“ I think sometimes we’re overthinking everything, making it way too complex and way too difficult for people to actually get into our world”
About This Episode:
Are you ready to step into your power in a whole new way?
If you are struggling to show up and share your message with the world you may want to take a look at the subconscious programming you have running in the background. When you start to shift your consciousness you will step into a whole new level of confidence.
Join The Confidence Accelerator — Doors are open now!
If you're ready to elevate your mindset book a FREE 20-minute Strategy Call with Andrea: www.andreacrisp.ca/schedule
Connect with Andrea on IG: @andreacrispcoach + @the.couragecast
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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?
Do you want to start showing up more confidently in your life and in your business? Today on the podcast, I'm going to talk about the five things that are going to help you shift your consciousness when it comes to your confidence, and the five things that you have to release. In order to truly become confident.
You're listening to the courage cast a show to equip and empower you to live bravely. Each week, we'll share solo episodes and conversations with amazing people who have been willing to face their fear and pursue their purpose, with a blend of practical and spiritual advice will help you take brave steps in your own life. Now, here's your host, mindset and confidence coach, author, and your secret weapon.
Hey there, welcome to The Couragecast. My name is Andrea Crisp, and I am so glad that you are joining me today. You know, it is one of the most exciting things I do in the world, I think, is recording these podcast episodes, I have been doing it almost five years, it'll be five years in August. And it is literally, you know, something I look forward to every single week. Because I find that when we are spending this time together, it is a way for me to be able to just share with you things that I'm learning in my life, things that come up in my client sessions with the clients I work with on mindset or confidence, and really helping you to move the needle forward in your own life and in your own business. And so today, I really wanted to focus on what does it look like to truly be confident. Now, you may know this already, but I run a program called the confidence accelerator. And the competence accelerator is really geared towards podcasters, coaches, authors, speakers, people who want to show up in their life in business in a whole new way, and bring an energy that is unique to them and completely authentic to them. And if there's anything that I have seen over the past few years, especially when it comes to so many people being online, is that there are so many people doing the same things over and over and over and over again. And although that does work, and people can show up that way, really, when you start to show up in an energy that feels unique to you and is really grounded in who you are. That is when you are going to attract the people into your life, the clients into your life that you truly desire to work with. And so I wanted to share with you, what I have been implementing, and some of the things that I've been talking to my clients about when it comes to upgrading your consciousness in order to upgrade your competence. So the very first thing is fun. Now, you know, when we think about business, we think about, you know, working online, or what maybe you're putting out into the world, it's like, yeah, it's fun. But are you really, truly enjoying what you're doing? Are you doing things to do them? Are you doing things because people told you to do them? Or does it truly, really energize you and feel fun to you?
I have been working with different mentors in my life and, you know, people who are getting me to step out of the box and encouraging me in new things. And oftentimes, I have to try to distinguish between does this make me feel uncomfortable? And eventually it'll be fun? Or is this just not fun at all. And only you really know what feels fun in your life. And so whether it's something that you're doing in your business, or it's something you're doing in your life, when you begin to bring more fun into your everyday life, you're going to start raising the vibration and the frequency to attract people, clients that you truly want to work with. And that is also going to reveal a level of confidence that people seeing you because there's something about you that just feels amazing. The second thing is belief. Now, we do a lot of things in our worlds in everyday life that we kind of buy into, but don't really buy into. So when you think about your level of belief around what is possible, and about really showing up with confidence. What is
Your level. So if you were to like rate it on a scale of zero to 10, zero being the lowest, what would you say? The number is? I mean, if I'm being honest, there are times when I feel like I'm showing up at a three, I don't feel confident at all, maybe I just, you know, feel terrible about something, maybe there's something on my mind. But in other circumstances, I show up. And I feel like, you know, I'm somewhere between like an eight and a 10. I just feel super, super confident. But it's really all stems from, who do we believe we are? And can we believe that we can be confident in who we are, and what we have to offer the world. The third thing that we can take a look at is the energy in which we are showing up every single day. I said this to a client actually just today, and I said, you know, less is more, if you are showing up less amount of times, but in an energy that is attractive to people, then you're going to attract the right people, versus trying to show up more, trying to do more, trying to you know, do all of the things show how amazing you are to the world. And yet, the energy just is not attractive. So you want to know, what is the energy that you want to be showing up in? And I've also had this conversation with my own coach. And we talked about, you know, people in the industry, who are showing up, you know, in, like, you know, they're showing up in their vacay pictures, or they're like, you know, here's my me and my bikini and, you know, here's how you be confident and blah, blah, blah. And it's like, I don't feel that that's not my energy. So it's really important to understand, what is your energy? What are you bringing, so perhaps it's not that you're showing up like a top model, or like you've got everything, picture perfect, because maybe things aren't picture perfect for you. And you don't want to attract people who want things to be picture perfect in their life. So it's really about what energy are you showing up in, and is that truly authentic. The fourth thing is all about self acceptance, or self love. Now, this is thrown around a lot. And I used to be like, Oh, whatever self, self love, whatever, blah, blah, blah.
