“I really understand when I focus on what I truly desire, those desires, they manifest themselves.”
About This Episode:
Have you ever felt like life was happening to you instead of for you. For most of my life that is what I believed. I bought into the belief that life's circumstances and situations were out of my control. That was until I had a shift in my perspective that helped me to see that when I position myself for what I want then I get exactly that.
In this episode you'll learn how to become a magnet for what you desire so that you can start attracting more clients, opportunities and income into your life and business.
If you are ready to start attracting what you truly desire into your life and business I want to invite you to join me for The Be Magnetic Experience on September 30th. Get ready to position yourself to receive abundance on a whole new level.
Connect With Andrea:
I’d love to connect and chat with you over on my socials. If you’re ready to dive a little deeper into understanding your purpose, grab a copy of my book Designed With Purpose.
Join The Be Magnetic Experience on September 30th
Andrea Crisp 0:00
Have you ever felt like life was happening to you instead of for you? For most of my life, that is exactly what I believed. I bought into the belief that life circumstances and situations were out of my control. That was until I had a shift in my perspective that helped me to see that when I positioned myself for what I want, that is exactly what I'll get. In this episode, you're gonna learn how to become a magnet for what you truly desire, so that you can start attracting more clients opportunities and income into your business.
Kate 0:33
You're listening to The Couragecast, a show to equip and empower women to live bravely. Each week, we'll share coaching conversations and stories of women who are willing to face their fear and pursue their purpose. here's your host, life coach, author, and your secret weapon.
Andrea Crisp 0:48
Hello, friend, welcome to The Couragecast. I am thrilled that you're joining me today. This fall has been amazing, so far, up north in Ontario, we get fall pretty early. So the leaves have already started to turn. And it's just you know, those really cool, crisp, chilly mornings. It's literally my favorite season. And it's also my birthday season. And that's coming up in October. And I'm actually going to be celebrating my birthday on Canadian Thanksgiving this year, which I love. But I'm also really excited because this week, starting on Thursday, is the start of the B magnetic live experience. And if you have not already signed up for the five day experience, there is still time. So stop the podcast right now and go sign up, and then come back and listen to the episode. You can just go to my website, andreacrisp.ca. And you can click on a link to sign up to the big magnetic live experience.
Or you can find the link in the show notes as well. And it's also in my Instagram bio. So I want to make sure you have all the ways to go ahead and sign up, this is going to be the most amazing five days. And when I was thinking about what I wanted to talk about today, it only felt fitting to talk about why I think it's important for us to position ourselves for what we want in life. You know, I just actually had a conversation with two of my aunts. On both sides of my family. One is on my dad's side, and one is on my mom's side. But it was really interesting, because they were talking about all their ailments, you know, as they do. And, you know, just saying things like, you know, well just wait until you get older Andrea, and you're gonna have these problems too. And it was really interesting.
Because for years, I would have thought, yeah, you're right, I'm absolutely going to have those problems, this is genetic, and this is going to happen. And I lived for a majority of my life with the belief that things just happen to us. They happen to me, and we're out of control of you know, those circumstances, you know, whether it be financial, whether it be with our health, or, you know, just life circumstances. And that had a lot to do with my, of course, my family upbringing, but also had to do with my evangelical upbringing. I mean, not all of it, but some of it. And it was also, you know, a belief that I bought into, because I had to own it for myself. And I was of the belief that I had to wait to allow things to happen in my life, and that I was never going to be in control of what happened to me. So it was this, like, weird mix of like, waiting on God, you know, because I'd grown up in the church and making sure I was in the will of God, and not ever taking any action myself in case I made the wrong decision to, you know, being on the other side, where it's like, well, you know, things just happen.
And because it's generational, it's gonna happen this way, and you don't have any control over things. And then there was, you know, of course, the part of me that wanted to do things perfectly, and I didn't want to rock the boat, because I wanted to make sure people approved of me. So I had this kind of perfect perfectionistic mentality, you know, I kind of shudder at the thought of it. Because, you know, that kind of theology in the church is not even really correct. And so I'm so glad that I have let go of those beliefs, and that I am not buying into those mindsets and narratives that are passed down generationally within my family, and that I have let go of my own need to control the outcome of everything. And I'm really opened to what is possible in my Life, especially when I positioned myself for God universe source to surprise and delight me. And so maybe you've had a similar upbringing, you know, maybe you can relate to one of those things, maybe you found yourself, you know, within a conservative religious upbringing, or maybe you have, you know, some cultural family, you know, narratives that you've been hearing for your whole entire life, and you just believe them to be true. Or maybe you also have found yourself, you know, in this perfectionistic, control driven type mindset, similar to myself. So, if you have, this is definitely a episode that I want you to pay really close attention.
