150 | Building Community With Summit In A Box


When you move the focus off yourself and put it on how you can help the speaker ... I pitch them a topic I know they want to talk about and make it a win-win situation for them.
— Krista Miller

About This Episode:

Building community is about collaboration and creating a safe to share powerful stories that impact those around us. In this episode, I am joined by the founder of Summit In A Box.

At Summit In A Box, Krista helps entrepreneurs 3x their monthly revenue through virtual summits without wondering where to start or what to do next.

Her method is focused on strong connections, collaboration, and making a difference in the lives of everyone involved.

Connect with Krista @summitinabox

Connect with Summit In A Box

Connect With Andrea:

I’d love to connect and chat with you over on my socials. If you’re ready to dive a little deeper into understanding your purpose, grab a copy of my book Designed With Purpose.

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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?

149 | Do You Have The Support To Chase Your Dreams


Is that it’s ok to need. It’s ok to need support, it’s ok to lean on someone, it’s ok to not know everything, it’s ok to let go of what isn’t working anymore, it’s ok to come undone at the seams, it’s ok to fail over and over again until you get it.
— Andrea Crisp

About This Episode:

There are so many twists and turns when we are on the journey to pursue our dreams. When I look back there are so many things I wish I would have known if I had been willing to reach out and get the support I needed. In this episode, I'm sharing what I wish I would have known about mentorship in my business and how letting go of a dream was the start of something beautiful.

Connect With Andrea:

I’d love to connect and chat with you over on my socials. If you’re ready to dive a little deeper into understanding your purpose, grab a copy of my book Designed With Purpose.

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Are you ready to take the next brave step in your life? Let’s find out if coaching is a good fit for you. Book your FREE 30-minute Strategy Session today!

148 | How To Handle Critical Feedback


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The problem isn’t that you don’t know how to take feedback — the problem is that you are not safe where you are and the feedback is slowly destroying your confidence.
— Andrea Crisp

About This Episode:

Has someone said something to you or about you that knocked you flat out? If you're not careful criticism can shut you down and hold you back from ever reaching your full potential. I don't know a single person that has not had to deal with the negative feedback from someone they trusted in their lives.

In this episode, I want to share with you how you can not only handle critical feedback but turn it around and use it to fulfill your purpose.

Connect With Andrea:

I’d love to connect and chat with you over on my socials. If you’re ready to dive a little deeper into understanding your purpose, grab a copy of my book Designed With Purpose.

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I think we've all heard the old adage that little kindness goes a long way. But what happens when that's just not the case, when you're in a position, and someone is telling you that you're just not meeting their standards, or that you didn't do the right thing, or that you're not the right fit for the job or the relationship, it's not only painful for your ego, but it also can leave a really lasting mark.

And what's worse is when they make it personal. I think we've all been there. I know for myself, words that people have spoken to me have played over and over, in my mind, kind of like this non stop loop. And they were the words that I wanted to forget the most, but that I had the hardest time letting go of, have you ever felt so defeated and discouraged, like you've put yourself out there, you've done all the things that you need to do, and you ended up becoming someone else's punching bag.

And deep down, you know that, even though it's not right what they're doing, you feel for some reason, like you deserve their critical feedback. I know that's crazy. But I know that I have, and that maybe, just maybe you've done something to provoke them to say this to you like you've actually made it happen. And the more you try to please them, and make yourself smaller and smaller and smaller, the worse it seems to get, because nothing ever pleases them. And what makes it even worse is that this is a person that you've put your trust in, maybe you've put them on some sort of a pedestal.

Maybe it's an authority figure in your life, like your parent or a boss, a leader in your life in some sort of community or church organization, a supervisor, a partner, so when you love a pastor, or even a coach, before we go too deep into the episode today, I really wanted to start by saying that this episode could potentially be triggering to anyone who has ever experienced manipulation, spiritual or emotional abuse.

My intention with this episode is to share part of my story, but also to really teach you how you can safely deal with feedback, whether that's negative or positive. And we know that more often than not, feedback can feel negative, even if that's not the intention. So in talking about this, I may hit on some hard things. And I really, really want you to feel safe in your process.

And if you're going through something right now, or you're still in an unresolved issue, or relationship, or you've had a trauma that it just doesn't feel right for you to be listening at this point, I want to encourage you to go ahead and hit pause on this episode for now, maybe come back to it later. And just know that I am sending you so much love right now.

Now, if you're still here, I really want to pledge to do my best to help you through this really toxic minefield.

Over the years, I've talked quite a bit about my own journey. And I started as an educator, but I also spent a good amount of time in ministry both while I was teaching, and full time after I stopped teaching.

But there was one particular time one place where I felt like I completely lost who I was, like I became a fraction of the person I had been. And although it was only like nine months of my life, it felt like an absolute eternity because of this relationship that I had with my pastor who is also my boss, and it has left an imprint on my soul. Now just to share a little bit of the story with you. I had recently moved from Missouri where I'd spent almost a decade to Tennessee. I was so excited to be in Memphis I starting a new chapter of my life and I had gotten a job and an inner city church in Memphis. The church and parsonage was located on the same property and it was in the probably in this area of town that was really racially segregated and even as I'm just even sharing it and recording and I feel kind of the emotions coming back up now.

My job at the church, what I was hired for was to lead worship on Sundays. And also to help the pastor with, you know, any miscellaneous things like helping grow the church because it had gotten really low in numbers.

And they had a government subsidized daycare that also ran out of the church, which was pretty much the way I was going to be paid was through the the daycare. So I was also going to be teaching music to the kids in the daycare. Now, that was only just part of my job. The other part of my job was actually being employed at a school which was in a rural part of town. And that was about 20 minutes away from where I lived. So it was two very, very different worlds.

Now, the pastor that I worked for him, seemed great at first, like, I really connected with him and his family, when I was moving from Missouri to Tennessee, he sent a big truck and picked up all my stuff and drove it all the way. I mean, like, it was just amazing. I felt like, okay, these are my people, these are the people that like, really, really drew me in, you know, like, they're going to be family, right.

And they really wanted to have me over and have dinner with them had two kids and was kind of like this thing that we were going to do once a week. But as I got involved, more and more involved, and as I started to get to know them, I felt a little bit smothered by him especially. And it kind of went from you know, being that I was brought into their family to like being expected to be at the church being expected to be at their house being expected to do all of these things. And I felt like I was losing my autonomy and my independence. And there was even a security camera that was placed on the property of the church, which was I'm sure to help you know, with any, you know, property being vandalized, or potential break ins or anything, but it was definitely monitoring my comings and goings where I lived, which was in the parsonage.

Now, if I ever had any spare days off from teaching at the school, my pastor would expect me to be at the church and working. So it wasn't like I just had time off from my other job, I also had to work and fill that other time. So there were times where I would no joke, I would just go shopping, just to make sure that I was even on the property. So he would think I was at school. Andall of my time was supposed to be devoted to the surface of the church.

But only that but I would receive this like weekly guidance and mentorship from him. And, you know, in some ways, like, you know, it's expected, but also it felt a little bit unsolicited, because everything, like absolutely everything I was doing was scrutinized. Every detail of what I was doing was talked about, to the way I played the piano to the people I talked to in the church to the songs I chose how fast or slow I played them, whether or not people had engaged with the music or engaged with me afterwards. I mean, the list goes on. And we would have, you know, ad nauseum conversations about what I did or didn't do.

