19 | Vision For Your Future



About This Podcast:

The biggest reason that we are unable to accomplish our goals is lack of vision. Since what we focus on grows, it's imperative that we have a clear sense of where we are going. 

Don’t focus on what is, focus on what can be. Naveen Jain

This is the second episode in a three-part series on goal setting for 2018. Maybe you have felt really confused about how to set goals (and achieve them). I'm going to take the confusion out of the goal-setting process by giving you a three-step plan to help you be intentional about your goals for the new year. 

Step One: Make Your Priorities Matter

One way to do this is to ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Who do you hope to inspire this year?

  2. How can you live your life intentionally?

  3. What kind of impact do you desire to have on your family & community this year?

Step Two: Determine What You Value

Determine what you value. If you already know this then you are a step ahead of the game. Start with your top five values and then you may want to narrow it down to your top three.  

What you value, you will prioritize. Setting goals that align themselves with your personal values, will be key to being intentional, impactful and inspirational with your goals this coming year. Not only will your values determine the standard to which you live, but also what you expect from others. Here is where the rubber meets the road (so to speak). Which items on the above list are currently holding you back from what you really need to accomplish?

Step Three: Set Intentional Goals

This is the step where you can be intentional about crafting exactly what you want out of the next 12 months. Write down where you would like to see growth in the area’s I just mentioned. Once you have a sense of what you want, you are likely to see a theme emerge. This will be a big indicator of what you may want to prioritize when moving forward. 

  • Career

  • Financial

  • Relationships

  • Emotional & Spiritual Health

  • Physical Health

  • Living Arrangements

  • Recreation

Write down where you would like to see growth in the area’s I just mentioned. Once you have a sense of what you want, you are likely to see a theme emerge. This will be a big indicator of what you may want to prioritize when moving forward. 


If you are ready to take your goals to the next level, but are not sure where to start -- let's schedule a 30 min FREE strategy session so that you can have the clarity you need to move forward in 2018.