Because all of those things, although maybe well meaning and well intentioned, keep you in a cycle of attracting what you don't really want into your life. I'm going to talk to you today about attracting what you do desire becoming a magnet for the things you desire in life. By no stretch of the imagination, do I claim to have all the answers or am I, you know, thinking am, I am even an expert in this. But I am open to the possibilities now. And I'm on the journey to discover what is possible when I am available. And I want to chat with you all about that. And that's why I think it's important to become a magnet for what we desire, instead of being a magnet for what we don't want. And as I mentioned, that was basically me up until a couple of years ago. So let me rewind, just share a quick story with you. It was about my early 40s, when I really started to recognize that I had been dealing with anxiety and depression for a better part of 20 years. So if you've never listened the podcast before, and this is your first time, you know, you're hearing this story. It was something that I just didn't even know I was dealing with because it was low grade. And I was functional. And I was doing things but I always felt really down and defeated. And I had this fatigue. And, you know, it was just kind of like below the surface, right. And it really impacted my life, it impacted my relationships. And it was one of those things where I always just assumed that I would feel that way. I actually assumed everybody felt that way that everyone lacked enjoyment, peace and an overall sense of joy, right? Like, I just assumed, okay, like, that's what most people feel, I didn't even know that you could feel any differently. And a lot of the reason why that was happening was because I was focused, like Uber focused on what I did not have, you know, I wasn't married, I lacked a job that, you know, was really bringing in a good income. I didn't have my own home, I didn't have kids. And I was just like, so focused on the things I didn't have, that I was actually starting to play a victim role. And I would make excuses for why things weren't changing, and why I wasn't getting what I wanted. And in all of that, because it was so it was so I don't know, defeating self defeating, that I started to isolate myself from other people, because I didn't want to admit how I truly felt.
And I didn't want other people to know, you know that I felt that way because I wanted them to think that you know, had everything together. And that my life was great, wonderful. And I would have hated to admit that something was wrong in my life. But it really was like there were there were so many things that I wanted to change, I wanted to shift and I didn't really know how. And I didn't know that my mindset played a huge role in that. And part of that mindset was really understanding that whatever we focus on grows, which is a Tony Robbins quote, because that was something I did not understand at all. So it wasn't really until I started working on my mindset that I realized that what I was doing, which was focusing on the lack and the negativity and the reasons why things weren't happening and the possibility of like, you know, ailments, all the things that it was actually harmful, like, how harmful is it to position yourself to think okay, well, it's only a matter of time until I get arthritis or it's only a matter of time until my eyesight goes on. It's only a matter of time until I lose my job or my relationship you know falls apart or, you know, I'll never be able to, you know, get any further ahead with my finances. I'm always going to be in debt.
Like, I mean, that way of living is just no way of living at all. And I had, I had really had adopted that type of philosophy and that mentality, which kept me spinning my wheels. And it actually had me, like, when I think about it, like, think back at the many, many jobs that I lost. During those years, I was really, you know, having those self fulfilling prophecies and saying, you know, like, I never can keep a job. And, you know, things always happen to me, like, Well, duh, things always happen to you, because you're consistently talking about it, and you're always projecting it out. And then of course, it keeps happening. And that is what kept happening, I would lose jobs, I would be treated poorly at work, I was felt like I was never being respected. And then I, you know, in my relationships, I was like, I was never asked out, and nobody wants to be with me. And I can never be in a long term relationship, like mean. And then I look back at, you know, things that I was saying, and how I was projecting that into the world. And it's not a wonder that that was happening. And the same thing goes with my finances. I mean, like, you can really take a look at, but like, you know, go down deep into my life and see how pervasive this thought was. And this mindset was in my life, friend, I cannot tell you how often I work with clients now as a coach, and they tell me, you know, different things about their life. And I'm like, Oh, I can totally relate to that. I have been there, I thought that exact same thing, I had to go through that I had to work out my mindset around that particular issue. And I had to get some answers, and I had to get some freedom in my mindset. And now, I feel as though things have opened wide up. And I feel as though I am so much more open to the possibility of what can happen within my life. But for so long.