And soon our weekly meetings actually became more of an opportunity for the pastor to tell me what I was doing wrong. And so I dreaded meeting with him. And week after week, I tried to adjust and change everything I was doing to meet the requirements he was setting up before me, even though he had zero musical knowledge. Everything I did was on the table, and if anything ever went wrong in any capacity, it was like it was my fault.

Well, okay, I'll just leave it there because there's so much more that happened. But over the course of those nine months, which felt like an eternity, like I mentioned, there came a point where I honestly I just couldn't take it anymore. Like it was I was so stressed out.

One day when I was in my house, I noticed that I had these like welts under my bra strap and I had the shooting pain in my back and across my chest. So I asked some friends to take a look at these bumps and it turns out that I had shingles. And since I didn't have any medical insurance, there was really nothing I could do about it.

And I was so stressed out about it and I called home and you know having a discussion with my parents. I mean like everything was dependent on me being there and having that job in order to stay in the in the States. But my parents were like you can't do this like not worth your health. So I decided that I would tell him that I was quitting. Of course, you can imagine how that went down. That was literally like the worst case scenario.

Now, this may seem like a little bit of a stretch, but maybe there are parts of my story that you can also relate to, maybe you've actually found yourself giving the best parts of yourself to an organization, to a church to a job, to a relationship with someone, whether it's intimate or just a friendship. And the feedback that you're getting always, always seems to center around the fact that you are not measuring up some way, or somehow.

And even though you feel like you have so much to offer, you know, your gifts are being undervalued, underutilized. And in the meantime, your self worth is taking a huge hit, because you're under the leadership or mentorship of someone who is exhibiting this incredibly toxic behavior. So I want to ask you, if that is you, if you have felt yourself in that position, or if you feel like you're in that position right now? How is your body, your soul and your spirit, receiving this negative feedback?

My friend, what I want to talk to you today about is not just about how to receive feedback, it's really about what happens when people are speaking these negative words to you, and how it can derail you from doing what it is that you know, you should be doing. Whether it's starting a business, whether it's writing a book, whether it's being in a really healthy relationship, whether it's leaving an organization, a church, a relationship, whatever it is, these words can tie you to really just spinning your wheels for weeks, months, years, decades.

SoI want to talk about this. I know this is like a touchy subject. But maybe you've feel like maybe you feel like you've already given everything you have to this relationship to a community to a church. And you bought in hook, line and sinker. So you just be willing to do pretty much everything, anything and everything that is asked or required of you.

But in the process, you're getting negative harsh feedback, like you're not pulling your weight, toeing the line. And maybe even you wonder if your work is subpar. It's actually making you feel like what you have to offer is not good enough. Like you're not a good leader, like you're not a good person, like you're not qualified or called, oh my gosh, like the list goes on. And if you question them in any way, there is absolutely hell to pay.

So here's the hard truth. You're not in a relationship with someone who is safe in any way, shape, or form. And you may be taking their abuse, their manipulation, and becoming the scapegoat for their really bad inexcusable behavior. And I know it's probably slowly eating away at you. And you may be even putting up some walls trying to keep other people out, save people even because you don't want any input of any kind. And further to that you may feel as though you don't even trust people anymore. People who you love people who love you. And it's not a problem of whether or not you can take critical feedback. The problem is that you're not safe, where you are.

And the feedback that you are getting is slowly destroying your confidence. Now I see this happening with so many women all the time, women that I coach, women that I've mentored over the years women that I've been in church with friends, you name it, because everyone at one time or another ends up being in a relationship that they wish they had not been in whether it's at work or an intimate relationship or with a friend with a parent, and it really erodes their self esteem. Not only does it erode their self esteem, but it also has the potential of killing their dreams, their desires, what they believe is possible for their lives.

And this happens in toxic partnerships with bosses who are unfit to be in leadership. And within the walls of the church, sadly, and I've seen it happen time and time again. And in families, so it's everywhere. And what this does, is it actually silences women, it, it, it's one of those things where you lose your voice, you lose the ability to share what you have to offer the world, whether that's through your actions through your own personal story with just even putting your gifts out into the world. And it keeps women from stepping out, puts them in a box, and they stop pursuing their dreams. And I don't even know why. And I want to almost like shout from the rooftops, like, You have no idea how angry this makes me and how frustrated I get when I see women who are not working in their giftings when they are not out there using their talents, gifts and abilities, because someone said something to them, that they believe to be true about themselves, when that person was really just probably projecting to them their own stuff.

And almost nearly every coaching session that I have, this comes up in one way or another. So it always doesn't always look the same. And we've become so afraid to get feedback that we end up isolating ourselves, from people from coaches, mentors, who can truly help us shift our mindset and shift what we believe to be true about ourselves and our lives. And I did the exact same thing, until I met my friend Jackie.

Now I need to tell you about Jackie. Jackie is honestly one of the most incredible women I've ever met. And I was introduced to her through a mutual friend when I was living in Memphis. And it was coincidentally around the same time that I was going through this church drama, this horrific experience. And in fact, she was one of the women who did, you know, tell me, Andrea, this is you've got shingles, and we've got to get you out of there. And she helped me to like plan my escape basically.

Now Jackie is about 20 years, my senior, and she doesn't take shit from anyone if she hears me say that she's probably gonna say, Andrea, you shouldn't be cussing on the podcast. But she's literally one of the strongest women I know to this day. And not because she is not beyond breaking. Because she has been broken. And she's risen. And she continues to rise. She's been there, she knows what it's like to be put down to be pushed down to go through illness and to go through mindset and spiritual abuse. And I mean, she's, she knows her stuff. And at the end of the day, she knows where her value and her truth is. And her faith is so important to her.

Now, when Jackie and I first started talking, I was really skeptical, like I kept my distance. And I really was not wanting her to be my friend. And she could see that hesitation. In fact, she called me out on it at one point, because she instinctively knew that I needed to be handled with love and extreme care at that point. And that's exactly what she did. I was at a point in my life where I was really disillusioned with the people in my life. I had had another female mentor, who had been really manipulative, and now I was in a situation in the church that was really toxic. And I obviously, at some point in time had, you know, learned that it was okay that people treated me this way and spoke to me this way.

And she could tell that somewhere buried underneath all of that, that I was really, really alone. And I was really dealing with a lot of trauma. And I'm not sure what kind of resolve it took for Jackie to walk me through the healing process. But she, she stuck to it. She was there she she really just held space for me. And she was a mentor when like we just didn't really call it a mentoring relationship. But like I went places with her I did ministry with her. She taught me She listened, she just loved on me, she fed me she did all the things that someone who really loves and cares for you would do. And over the next two years, she really nursed me back to health, emotionally, spiritually, financially, helping me to expect more of myself, to not play the victim in the story of my life back, that was a huge thing that Jackie showed me. And that I didn't have to live under that oppressive mentality, that I could learn to speak for myself, whether it was with my family, in church, in leadership, in so many ways, like, I honestly think she saved me like truly.

