the transformation. Okay, so what does that look like for you? The second question would be, how are you growing and learning? Because if you are in this space, and you are actually adding value to other people, you're helping with their transformation, you're empowering them, then it's so important that you are taking that time for yourself to grow and learn. Maybe it's a new skill, maybe it's just really helping yourself to get better at communication, whatever it would be, what are you doing to grow and to learn? Number three, how are you showing up in integrity? So that means like something front facing, how are you talking about what you do, and how are you explaining to others? Are you showing them the power parts of your business that you want them to see, or you showing them everything. Oftentimes, we want to, we just want to show like, you know, the shiny bits, right? And we neglect to actually show everything. Now, I'm not saying that you have to show like all of your dirty laundry. However, when people are looking at, you know, hiring you when they want to be in business with you, they do want to know that you're real, honest and transparent. So if you're only showing up one way, and you never let other people see the other side of what you do, or how you are, then it's really not showing up in integrity at all. Number four, how are you adding value? So are you actually adding any kind of value to people? Or are you just trying to get them enrolled in something because you want to have a monetary gain? I'm going to, I'm going to bet that anybody listening to this podcast is not doing that. So? I don't think you are, but I'm just gonna put it in there anyways. Number five, how are you? How are you valuing? Number five? How are you valuing yourself? And how are you valuing others, because how you do that with yourself is really going to be how you do with others, and vice versa. So if you're like, never really valuing yourself, then it's probably, you know, then you're probably not going to value others, either. It's important that you take care of yourself, and then also take care of your clients and the people you work with. And then the last one is, how are you valuing your clients and collaborators? So that kind of goes hand in hand with the question before that? And how are you valuing yourself and others, it's really important that when you're building a business, and you're operating out of integrity, that you're asking yourself these, these really pivotal questions, so that you can really know that what you're offering is out of a place of integrity. So let me give you an example. Not that long ago, I was working with a coach who had had their copy, copied and reposted by a another coach. And this individual contacted me and was asking me like, What do you think about that? And what should I do? And so we had this conversation, but at the end of the day, what ended up happening was, it actually wasn't even the coach who did it, it was someone who worked for them, that did it. And then that coach ended up having to let that person go off their team. So it doesn't matter if you're a coach, your support team, you are in leadership, when you're when you are running a business, and when you are part of a team. Being in integrity is so important, because you never know who's watching. And you always want to add value in the best way possible. And that means that the value should come from you. Okay, so what safeguards do you have in place to ensure that your team is operating out of integrity? Okay, that's number one. And to go alongside of that, when it comes to safeguards, what are the safeguards you have in place to keep you in integrity when it comes to your finances? You don't have to share your finances with the world. In fact, it's nobody's business. But if you're talking about your finances online, is that really accurate? Or are you embellishing it, because if you're even embellishing it a bit, it really energetically comes across as really sleazy.
And so people will back away from that. So it's so important that when you are talking about money, or when you are that you're honest about that. And here's the thing, friend, you may have a hugely successful business, and you're like, I want to talk about all the money I'm making. And conversely, you might have a business where you've not made a cent. And, you know, it's like, oh, well, do I want to, you know, tell people that I'm making like 5k A month or no, just you don't have to be honest and say, I haven't made one penny out of this business, but don't project that you're something you're not. Okay. So it's it can be a fine line of like what to reveal when it comes to finances, but in the same way, make sure that you are not out of integrity when you're talking about that. Another question to ask yourself when things are not going so well is are you making excuses for yourself? Are you finding ways to Do not take ownership or responsibility for your actions or lack thereof. Are you keeping your word? Did you say you would do something and then you don't do it? Oftentimes, we want to, you know, say yes to everything. And then we ended up finding out that really, we can't do it. I mean, there have been oftentimes in my own business where I've had to go back on on something and say, you know, that's not going to work for me, and I'm sorry. And, and oftentimes, the reason why it's not working for me it was because I said yes, to something that really wasn't in alignment with me. And so when it came time to do it, it didn't feel good, I just couldn't follow through, and I ended up having to cancel on that person. And I'm really usually pretty good about following through with my commitments, even if I'm tired, or, you know, not feeling great or whatever. But when it comes to being in alignment, and when it comes to something that just doesn't feel energetically aligned, you really have to listen to your intuition on that, and be in integrity about it. The next one is how are you responding to haters? How are you responding to criticism? are you operating out of a place of integrity? You know, everyone approaches this a little bit differently, because you may have a personality that is a little bit more challenging, and you're willing to come back with a, you know, certain response style. For me, that's not necessarily me.
So I always have to be mindful of like, how am I approaching what someone's saying? Am I like, immediately coming back with like, a sassy response? Or am I communicating to them in a way that is in integrity with who I am? The next question is, are you dependable? So? Are you someone who follows through? Are you someone who people can count on? You know, often we work with peers and people, and they ask us to do something, and then, you know, we don't follow through, maybe we don't post something, maybe we, you know, forget, and we just are kind of like, you know, just focus on our own thing? Are you dependable? Do you have integrity, when it comes to following through? Are you able to take responsibility for your actions, or lack thereof? So if you're feeling as though you're not having results in your business, or something's going on? Are you in a place where you can take responsibility for that? Not blame it on someone else? Blame it on a circumstance blame it on a team member? But are you taking responsibility for what is going on in your business? And then the last one is, are you over exaggerating the positive? Or are you minimizing the negative? So you know, maybe you're like, Oh, we had so much success, and then you like, pump up the results. Or on the other side of it, you're like, never really sharing any of the results. Or on the other side of it, you're minimizing what is really negative, you know, within your business, okay? So just so that people don't see it. And it's like, it's never there. Being an integrity really means showing up as the most authentic version of yourself. So when it comes to these questions, you really want to take them from looking at, well, how do I want to operate within my business? And then the second half of the questions are really about what happens when the shit hits the fan, you know, what I'm saying? And how am I going to operate? And what am I going to do, because inevitably, things are going to go wrong in business, they're gonna go wrong in your, you know, in with whatever you're doing in a relationship when it comes to your peers, your clients, all that kind of stuff. So it's so important to know what you want to be doing and how you want to respond when it comes to running your business in a place of integrity. All right, friends. So I hope those questions were helpful for you today. You know, really operating out of integrity is all about having a mindset that we want to add value and to serve other people. And I think that's so important. And I know that's probably why you tuned into the courage cast, because you know that this is a place where we kind of tell it like it is we're honest, we're transparent. And, and so I'm just so grateful that you are here and that you're part of this community. And I would love to invite you if you've not already taken part in the mindset mentor circle, which is our free weekly call. Every Wednesday we meet at 12pm Eastern Standard Time. And it's a great supportive community where we talk about what our challenges and struggles are when it comes to mindset in our business. And oftentimes, you know, we don't really share, you know what's going on or any challenges that we might be having you're facing. So I want to encourage you to jump in on one of these calls. It's a great way number one to get support, but number two, to build a network and community. So I will leave the link in the show notes for you and I would love to have you anytime. Alright, friend. Thanks for hanging out with me today. And I can't wait until we meet again. And until next time, remember, you have everything you need to live briefly.
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