I was just held back by this fear of not being accepted, not belonging. And I had this shame that my life was imperfect. And I was so fearful that people would know that I felt like my life was in shambles. And then they would know that, and then they would not want to be my friend, or they would not want to hire me or they would not want to be in a relationship with me. Oh, it was a lot. Okay, so let's switch gears, right. So, here's the thing I just mentioned, the the quote by Tony Robbins, what you focus on grows, that became so real to me. And it became real to me, because I started to understand when I focus on lack, I get more lack. But Alternatively, if I focus on fun, I get more fun. And now I really understand when I focus on what I truly desire, those desires, they manifest themselves, okay. But you may be wondering, a lot like I was, How the heck does that happen? Because I heard people talking about this concept for years. Like they call it the law of attraction. And, you know, I was like, okay, you know, the law of attraction. And then in the church, you know, they they talk about how, you know, it's kind of like, name it climate, and, and people get really, really, really like, Oh, my gosh, like, that's a terrible philosophy and theology. But here's the thing.
You don't have to be a rocket scientist, to figure out that what you really think about you actually bring into your life, because you're either moved to action towards it, or you move to inaction. And then you don't do anything, and things stay the same. So I mean, like, that's not rocket science, right? So when I focused on lack, I would feel defeated, I'd have all this self doubt, I would feel just anxious and depressed. And that kept me in that cycle, making excuses for myself for why things weren't happening. But when I started to shift my mindset, and I started to really be able to pull apart what I was actually thinking and start to reframe those thoughts and focus on, you know, having success in my life. Then I started to in body, what it would look like if I was successful, and all of a sudden, things started to shift. And, and here's the thing. A lot of people think, Okay, well, do I just think about success, and then I get success? Well, no, it's not as simple as that. I think what people miss is, we really have to be in the emotion of what it is we desire. And when I was in the, in the lack mindset, I was, as I mentioned, defeated, anxious and depressed Right, my emotions were such that it continued to draw that to me because I was in that low vibration. But when I was focusing on what I did want, and I allowed myself to be excited about the possibility, and I allowed myself to just envision what that will look like, and to get that anticipation in my spirit, and just like, feel like it was already there for me, I was at a different vibration, my vibration was higher, and I would start to attract what it is that I did desire into my life. So it's not just as easy as going, I want this and then I get it, it's really about embodying the emotion and the feeling of what it would be like to have that as though it is already done. So let me ask you, what are you inviting into your life? And is what you're getting right now what you truly want.
Because if you're caught up in the what ifs the excuses, the reasons why things aren't working, then I hate to take it, I hate to tell you, but you're going to keep getting the same thing over and over and over again. And so many people, myself included, fall into this victim mentality and say like, Well, you know, things just never happened for me. And, you know, it's, you know, get all these reasons why. And if you feel like you've been there, you're not alone. So, you know, I know, it's, it's, it's easy to say, Okay, well, I'm going to fall into a shame spiral because of that. But I just want you to release yourself for that right now. Just be like, you know what it is what it is, but it's time to like change the story. And it's time to actually make a huge adjustment and start to attract what it is that I really want in my life. And you can make that decision right here. And right now to become a magnet for what you truly desire. So as I mentioned, at the beginning of the podcast this week, on Thursday, September 30, we are starting the B magnetic live experience, I'm going to walk you through the process, I'm going to hold space for you to learn and to grow and expand in really attracting what it is that you desire into your life. So whether you're a baby manifester, or you are like a full fledged manifester, I want to invite you, I would invite everybody of every level into this because I believe that we all have something to offer one another. And that when we are together, holding space for one another, and really, truly believing for powerful, powerful things to manifest within our lives, that we will draw those things to us. And so maybe you've been in a place in your life where you really are desiring something to happen, whether it's work, whether it's relationship, whether it's finances, whether it's just really, you know, stepping into a future version of yourself, I want to invite you to to join me for these five days, and to become part of this community because I really believe that this is going to be something that is going to shift your life much like it has shifted mine and continues to do so. So in order to sign up, all you have to do is go to my website, andreacrisp.ca and you can easily sign up there or you can click one of the links in the show notes or in Instagram in my bio and you can find that at Andrea Crisp coach. I am so excited to get started with you, I cannot wait for us to go through this together. The Be Magnetic Live Experience, five days you are going to attract what it is you truly desire into your life and I cannot wait to walk the journey out with you. Alright friend, this was so fun. Thanks for hanging out with me today. And I'll hopefully see you on Thursday. But until next time, remember, you have everything you need to live bravely.
Kate 19:16
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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?