And maybe that is what you feel like you need to someone just to come alongside of you like just to like link arms with you. And say to you, you know, it is possible for you to trust again. And it's possible for you to be in relationship, again, with someone who genuinely is interested in you, who you are and your success in your growth. And being around Jackie showed me the value and the power, of relationship, of community and of coaching and mentorship. Like, I wasn't even a coach back then, like I was still teaching, I didn't even hadn't even really gone into full time ministry at that point. But like, she was already laying the groundwork for what I do today, like I'm just even thinking about that now. And going like all of the stuff that I had to go through, and the women and mentors and coaches I've met along the way, have been so instrumental at like laying the foundation, and also helping me heal through some of the stuff that I've gone through. And right now, you might be standing on the sidelines, because you're afraid to get back in the game, kind of like I was, you're afraid to get hurt, you're afraid that you're going to be shut down. And you can't risk someone wounding your spirit.

Not only are you paralyzed by fear, but you are feeling like life is slowly passing you by. And your dreams are really on hold. So I don't want you to feel that way. Gosh, I hate that you're feeling that way. If you are or if you're even feeling like you've been there like and you're like, Andrea, I totally know what you're talking about this is. And so maybe you're not there. Now, maybe you've been there. But there are times when you're like retriggered, by people. By hearing stories, by hearing comments by people's just aggressive behavior. I know that there's some times where people will say things and I'm like, oh my that is so triggering to me.

So I just really want to just encourage you, that you can find the healing and the freedom that you need. And that it is possible for you to trust again, in relationships, whether it's in business, or personally or within the church. And yes, it's going to take work, because you're going to have to really shift those mindsets. But you're also going to act differently in those relationships. And that's really important. So maybe, it's that you need to call your therapist and book an appointment and say, okay, like, I've got to unpack all this stuff. And really get to the heart of what has been holding you back. or reach out to someone who has been a trusted mentor in your life, ask them to go for coffee, virtual coffee at this point, and just talk through some things. And really ask them about their own experience with getting feedback or being emotionally or spiritually manipulated or abused.

Or it could be that you need a coach right now. And it's like, Okay, I'm at a place where I'm feeling like I have healing. But I do have mindset issues that are holding me back from launching something from putting my gifts into the world from really living into the true essence of my purpose, my potential in everything that I really feel compelled to do. That's what I work with my coaching clients on. That's my sweet spot. I love it. Because as I mentioned, I have been there.

Now the first thing that we would do in this sort of environment would be really identify the lie that you've believed to be true about yourself, your calling and your purpose, like where did it come from? What was the root cause? What were the words spoken? Yeah, sometimes that can be a bit painful. We don't spend a ton of time there. But we do really identify what it is because we want to know how you felt when emotions come up and really acknowledge and embrace them so that we can weaken those toxic thoughts, that might be kind of going over in your mind that you might be ruminating on.

And then secondly, we speak truth and life into those spaces, by reframing the thoughts by reconceptualizing the memory by helping you to move past it, and really seeing that there is so much more for you.

And then thirdly, and sometimes this can be the hardest one, but it's taking action, it's actually stepping out and doing the thing. It's actually putting yourself out there.

So identify what it is reframe, and then move into action. And I know that it might get hard. But I want you to trust your instincts, and allow your instincts, Holy Spirit, whatever you call it, to lead you back to the truth of who you are. Because the truth of who you are, the essence of who you are, is still there, even if it's been damaged, or tainted or broken, shattered into a million pieces.

And I really believe that it's so important to be in a trusted relationship with your therapist, your coach or mentor and I have talked about this time and time again, like I really, really need to be led instinctively, to the right people. I've even more recently declined being in a program because I just didn't feel like he was right. And then I wondered, later, I was like, I wonder if it was just like there was something was out of alignment there and that maybe I was being spared from it. And I just felt like I shouldn't be in it.

Because I've been in other relationships where I had that feeling like that hold back, Andrea, and I didn't, and I got really hurt. So sometimes we just gotta trust our gut instinct. But when you're in a trust relationship, like the one that I had with Jackie, like the one I've had with my therapists, Carrie and Lynn, my coaches, Kate and Kathy, my pastors, Pastor, Michael, Pastor Don, it is possible to overcome those painful experiences, and those negative words that have been spoken to you. And to learn that you don't have to have the walls up and have those defense mechanisms operating all of the time.

And now, not only am I asking for my coach to show me my blind spots, and really asking for my therapist to give me feedback, but I've also engaged in that with my friends, like I've sent them, you know, email saying, like, would you speak into my life in this area, and tell me what you see that maybe I'm not seeing. And sometimes it's hard to read what they're writing me back. But honestly, I ask people who are honest and transparent, and are not going to hold back and are not worried about whether or not we're going to be friends or not, in the end, inviting them into that space in my life, because I have received enough healing to allow them to speak into my life. And that does not mean that I do not get defensive at times. Because I definitely do get triggered. And I'm still working on that I'm not a perfect human being, I definitely have work in that area to do.

But I want to encourage you that not all negative feedback is about you. Sometimes, more often than not, it's about the other person. And when you're really getting the feedback that you need. It's usually in a trusted relationship with a trusted person who is seeing your blind spots, and you're in relationship with them. So that you can actually not only see them, but you can shift them and you can do things differently and be the person you really desire to be. So I want to encourage you if you've gone through this hurt, reach out to a therapist, a coach, mentor, reach out to me, I'd love to chat with you.

Whatever you've been through whatever you've gone through. I'm so sorry that that has been your journey. But I know that I know that I know that it can be used to not only shift where you are, but to propel you into where you're going. So much love for you. If you want to take the next step. I would love to chat with you.

Let's Schedule A 30 minute strategy session if you're looking to get into coaching more long term, or if you just know Andrea want a quick win. I have a coaching session that I've designed specifically for that and you can look at both For those at my website, Andrea crisp.ca forward slash schedule. And I thank you so much for hanging out with me today. Make sure you connect with me on Instagram at Andrea Crisp coach and at the dot courage cast. Until next time remember, you have everything you need to live bravely.


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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?

147 | What They Taught Me


That sweet spot of knowing when it’s time to uplevel and pay for a mentor might be when it’s just taking a lot of time from them because you want to honour their time and their willingness to invest in you.
— Kelsey Chapman

About This Episode:

The best things in life -- having incredible relationships, a thriving business, creating a life you love all come when you are not only willing to invest in yourself but are willing to invest in others.  And more often than not that means being vulnerable in a mentoring relationship.

Kelsey Chapman is an author, podcaster, and personal cheerleader to women building their dream life and business.

When she first launched her own brand in 2015, she felt all the overwhelming feelings, too. It was scary to take such a huge leap and commit to showing up for a dream she didn’t know would pan out. Mentorship is what pushed her to rise up and continue making her dream a reality. Over the first few years of business, she leaned on the shoulders of several incredible mentors who took her under their wing and taught her how to make the jump from dreamer to doer.

Kelsey needed their expert wisdom to shift old perspectives, discover the next right steps that would help her execute the vision, and stay hopeful throughout the journey. Her mentors helped shape her character so she could become the CEO and leader she is today. Now she is excited to pay it forward and be that cheerleader for you, too… because she believes YOU can turn your wildest dreams into REALITY.

