EP 181 | Manifest Like A Boss


Anytime you’ve been able to create something you wanted in your life that you had your eye on, you had created momentum energetically along with the action you’re taking to get to that place.
— Jessica Jovanovich

About This Episode:

I used to think that manifestation was such a woo-woo concept that only certain people did. But the truth was I had no idea what it entailed or how it could transform my life. In this conversation with Mindset + Manifestation Coach JJ we chat about how to become an energetic match for what you truly desire and what it takes to create what you want in your life and business.

Jessica Jovanovich is a mindset + manifestation coach. She specializes in coaching driven women on how to create the life and business of their dreams. As an expert in manifestation, she helps her clients step into their intuition, operate in their profound power, create from a place of ease & flow, and let go of the hustle and grind mentality.

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Andrea Crisp 0:00
I used to think that manifestation was such a woo woo concept that only certain people did. But the truth was, I had no idea what it entailed, or how it could transform my life. In this conversation with a mindset and manifestation coach, Jessica Jovanovich, we chat about how to become an energetic match for what you truly desire and what it takes to create what you want in your life in business.

Kate 0:26
You're listening to the Couragecast, a show to equip and empower women to live bravely. Each week we'll share coaching conversations and stories of women who are willing to face their fear and pursue their purpose. Here's your host, life coach, author and your secret weapon.

Andrea Crisp 0:43
Hello there welcome to the courage cast. My name is Andrea Crisp, I am your host. I am thrilled to be back with another episode of The Courage Creator series. And I am really excited to talk to you today about manifestation. Because it is a topic that long eluded me, and when I started to understand it, it's almost like everything became so much clearer. I had so many preconceived ideas about what manifestation looks like, and how weird and woowoo it was. And meeting Jessica, who is our guest today, Jessica, Giovanna Vich, meeting her and really starting to learn from her has cleared up so many misconceptions that I had about manifestation. And I know that today, as you listen through our conversation, it is going to do the same for you consider this basically like your manifestation one on one, because we are going to talk about how you can start manifesting like a boss. And you can become a energetic match in your life and in your business for what you truly want instead of not being an energetic match for those things. And I think that sometimes we think that you know, I just write it down on a piece of paper, hope for the best and you know, poof, it happens. But that's not exactly how manifestation works. Jessica is going to clear all of that up for us, you're in for a really exciting episode. But before we dive in, I would be remiss to not talk to you about the Confidence Accelerator, which is beginning on October 18.

We are in launch mode. And let me tell you, friends, I love this program, we have launched two cohorts, and we are just about to launch the third. And I would love to invite you to become a part of this coaching program. This is for entrepreneurs, coaches, multi passionate creatives who are ready to take a step out of the shadows and into the light, truly into your own personal power. Because here's the thing, when we are making excuses or hiding from the things that we truly want to be doing. It is because we are believing in old story, and old narrative. And it's time to shift and change that narrative so that you can give yourself the permission to start doing what it is that you truly know you want to be doing with your life and with your business.

And so if you are interested in finding out more about the Confidence Accelerator, or you want to jump on a call with me and talk to me about that, or you're just like yeah, sign me up. I want you to make sure you go to the link in the show notes. You can find it anywhere that you can get the shownotes here on the Couragecast as well as on Instagram, my website Andrea Crisp.ca. And I want you to either just get yourself in there or book a call with me and let's chat and see if this is the right fit for you. We're starting on October 18. There are limited spots and so you want to make sure that you grab one right away. And I love to see you inside of the Confidence Accelerator. But now it's time for literally one of my favorite conversations. And one of my favorite people Jessica janowicz talking about manifestation Here we go.

Hello, welcome back to another of the Courage Creator series. I am super super excited because today I'm going to be talking to Jessica Jovanovich I hope I'm saying that right? And she is Oh there she is. Hey, Jessica, just request to be on and you're gonna be jumping here on live. I seriously love doing these lives. I love it. I wait for her to come on. Are you there, Jessica? Oh!

Jessica Jovanovich 4:48
Hello? Yes, you said it right.

Andrea Crisp 4:51
Did I? Okay, good.

Jessica Jovanovich 4:52
Yes. Which that's I mean, it's a tricky last name. You did great.

Andrea Crisp 4:56
Thank you. Well, you know, it's surprising that people get Crisp wrong all the time. So you think you're like, this is like the easiest last name ever, but the amount of times people actually get it wrong is quite surprising.

Jessica Jovanovich 5:10
What do they say?

Andrea Crisp 5:12
Well, they say Crist. They say Crips. They spell it wrong. They asked me how to spell it. I'm like, Oh, yeah, Mike, it's really it's more simple than you think.

Jessica Jovanovich 5:23
That's amazing. entertaining.