But until you start to truly have compassion for yourself, and love who you are, and really allow yourself to be seen as you are in every way, whether it is perfect or not. And really allow yourself to extend love to yourself, that is not going to really attract the type of people you want into your life. And it shows a lack of confidence when you are not really loving who you are. So if that's something that you struggle with, I would say probably one of the first things that you want to do is you want to take a look at how much am I really showing myself self acceptance, and self love. And then the fifth thing would be freedom. So when you are experiencing a level of freedom, it attracts more freedom into your life. So creating space in your life for the things you love, allowing yourself, you know time and space to explore or do new things, or just really just try things that are different, try on things for size and see whether or not it is that you really liked them or not. And having a sense of freedom. Because if we're locked into something all the time, and we're trying to do it the same way over and over and over and over again. Well, that all that does is translates to, you know, it has to be a certain way, and that does not come across confident at all.
And really upgrading your consciousness to a level of confidence is going to be about what's under the surface right? So you haven't fun? Do you believe it's possible? What energy are you showing up in? Are you showing yourself self acceptance and self love? And are you giving yourself space and freedom to truly grow? Now, of course, I have to talk to you about five things that you can release as well, right? Because in order to make space for these things, it's entirely possible that you might have all of those places filled up already with things that need to go. So the first one and this is a hard one. It's a hard one for me. Maybe it's not hard for you but should
I have to need to all of the coulda, shoulda, woulda has or the ways in which we perceive things needed to be done or need to be done. So something that I used to say all the time I was super guilty of, I was around a lot of people who would say that you should do this, you should do that. And I kind of adopted that way of speaking, this is years and years ago, and I remember my mom calling me out on it and being like, Andrea, you've got to stop saying that, and it really was true. But when we're shutting ourselves, then it's really like keeping us in a place that what we're doing is not right, and what we're doing needs to be judged. So the second thing is really letting go of the opinions of others, whether they be your friends, your family members, your well meaning peers, coaches, even people you are working very close with, at the end of the day, you really want to be listening to your own intuition, and trusting your own instincts. And so releasing the opinions of others is going to help you to hear what is right for you. The fourth thing is judgment of your self. Now, we often find that in this space, we can find ourselves judging what other people are doing. And usually that is a judgment of ourselves, and what maybe we're lacking or what we don't like about ourselves. But when we let go of that judgment of ourselves, you'll see that you stop judging other people as well.
The fourth thing is being on all the time, it's almost like you know, you have to be present to be available, be you know, the go to person, someone who is constantly on, not ever giving yourself permission to shut down to get fueled up to really have that time and space for yourself. So we you definitely want to release the need to be on. And then the fifth thing is releasing what that barrier of entry looks like, into your world. I think sometimes we're overthinking everything, making it way too complex and way too difficult for people to actually get into our world. And when we just show up as ourselves, and we give other people room to show up as themselves, we will have that synergy. And be able to attract who it is that we want into our lives, who it is we want into our business. And all of a sudden people are gonna be like you are just seems so much more confident. You're sharing so much more confidently in your stories and in your podcast, and your writing has shifted and changed. And it all stems from really being in a place where you are allowing FUN into your life, where you're raising your level of belief, where you're showing up in the right energy, where you're extending self love and acceptance. And you're allowing yourself the space to truly grow and expand and be who you are created to be. I hope that helps you today. And that you can really step and upgrade your consciousness to a level of confidence that really attracts who you desire into your life. Now, if we haven't already connected, I would love to invite you to our weekly zoom, call the mindset mentor circle.
This is for coaches and entrepreneurs, it's a great space to number one, get this. Number one, get the support you need in a really safe environment. We talk about mindset, we talk about some of the things that we go through and struggles that we are facing as entrepreneurs and as coaches. And it's also a great way to network and collaborate and to really get a sense of what other people are doing. And so and I would love to invite you to our weekly zoom, call the mindset mentor circle. This has literally been one of the most fun things that I have done in my own business because honestly, it's where we're doing all the things that I've been talking about. And it's a supportive community for online entrepreneurs and coaches to really receive the support that they need. We talked about mindset. There's some hotseat coaching, there is collaboration, networking, all of the things and so I want to invite you 12pm Wednesdays Eastern Standard Time. I will put the link in the show notes for you to sign up so that you can join us. Friend, thank you so much for being here today. Until next time
Remember, you have everything you need to live bravely.
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