Connect With Kelsey:

Instagram + Facebook + Book

Connect With Andrea:

I’d love to connect and chat with you over on my socials. If you’re ready to dive a little deeper into understanding your purpose, grab a copy of my book Designed With Purpose.

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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?

146 | Unlock The Power of Your Purpose


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Don’t count yourself out just because — you haven’t had the success you want, you are busy at home with your family, you lost your income and you’re not sure how to stay afloat, you’ve been passed over by others.
— Andrea Crisp

About This Episode:

It doesn't matter what stage of life you find yourself in right now, you need to be reminded that life still holds more possibility for you. Maybe you've been feeling like everything has come to an abrupt halt, and you secretly feel like you are failing.

When you face what seem to be insurmountable obstacles that are when you need to dig a little deeper so that you can access the power of your purpose. In this episode, I'm sharing how I was able to transition in my own life when everything was falling down around me. So even if you are feeling frustrated, it is possible to realign yourself to what is important to you.

Connect With Andrea:

I’d love to connect and chat with you over on my socials. If you’re ready to dive a little deeper into understanding your purpose, grab a copy of my book Designed With Purpose.

Instagram + Facebook + Book


Andrea Crisp 0:00
It doesn't matter what you've been through in your life. It's never over. No matter what you've had to face, how many times you've lost heart or wanted to call it quits, you can always have a do over. And it's possible to pivot and change directions, to be more yourself and to live spaciously. And I want you to know, my friend, that you can never be disqualified from your purpose, even when it seems everything has come against you.

Kate 0:33
You're listening to the courage cast a show to equip and empower women to live bravely. Each week we'll share coaching conversations and stories of women who are willing to face their fear and pursue their purpose. here's your host, life coach, author and your secret weapon.

Andrea Crisp 0:48
Hello, welcome to the courage cast. My name is Andrea Crisp, I am your host. And I'm so glad that you're here with me today for this solo episode. I am talking about one of my most favorite topics today, which is purpose, unlocking your purpose. really understanding you know how to live in your purpose, even wrote a book about it.

I don't know if you know that. But back in 20 oh, I think it's 2011 or 2012. I wrote 'Designed With Purpose', you can find it on Amazon. And it walks you through how to discover your purpose if that's the place you are in, in your life right now.

So I just want to say welcome to the show. So glad that you're here from wherever you're tuning in to today. Now, this past week, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, this past week, there have been so many things happening in the world. And I feel like okay, so just so you know, if you're listening to this at a different time, we're at the beginning of January, actually middle of January now. 2021. And I feel like we're on the precipice of something new. I spent this past Wednesday, which was January 20, literally glued to the TV watching the US inauguration ceremony. Now I'm Canadian. So you know, but I still love America. I lived there for 14 years.

And in full disclosure, I am so grateful. I'm not going to get all political on you. But I am so grateful for the change that is taking place because I think it is so needed to bring healing an unity. And, you know, I really am liking what's happening with the Biden, Harris administration. But in full disclosure, also, I watched the Trump's get inaugurated four years ago. So like, I just like watching this kind of thing. I like watching things in real time.

But you know, 2021 there's change in the air. There's a lightness sense of real purpose. Like of actual purpose, like we're going somewhere. And by we I mean like the collective we not just the US but like North America, like the collective the world.

We're going in a new direction. And okay, now I just need to talk about this as well, like watching the inauguration. Hello, Michelle Obama, I mean, hello. Her outfit. Oh, my gosh, and the outfits of the Biden grandkids and komla. Like, honestly, like, these are some of my favorite moments of watching these live moments on TV, and even hearing Gaga sing the national anthem as a singer as someone who is a performer, like it was literally my undoing. And I cannot forget Amanda Gorman, the youngest Poet Laureate, I think I'm getting that right. Poet Laureate. I mean, honestly, like, she was so fabulous. But the moment that really got me was when Kamala Harris was sworn in as the first female Vice President, like I was just so happy, elated seeing a woman being elevated to that position. so thrilled for my bipoc friends, because they can finally see themselves in the face of this amazing, incredible leader. Just reminds me that any thing is possible when you think that you're never going to get there when you think that you've been discounted, disqualified. When things just are never going to shift in your life. It's a reminder to me that all hope is not lost.

And that's what we're talking about today. And maybe you've been feeling in your own life. Like there's nothing left for you, you know, with everything that has been happening happening in the world, you have been maybe feeling like your dreams have been put on hold, and you are questioning whether or not you will ever live this purposeful life that everyone else seems to be living and talking about.

And deep down, you know, like you know that you know that you know that you have what it takes to be successful, you have what it takes to just really give your best gifts into the world. Because that's never been an issue for you. Because you've always been able to achieve to perform. But secretly, you may be fearing that your life does not have meaning. And I completely understand that feeling, probably more than you know. And I went through a time in my own life when I had to move back from the US to Canada back in 2007. And I questioned whether or not my dreams had come to a grinding halt and whether things were over for me. And to this day, like to right now 2021 I still remember the feeling of loss when I walked in to the Old Navy store that I was working at, after having been a teacher for eight years. And I knew I was going to have to like spend hours like four hours of a shift folding clothes talking to customers. It was honestly, the worst feeling like I don't want to say anything bad about Old Navy, like either close just to this day. And you know what, but the reality of is, I just didn't want to be working there. Like that is not the dream I had for my life. I'd spent a lot of time in school, getting my undergraduate getting my master's being becoming a teacher, moving away, starting a whole new life. And here I was working in Old Navy, where my parents lived living in their basement. And I had been living like the dream. You know, we have they say that living the dream in Memphis, I had this amazing job, amazing teaching position. And I really loved the school and the kids that I got to work with. My community was awesome.

The people that I did life with my friends, like they were just like people who are like my family. And you know, that feeling of being in your sweet spot? Well, that's exactly how I felt. I was in my sweet spot. Like I had my own apartment, I was beautifully furnished, I was driving this really great car. I mean, like the whole thing. And then all of a sudden, one day, I got a letter from the US government letting me know that my visa my working visa for the school that I was working for, had come to an end.

And I had pretty much done everything I could possibly do to extend it at that point. But it just wasn't going to be renewed, I had six weeks to pack up everything I owned, to sell what I couldn't bring with me back to Canada. And I literally jam packed my car,like to the brim with everything that I knew I would need. And I drove 20 hours from Memphis, Tennessee, to capreol, Ontario, to where my parents had retired. And let me tell you, this sense of loss that I felt, and oh, like just it was I was it was heartbreaking. My dreams of living in the US because I lived there for 14 years, I've come to an end. And here I was in the basement of my parents house. Feeling like a completefailure.

So let me ask you a question. Have you ever felt so powerless to change your situation? because something has happened beyond your control? And it seems like the universe is literally conspiring against you. Maybe it was like me, it was like loss of a job. Like when I had to leave the school I had been teaching for. Or it's the end of a relationship that took you by surprise and completely up ended your world. And I can tell you, I've been there to my friend. Or maybe you've had to deal with an unforeseen health issue that has really been difficult and feels like it's just so overwhelming you and you're like how am I supposed to live a purposeful, meaningful life when all of this is happening? And having any number of those things, especially in combination is hard enough, if not excruciating to navigate and get through especially when you're holding on to a dream. When you have something in mind that You really want to be doing? Do you feel like you're in that position right now?