Andrea Crisp 5:27
Exactly, exactly. So I'm really excited. I've been really actually pretty jazzed to have you on Instagram Live. And for those people who are jumping on here, this is actually part of the podcast series, which is called Courage Creators on the podcast that I host called the Couragecast. So in a few weeks, we're actually going to take this live. And it's going to be posted to the podcast, along with just a little bit more because I just kind of spruce it up. And then we have the i g live and we have the podcast. So if you want to hear Jessica again, then you have the option to actually download it and hear her on the podcast. So I'm excited. Oh, that's so exciting. All the things, all the things now. When I first met you, you like blew me away. We had one conversation and I was like, talking to you about manifestation. And I told you at the time that I'm a baby manifester. Yes, yes. before we're gonna talk about manifestation, basically, like, how do you manifest what does that really even look like? And for all the newbies because there's probably lots of people who are newbies that are trying to like, I have no idea how to actually do this in my life. But before we do that, I'd love for you to tell us who you are, and so people can get to know you a little bit better.

Jessica Jovanovich 6:52
Awesome. Well, thanks for having me here. This is so fun. I loved that conversation because baby manifester, like you're in good company. And that's how I was when I first learned about this not too long ago. But I am a coach a mindset and manifestation coach for women entrepreneurs who are really driven and looking to move from that hustling grind into aligned action. So I really specialize in helping you get the results without all the negative costs that come along with the hustling grind. And and that came just you know, from my firsthand experience, and so I love that now we have this new way of still reaching our goals and creating what we want.

Andrea Crisp 7:30
Okay, so that made me curious right off the bat. Your first hand experience, so like, What got you into learning about this because obviously if something happened, you were wanting to shift that so what was happening that made you decide to shift that?

Jessica Jovanovich 7:45
Well, you know, with when I look at my life, manifestation isn't something that I grew up with, I didn't even know the word. But this part of creating a big life or dreaming big always was. And so I think we relate to each other on that and probably people listening like as a kid, I had this determination, it was like, oh, get the straight A's, I will do the extra credit, you need a leader, sign me up! And I always was kind of wanting to check the list of the goal and set the new goal but more and more on my plate. And it was in this gogogo mentality. But the problem was within that I wasn't trusting myself, I was trusting if anything, the hustle and the grind, like this will create everything, it'll make it so it all works out. And so I was creating or I was accomplishing a lot, but it brought me to a lot of difficulty, and in fact the moment that I always go back to is this this moment in time where it was what I referred to now as the most painful time in my life where it seemed like everything had gone awry, despite all of the accomplishments and I was chatting with someone and sharing a little bit of my experience and I remember it so vividly. She tilted her head like looked in at me and said, Wow, Jess, you sure lived a lot of life in a few short years.

And that really hit me that Yeah, actually I have lived a lot of years. But this was the next thought. And it's time to take back my power so I can live a lot more and it created this like incredible turning point where I was no longer going to operate from this place of just sheer willpower and default. I shifted into intentionally designing my life and paying attention to how I was feeling and the feeling behind the action I was taking and this changed everything so as I was leaning more and more into that then as I stumbled upon podcasts and books and heard people talking about this weird manifestation thing, I realized that wasn't quite so weird. It was just putting language to what I was experiencing firsthand. And because it was such a strong contrast this old way of operating to this like internal inner driven place and still getting results but it felt better. I couldn't shut up about it. I thought it transformed my life in my business and so then I had women reaching out to me like how did you do that can can you help me and that created this opportunity to coach people and I feel so passionate about it because of the drastic before and after that I experienced.

Andrea Crisp 10:01
You know, it's interesting because I think someone told me this not long ago. But even when I said, you know, I'm just learning about manifestation they're like, what you don't realize is that you are already manifesting. So you just may be manifesting the wrong things. But you are always in a place of manifestation. And that was something when I learned that I was like, oh, wow, then I really do need to be intentional about what I want. Because that will yield the result I want, because I'm maybe yielding the result that I don't want based on fear, or based on, you know, this is my old story. So I'm constantly thinking about it, I'm attaching to it. And now realizing, oh, if there's something I truly desire, I have to learn how to be in that energy. Which, you know, coming from a evangelical Christian background, and I know you have your own spiritual background that you came from, was like, really strange to me, because I'm like, I don't get this. This is the language I don't get. So let's like totally dumb it down. And let's talk about like, the basics of manifesting. And how do people actually manifest?

Jessica Jovanovich 11:17
Yeah, okay. So that's such a good point, because people will maybe hear about it, and they're like, Oh, I tried, that doesn't work. And that's the cool thing to realize we're always creating. So even when I was in that hustle in that grind, I was still manifesting, but I wasn't aware that I was. So when we learned the rules to the game, it's a lot more exciting, because then we can win. And we can get results. And so if we really dumb it down, all manifesting is, is it says that the energy you show up in is what you're going to get back. So to your point where Oh, if I, I might be manifesting something from a place of fear, yeah, if you're in fear and lack energy, you're going to continue to draw to you experiences that are full of fear and lack. And that's one of the tricky things about manifesting is people think, Oh, I thought positive thoughts. I had, you know, I was meditating, or I was writing in my gratitude journal, and it didn't work for me. But it's not about the action. It's the undercurrent underneath it. And so manifesting as tuning into how you're feeling and realizing how you're feeling the vibe that you're at, is creating what you will experience. Next, it's determining what you're a magnet for. And so that makes it so it's way less mysterious, you just tune in, oh, how do I feel? And you can sense Okay, what are you an energetic match for? Are your goals, is your vision, like a vibe that you would say is up here, but your vibe, and down here, you can see that you're not on the same channel, you got to tune in, so you can be a magnet for that?