Well, I want to remind you, friend, we're going to talk about this today, you may have to surrender that dream. Because having that kind of life change feels a lot like pressing reset on life. And if anyone knows what that's like, it's me. Because when I had to move back to Canada, that's exactly how I felt like it was surreal. It was the surreal moment, I felt purposeless, I felt lost.

I felt like all my dreams had come to a halt. But meeting Norma Lily, literally changed that for me, like this woman that I'm going to tell you about today honestly changed my life. And I am so grateful for the influence and impact that she had on me during that time when I needed her most. And I still remember the day I met her, because it just feels like it was yesterday. It was like probably actually around this time of the year in January. And it was really, really cold. It was a beautiful sunny day. And I was going to go and attend a woman's prayer meeting at the church that I had started going to. And I walked into the room and honestly, it felt so crazy because like I literally walked into this room where there were like about three or four ladies who were probably like 30 years older than me. And here was this woman sitting with an autoharp on the chair. I don't know if you know what an autoharp is, but an autoharp is this like, thing that music teachers use? And it's like, you have this little button, it presses the strings and the strum across it if you've ever. Like, if you're my age, you probably totally know what an autoharp is, but if not look it up. You totally need to look up what an autoharp is. So Norma was sitting there with his autoharp on her lap, and she was singing some songs leading these women in this prayer. And Nora was in her 70s. And she was like, fully involved in ministry at the church, especially since the death of her husband and she was recently widowed. But she had this like fiery spirit. And like everywhere she went, she was impacting people she like literally didn't take crap from me. And yet, she was super, super kind. There was times like, I remember, she would invite me over to her house for tea, and we talk and she would share. And she would just really tell me about her life and about the loss that she felt when her husband died, and how she felt like you know what things were over for her. And she was in a space in her life now where she had to completely reinvent who she was in her 70s. And man, I give her so much credit for that.

Now, even after all those years, that she had felt like she had placed all of her value in raising your family, being wife being a mom doing all those things. Now, she was realizing there was so much more for her. She talked about the changes that she had to make in her life and how when her husband passed, like, like she had to take charge and responsibility. She had to adapt with him not being there. And even though she loved him really dearly. And he had been the kind of man who was like doing everything for her he sound like sounded like a really incredible guy. He totally took care of her. But now she was navigating life without him. So here's the thing, you know, at any stage of life, we can find ourselves wondering if there is anything left for us, whether you're in your 70s, whether you're in your 40s, whether we're in your in your 20s, it really doesn't matter.

Because we get these ideas of what life is supposed to look like when things don't turn out the way that we had hoped they would. And it leaves us wondering if we'll ever be purposeful again, or for the very first time. And that's how it felt when I had to start over. And those thoughts of failure consumed me because I was so afraid that I would never land on my feet. And it was really hard for me to see what was possible for myself because I was unwilling to let go of the future that I had pinned all my hopes and dreams on.

But meeting Norma was a lesson in reinventing myself. And it was honestly like a real pivotal moment in my life because meeting her hearing about her life. learning lessons that she had had to implement into her own life helped me see that if she could reinvent yourself, I could reinvent myself that there were more possibilities in front of me if I was only willing to look and at that time when I was Working at Old Navy and feeling like so much lost, like, suspended in time between wondering if I was going to go back to the states or what was going to happen in my life here, she encouraged me to start helping out at the church to volunteer in the youth group.

And after all, I had been a music teacher, a high school music teacher at that. So, you know, that was an easy transition for me. And they needed help with their youth ban. So I thought, you know what, I can totally do that. So when the opportunity to step into the role of youth pastor came, which literally happened two weeks after I started volunteering at the church, Norma was the very first person to cheer me on to encourage me to say, like, Andrew, you can do this, even though I felt like completely unqualified for that role. She reminded me that maybe this time was set aside for me, to stretch myself beyond what I thought was possible. And that's exactly what I did. I took a huge leap of faith in my life. And I went from being a high school music teacher, to becoming a youth pastor, a female youth pastor, a single female youth pastor in my 30s. In a church, my parents hometown.

And even though I did not fit the typical mold, or even have the Bible College certifications, I relied on what I did know, on the experience that I had as an educator, things that I had built my entire career on. And if I'm honest with you, those days were some of the hardest for me, and for many reasons, but for the purpose of this particular episode, I had to constantly readjust my approach, I had to change things, I had to learn new things I had to grow and expand, because it wasn't easy. Like how I had been doing things had to shift and change, as I was shifting and changing, too. But I also started to see how resilient I really was. And that deep down, my purpose had not changed. You know, even though I had been teaching in Memphis, and now I was youth pastoring in Sudbury, Ontario, my purpose had not changed. I was doing the same things that I had always been doing. And I no longer felt like my life didn't hold value or meaning. Because I knew that I was making an impact on those kids in that youth group. And I was making an impact on the leaders. And I believe the same is possible for you. And maybe right now, you might be licking your wounds after a really tough year feeling sorry for yourself, because life really feels unfair. And I get it because sometimes it really does.

And maybe you're seeing what other people are doing. And you're comparing yourself to that. And you feel like you're not going to be able to put yourself out there and realize the dreams that you have for your life. And the worst part about it is that your biggest fear is that your life won't amount to anything.

But the truth is, here's the truth, listen to this, your life is going to be what you make of it. And maybe you're afraid to try something new or to seek out new opportunities because they don't look like what you knew. And that's unfamiliar and uncomfortable. And you feel under qualified. And I get it because I've been there. And when you look at what other people are doing, you're comparing yourself to them.

And you feel even worse, because they seem to be doing it really well. And they have it all together. Or they seem to like you know, that's how we feel when we're looking at other people's lives. Here's the truth, my friend, the people you're looking at right now doing the things really well. They don't have the same skill set or ideas or purpose or capacity or anything as you do. So you're comparing apples to oranges here, their life circumstances and the way that they are living their life. What's happening in their life is completely different to yours, and really not relevant to what you're doing.

So I want to remind you to stop looking at them. But here's the truth, my friend, your purpose, your potential, the possibility for your life is all there. It's all waiting for you to tap into it. If you're willing to take that step to reinvent what your life looks like what your dream looks like.

The purpose stays the same, but it outworks in a completely different way. And it's what Norma taught me in those early days of me being in full time ministry, because I was watching this seven year old woman completely reinvent herself and do something in her life. That was a dream of her But like a new version of the dream, and it taught me so much about the resiliency of the human spirit, and that our purpose never really changes, it's always there, it just takes on different iterations. And that is what I work with my coaching clients on.

First of all, we identify what is keeping you in a performance mindset. Instead of being in a purpose mindset. So we just take a look at how you've attached yourself to something in particular, maybe a dream that you've had. And we see how you can take all of your gifts, your abilities, your skills, your talents, and repurpose them. And the beauty of doing this are really identifying what your unique skill set is, and where you can become more purposefully mindful, you can see that there are possibilities all around you to execute, and to use those giftings. And it doesn't just have to be tied to one particular thing.

And then we reframe all of those possibilities, by making space by creating this environment in your life, for brand new experiences to actually come in to your life, by helping you see that when circumstances change.And you're forced to shift, that you can always be purposeful, you can realign your values to what is happening now in your life. And I've had to do that this year myself, like, you know, this is not something that I just did when I was in ministry, when I was you know, going from high school teacher to a youth pastor.

It's also what I've done as a coach and going from, you know, being a pastor to coaching and having my own business. It's constantly about finding what you're really good at, and how to repurpose that in a new way. And then you're no longer feeling like you're a victim to the circumstances that you're in, whether it's job loss, whether it's heartbreak, whether it's, you know, just feeling like everyone's passing you by, because you know, you have the capacity to reframe any life circumstance.

And then you're able to stand in that truth that life is happening for you, not to you. And then lastly, you're able to take action, and put yourself out there again. And that's exactly where you want to be, to show the world, the true beauty of who you are of what you have to offer, what you're capable of doing. And when things get hard, and they will trust your gut instinct to lead it back to the truth of who you are.

Now, I know that this is, you know, something that's not always the easiest things to do. And I get clients asking me all the time. How do I trust my gut instinct D'Andrea, like how do I do that? The truth is that it's something you need to learn to do. It's developed like anything else. When I've ever been in a pivotal moment in my life where things are shifting and changing. Like when I went to college, or when I moved back from the US to Canada or when I've changed careers completely. I had to trust my gut instinct. And following your instinct may look a lot like this made it look like just getting still and listening. It could be praying, asking Holy Spirit to reveal to you what direction you need to go. Sometimes it looks like a deep knowing or just like this feeling you have or asking the hard questions. digging deep, really asking yourself what it is that you truly desire. Because sometimes, we think we know what we want.

But we don't really know what we want until we sit down. And we ask ourselves, so I don't know what you're facing right now. It could be that you're ready to give up on a dream. Maybe you've been working, pushing, trying to make it happen and just doesn't seem to be moving in the direction you want it to, or even moving at all for that matter. And you're wondering if this is the time to call it quits. While here's the thing, maybe it is. Maybe it is time to call it quits on this particular dream. That doesn't mean that all the dreams are over. You can reinvent and find the new iteration of the dream. Don't count yourself out just because things don't look the way you thought they would look. Because you don't have the success you want.

Because you're, you know, not doing the things that you thought you would be doing. Life has completely shifted. We all know that. And it's time for To say, Okay, how do I realign with my values, my purpose, and reinvent the dream for now, friend, there are possibilities all around you. So make space for those new things, those new relationships, those new endeavors really develop a growth mindset.

You know, I will forever be grateful to Norma for sharing with me that no matter what stage of life you're in, no matter what happens, you can always see the possibility of what is now and you can unlock the power of your purpose in every stage of your life. So I want to leave you with this one question. Are you ready to create that space in your life, to unlock the power of your purpose? Friend, I want to know.

So make sure that you connect with me on Instagram, or Facebook at @andreacrispcoach or @the.couragecast. And let's talk about how you can unlock the power of your purpose. Right now, in your life.

Even if it looks completely different than you thought it would look, things are not over for you, friend, you just have to get a little bit more creative in how to outwork your gifts, your talents, your skills, and align those with what is really important in your life. I want to thank you for joining me. I want to thank you for hanging out with me.

If this is something that you feel like you want to take one step further, and you're like Andrea, like you are hitting the nail on the head here, this is exactly what I need. I want to invite you to jump on a call with me. Whether it's for a free 30 minute strategy session if you're interested in coaching in the future. Or if you just know right now there's something that you need a quick win. Make sure you go to my website www.andreacrisp.ca/schedule and book a session with me. It's time for you to reinvent what is possible for your life. Until next time, remember, you have everything you need to live bravely.


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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?

145 | Is Fear Getting The Best Of You


And living in this state - fear doesn’t have power over you. You get to choose the direction. Because you are living as your true self. The person you were designed to be. As you are restored.
— Andrea Crisp

About This Episode:

Are you living in your core fear -- hesitant to make any moves, paralyzed by indecision? In this episode, we'll help you identify what is holding you back.

Maybe you felt a little like me -- defined by how you perceived yourself. Caught up in the negative swirl. Wishing and hoping it would change. That maybe if you tried harder, performed better, got someone's attention that it will all magically disappear.

I hate to say it but fear is getting the best of you.

You are made for so much more than trying to prove your worth to the world. Especially when you don't need to anyway.

But if you allow your core fears to hold you, hostage, that is exactly what is going to happen.

It's time to change your mindset for good.

Connect With Andrea:

I’d love to connect and chat with you over on my socials. If you’re ready to dive a little deeper into understanding your purpose, grab a copy of my book Designed With Purpose.

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Are you ready to take the next brave step in your life? Let’s find out if coaching is a good fit for you. Book your FREE 30-minute Strategy Session today!

144 | Embrace The Possibility Of Now


You can’t bring the past with you — are you going to hold on to what has not been serving you or embrace the possibility?
— Andrea Crisp

About This Episode:

Don't let the fear of what could be holding you back from approaching this new year with a brand new perspective. Maybe the thought of showing up and putting yourself out there again makes you cringe. The last thing you want is to face rejection. In this episode we are going to talk about how holding onto the past is keeping you stuck, what it looks like to embrace uncertainty and create space for the possibility of now.


Speaker 1 (00:00): The thought of starting new, always brings with it, this fresh anticipation, kind of like this hope that things could be better, but it also makes us feel a little bit uncertain about what's about to happen, the unfamiliar, how things could possibly go wrong. But you know what taking into the future, everything that we've been carrying in the past is not going to serve us any longer. So today we're going to be talking about how to let go of what was so that you can start to embrace the possibility of now

Speaker 2 (00:36): You're listening to the courage, cast a show to equip and empower women to live briefly each week. We'll share coaching conversations and stories of women who are willing to face their fear and pursue their purpose. Here's your host life coach, author, and your secret weapon

Speaker 1 (00:52): Friends! Welcome to the courage cast. My name is Andrea Crisp, and I want to wish you a happy new year. I am so glad that you joined me today, and I hope that you had a really nice holiday season wherever you are in the world, celebrating. And if you had time on your own, I hope that it was just filled with so much rest. If you were with family that you just laughed and enjoyed their company. I know sometimes the holidays can be really stressful for me. It was just a really nice time to decompress, to just take a few moments and pause, not worry about too many things and just enjoy some good food. Just enjoy spending time with my family and really kind of getting myself ready for this new year. I think it's so important for us to take that time, to actually look back at what has been and see what things worked and what didn't and how do I need to move forward in my life.

Speaker 1 (01:56): And for me, that means taking a complete break in everything that I do, and just really getting in a good Headspace. I'm all about body, soul, and spirit. And so this season for me, was really about getting in touch with how I felt in my body and processing any emotions and thoughts that I had so that I can move into the new year, just feeling refreshed and ready to go. And I'm excited about our topic today because I really think that when we are moving forward in our lives, we are taking on something new. Sometimes it can feel so uncertain and that unfamiliarity can feel like, you know, we just don't want to actually go there, but I want to encourage you that as you're moving forward in your life, and as you're taking on 2021, that this is going to be one of the best exercises for you is to really embrace the uncertainty of what could be so that you can actually open yourself up to so many more possibilities.

Speaker 1 (03:00): I want to start by asking you a question today, how are you really feeling about starting in a year? Like really? Like, how are you really, really feeling? I was starting in a year. I mean, we, we had this opportunity last year and look what happened. I mean, 2020, it was a show, but maybe you're a little bit cautiously optimistic thinking, okay. You know what we haven't started yet. So, you know, things could be a go here and you want to believe that anything and everything is possible, but maybe there is still this lingering fear in the back of your mind that what happened last year is actually going to repeat itself. And you're going to carry all the things that you were carrying around lugging around in 2020 into this new year into 2021. And it's at times like these, it's like when we get this, do over to press the restart button, when our core fears just like come up punches in the face, basically because they're front and center reminding us of where we've been, what we've been through, what we're afraid of.

Speaker 1 (04:11): And for as long as I can remember, this is the one thing that I have struggled with the most, which is my own inner critic, the ticker tape, running silently at the bottom of every narrative that I have in my life. It's basically been the bane of my existence. And it seems every new year, I am really hopeful. I am resolute, ready to go. I'm eager to start over again. And last year in January, I found myself in that exact place. Like I was so ready to start over again. I'd had a really tough year before that I had made huge transitions in my life. Some of which I was not really happy about and I needed something to kickstart me into gear. I had moved back with my parents up North. That was a huge, huge blow to my ego. I had been in a relationship, been heartbroken in the midst of it.

Speaker 1 (05:15): And I was really, really just discouraged. I would felt really defeated. I, kind of was like, you know what? I want to make an impact on people, but like, I can't even get my own life together. So the beginning of 2020, I was pretty desperate to have a do over. I was desperate because at any cost I wanted to succeed, I was not willing to have a repeat of the year before. I want to share a little story with you. Back in 2014, I had decided that it was time for me to take things up a notch in my business. So I made a pretty big investment and I thought that it was going to be the thing that helped me to really propel myself into the future. I was convinced of it. And I just knew that this is the thing that I needed.

Speaker 1 (06:10): Well, as it turned out, it actually wasn't, it was not the thing I needed. And all it did was just spin me around and around and around because I was getting all this advice that ran really contrary to everything that I believed, everything that I felt was me. And I'm okay to be pushed outside of the box and I'm okay to even be challenged and to have to change my mindsets. And I would do that all the time. I'm working constantly at trying to grow and try to become more self-aware. But these things were just like, it just wasn't me. It just didn't fit. Right. It wasn't congruent with how I felt like I needed to run my business and how I feel like I needed to be in the world. But it also was one of those times in my life where I just was like, well, I'm going to trust the experts.

Speaker 1 (07:02): They know what they're doing. They're making a lot of money. They must have, you know, something I don't, they must know more than I do. And often the cases people in those industries, they do, they know a lot more, but what ended up happening was for years, I was trying to fit a round peg into a square hole. I was trying to do all of the things that they told me to do. And it was bumping up against obstacle after obstacle, after obstacle, the so frustrated, just constantly feeling like I was not being myself. Like I wasn't showing up as the person who I knew I was, and I just thought, this is the way that it needs to happen. And this is the way I'm going to do it. And I would get frustrated when I wasn't invited to do certain things and I would get really discouraged because I wasn't making the money that I wanted to make.

Speaker 1 (07:58): And I probably wanted to pull the plug every month. Like it was that bad. It was, I can't even believe that I lasted as long as I've lasted because I was just that frustrated all the time. And I would have never really let on to people because that would admit that would be admitting defeat admitting failure in my mind, which was basically the worst thing I could admit. Cause I would be wrong. I would have, you know, not met the standard. And that is my core fear, not being right, not doing the right thing. All I wanted to do was follow the rules and to get it right. And it took those years that hardship to lead me to a place of where I am today. And it took me all of that time because fast forward a bit to, you know, 2020 when I'm ready to make a shift in my life.

Speaker 1 (09:01): And all of a sudden I'm clicking along, I'm grinding it out in, in March of 2020 COVID hits and things just spiraled out of control. And I thought I had a pretty good grasp on things. I thought I was handling it really well. I mean, I had gone through so many things. Like I could totally handle this, but at the end of the day, I was so, so discouraged by the summer that I just honestly felt like, you know what? I can't do this anymore. I just can't do it. I can't try and be the thing that they've told me to be. I can't execute the way they want me to execute. And I'm really, really exhausted. I had a phone call with my friend Sherry. She spoke some pretty tough truth to me that day. And it turned everything around because I started to realize that it was in that moment that my mindset had been so fixed on my fears on things that weren't happening on things that could possibly go wrong, that I was not able to possibly see what could the future could hold.

Speaker 1 (10:18): I could not possibly envision the potential that I had. I was having such a hard time even trying to help myself that I thought there's no way I can even help anybody else. And that's when everything changed for me because I started down a journey to reframe my mindsets. And at first it was a simple app that I downloaded onto my phone and an hour every morning I sat down and I started doing the mindset work. And I drew from all of the things that I had read and known. And I probably got in about 30 days when I started to realize that, you know what I do need help. This is not something that I can do on my own, but it's going to cost me something. And I was really afraid of that because I had paid a lot of money for some bad advice years before that, that had gotten me to this place now.

Speaker 1 (11:16): And then I was going to go and pay someone else money to help me get out of it. And that seemed like the worst idea ever. But I had to trust my gut instinct and I had done some mindset work at that point. And I started to invest in myself again this time I was more mindful about who I chose as my coach. And I wanted to make sure I was super aligned with where she was going in her business so that I knew that I would be aligned in mind. And maybe you can see yourself in that. Maybe you can see yourself in that same position that I found myself in back in the end of the summer last year, maybe you're like me, you're holding on to things that didn't happen. You're holding onto frustration and loss and grief. And you're finding a really, really hard to let go of the past because you've invested so much into it.

Speaker 1 (12:19): Whether it's time, resources, relationally, maybe you just feel like so discouraged and depleted. And it's hard for you to acknowledge that it's hard for you to say, you know what, that's where I am because people don't see that of me. So why would I want to acknowledge that and say that I need help. I need someone to come alongside me. And the thought of actually putting yourself out there, like showing up, like as you know, someone who is experiencing difficulty, like being authentic about that part of you really scares you because you're still stuck in the need for people to approve of you to say, yeah, you belong here. Yeah. Your message is something we need to hear. Yeah. You should put that out into the world. And you want the nod from someone to validate that what you're doing is good, that it's right, that it's worthy.

Speaker 1 (13:19): And maybe you're sitting on all sorts of dreams. Maybe you're sitting on dreams to launch a business, to launch your platform, to put your gift into the world, whether it's music or art or film anything. And you really know deep, deep, deep down that you want to impact people and you want a bigger stage and bigger platform. And yet you're having a hard time being honest with yourself. And you're having a hard time, not only being honest with yourself, but then how in the world could you ever be vulnerable and authentic on a platform like social media and then even have a bigger platform? Like, do you see what I'm saying here? Like when you cannot be honest with yourself, how can you really truly be honest with the people you want to impact? It just doesn't happen that way. And you're caught between wanting to do all the things to grind it, to hustle, to like do all the things, to make it happen.

Speaker 1 (14:19): And on the other side of that, the flip side is like, you're like, I'm done. I want to quit. It's over. I can't do it anymore. Because when you're in that place, when you're in that spin cycle of trying and trying and trying, the harder that you try, the worst things get. And so that's when the debt mounts that's when you feel like abundance is a foreign concept, you're like, yeah, you know, don't talk to me about abundance because I have no idea what that even looks like. I'm, I'm trying to hard to even pay my bills, you know, get out of debt, do all the things that I needed to do. You feel lost, you feel stuck, you feel isolated and it's time for you to let go of what has been so that you can embrace the possibility of what is now.

Speaker 1 (15:08): And it starts by getting really honest with yourself. That's where I was at. And a really, really honest with myself. And I had to start with letting go of my need to control everything. And that was the biggest thing, because if I was in control, then I didn't need any help. And the truth of the matter was I actually did need help. I needed the support. I needed someone to come alongside me and guide me through the process. So that meant hiring a coach that meant actually allowing her to point out my blind spots. And it meant working on the beliefs that were no longer serving me, things that I had clung to for a really long time, that just didn't matter anymore. Just weren't relevant. You know, didn't need to go forward with me. But some of those things I had, you know, been carrying for so long that I didn't know, I even needed to let them go. And I needed someone to point it out to me and say, Andrea, like you, you don't have to carry that around anymore.

Speaker 1 (16:15): And when you're in the process of really addressing that core fear, when you're in that process, it looks a lot like getting honest, it looks a lot like working through those mindsets, getting the healing that you need so that you can be fully restored, able, ready to move forward, able to be honest, authentic, and put yourself out there into the world to say yes, to things that really truly light you up and then say no to things that are just not serving you anymore, that don't serve your business. That don't serve your vision, that don't serve the impact that you want to make. And it becomes very, very clear what you need to do because you're really in alignment with where you need to go.

Speaker 1 (17:05): It's a rebuilding process. It's like creating this open, expansive space so that the new things can come in, that you can attract those things into your life. And that you are just ready to receive that, which is coming things that are good things that are really going to move you in the direction you want to go. And the best part about it is that when you actually get to that place, when you're actually in that place of transformation, it's like all of a sudden, it doesn't matter what anybody else thinks. These you're happy with who you are. You don't need people to make you feel worthy and valuable because you have that innate value and worthiness inside of you. You know what you have to offer the world.

Speaker 1 (18:00): It's a friend. Maybe that is where you find yourself right now at the beginning of 2021. Maybe you can totally see yourself in everything that I've said in, in the story that I've shared. I talked about the transformation that I went through. So it was a period of time where not only did I hire a coach, but then I hired another coach. And I hired a therapist because I realized that I was just kind of coming undone. And there were so many things that felt unsettled in my life. And I really did the work like beyond getting coached. I did the work on my own. I was doing the mindset work, the transformation process, and I was digging deep, deep, deep so that I could reframe those negative mindsets, those things that I was fearful of, the things that I had been holding onto for a really long time, because it is possible for you to step into alignment, to step into your full purpose and potential.

Speaker 1 (19:12): And if you have the support that you need to make those changes, you are going to feel aligned. You are going to be able to know that someone is there to help you to find those blind spots, to indicate to you when things need to stay or to go, to help you to sort through all of that stuff. And you will no longer be facing all of this uncertainty feeling like the unknown is so scary because you will have a handle on all of it and say, you know what? It doesn't matter if things are uncertain, it doesn't matter. Things are unknown because I am embracing the possibility of what is to come because I'm not holding onto what was, you can start to define what success looks like to you now, moving forward, it doesn't have to be what it was before. It can be on your own terms and you will find your true value and worth in what you're doing in who you are and how you are being in the world.

Speaker 1 (20:16): And not only will you find it, but you'll speak it, you'll share it. You'll impact people. You'll be able to courageously stand up and share where you've been. This is my transformation, and this is what's happened in my life. And this is what can happen in yours too. And let me tell you a friend, working from a place like that, being able to help people at that level is going to be what makes you stand out from everyone else. So it's time to let go of the past. It is time for you to grieve what was acknowledge, who you are today. Even if that person is so imperfect and not who you thought you were going to be. That's okay. Got to let it go. You got to forgive yourself for where you've been. You got to forgive others for maybe wounding you along the way, embrace the uncertainty and the unknown that's coming.

Speaker 1 (21:21): It's okay. Uncertainty is not a bad thing. It just needs to be embraced. And then open up, create that space for expectancy and hope. It'll bring in fresh ideas, collaborations, and so many, many beautiful things into your life. So I want to leave you with this one thing with this one question, because you cannot bring the past with you. So are you going to hold on to what has not been serving you or are you going to embrace the possibility of what is to come friend? I'd love to continue this conversation with you, and if you're ready to truly step into alignment, to transform who you are so that you can impact people on a greater level, in a place of vulnerability and authenticity. I want to encourage you to reach out and set up a 30 minute call with me. Let's work some things out and see how you can get moving in the direction that you want to go.

Speaker 1 (22:37): Don't delay. Don't wait. It's time for you to actually get the support that you need so that you can see the blind spots that maybe you've been missing along the way. Just go to my website, Andrew, crisp.ca Ford slash schedule. Well, I'm so glad that you are hanging out with me today. It was so good to start the new year off with you. And, we've got some great episodes coming up next week. We're going to be talking about how to overcome those core fears and how they may be limiting you as you're moving towards putting yourself out there in the world. Whether that's through speaking, through coaching, through performance and whatever area that you are actually using your gifts. Sometimes those limitations can really hold us back. If we haven't already connected, make sure that you follow me on Instagram at Andrea crisp coach or at, at the dot courage cast. And of course I'm on Facebook as well. So I'd love to have a conversation with you there and connect with you and I'm excited next week. So make sure you tune in until next time. Remember you have everything you need to live bravely.

Speaker 2 (23:53): If you like this episode of the courage guests, we'd love to hear from you, leave us a rating and review, and while you're there hit subscribe. So you never miss an episode, original music and production by Stephen Crilly.

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Connect With Andrea:

I’d love to connect and chat with you over on my socials. If you’re ready to dive a little deeper into understanding your purpose, grab a copy of my book Designed With Purpose.

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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?

143 | Reseting Your Priorities


It’s ok that not everyone believes the same thing I do.
— Andrea Crisp

About This Episode:

How will you use your voice and your story moving forward? This has been one of the most pivotal years of my life, and as I look back at 2020 and how it impacted me, I am reminded how important it is to reset what is important to me and how I impact the lives of others.

In the third part of this three-part series, I am taking a look back on the year and the lessons that contributed the most to my growth personally. We’ll be talking about the importance of reprioritizing what is important, how to recognize your impact in the world, and how to use your voice for good.

Questions for reflection:

  1. What do you want to prioritize in 2021?

  2. Who do you want to have an impact on?

  3. How can you use your story and have the courage to step out?

Connect With Andrea:

I’d love to connect and chat with you over on my socials. If you’re ready to dive a little deeper into understanding your purpose, grab a copy of my book Designed With Purpose.

Instagram + Facebook + Book



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