Andrea Crisp 12:37
Okay, so let's just go with this lack energy, because I know that before, I've asked people and like, Okay, well, if I don't want to be in like energy, like, how do I not be? How do I, you know, do people ask you like that kind of question like, because I know, that's a very simple question, but it's like, okay, so obviously don't want to do that. But how do i do the other?

Jessica Jovanovich 12:59
Yeah. Okay. So for sure. This is such a popular question. And can I add on to that? Yeah, a way that people are in lack energy, even without noticing it, is within setting goals or setting intentions. And so you can check in with yourself, is there a goal that you've set for yourself? Let's say let's use money, for example, because that's something people can it's a great example, I want to make X amount of dollars, or I want to have more money. So you determine that's what you want. Now, are you connected to the energy of having that even though it hasn't shown up yet? Are you in this abundant, believable place? like okay, that's coming coming for me that's happening? I'm, I'm willing to do my part and taking this step forward? Are you in the lack of it? And so often, people are like, Oh, I just want it more they like grit their teeth, and like, hold on so tight, like I want it so bad.

What's the energy behind that? It's the lack of what is wanted, it's the lack of having it. So the energy is, even though you're like, No, I said, I've wanted this, I have my eyes on what I want. The momentum you're creating is lack of that lack of that lack of that. So then when you realize that and it's kind of like, Oh, great. It's it's awesome information. Because you can realize, oh, maybe that's why the thing that has been on my vision board isn't happening, or this thing I've wanted for so long. But then how do you shift from that lack, you get to realize that you can live in any energy you want, regardless of external circumstances, break up with the need to continually live contingent upon external reality, that's a brutal way to live. And it's a choice and we don't have to do it anymore. And when we realize it's a choice, and we don't have to do any more, you can start leaning into the new feeling. So it's as simple as if you realize you're in lack of it, you can close your eyes or soften your gaze hand on heart, head on solar plexus, and just kind of feel into that version of yourself that you can sense when you're going to have what you're looking for. Like let's say it's that amount of money and you can sense that abundance, that freedom, those good feelings, nothing changed externally. Nothing, no circumstance change, but you changed your vibration and that's how you can simply shift from that lack to something different.

Andrea Crisp 15:03
Okay, so I'm going to change just the scenario bet. Because maybe this will make sense to a lot of people, because this is kind of what I had to try and figure out, I have a girlfriend, who is like, the best flirter in the world, okay, she walks into any room, and she will flirt with any person in the room, like she's got like this amazing energy. And you might go into a bar with her, and guys are going to be literally like talking to her, she's the one that you know, is going to be asked to, you know, dance or whatever. And all these other girls are the hanging out being like, what the heck, because she walks in with this energy. And so often, so many women will walk in with a desperate energy, like, I just want to get a guy or I just want to, you know, have a hookup or whatever. It was really terrible example. But

Jessica Jovanovich 16:01
I think people like this, this is different.

Andrea Crisp 16:04
People can relate to it. Because it's like, I when I started to understand like this showing up in energy, I'm like, oh, if I show up in this energy, where I'm like, confident in who I am, that I could literally walk into a bar and like flirt with any guy wanted to because I just happy to be myself, I'm happy to be here. I just naturally believe that I will attract someone into my life. But if I go into the bar with desperate energy, then I'm going to be putting that out, which is the same, right as the lack with money. Because it's like, it's like, you're saying, what energy are you in? And I think that's where a lot of people can get, they get stopped. Because like, I don't understand, like, what do you mean by what energy? Like? Can you talk about like that? I know that that's maybe a barrier for some people? Because they don't get what do you mean the energy?

Jessica Jovanovich 16:58
Yeah, and it seems mysterious? And it seems you know, but it's really about how you feel so with your example, we could break that down the desperation? What's that rooted in? That's a scarcity. And and you can start understanding these categories. Is it scarce? Is it abundant? Is it from fear? Is it from love? Is it this upstream battle, or this downstream flow. So when you get out of the super specifics, and you just look at those categories, you can start to see like, Oh, this feels like a struggle. This feels like a flow. And so with this one, if you've got this desperate energy, it's a scarcity feeling. It's this not enoughness, whatever the feeling, is, that's what you're going to create more of. And so if you use the example of the gal walking in flirting, and everybody reacts to her, she has locked in a belief of like, Oh, yeah, this happens. Of course, I get these relationships happen easily, I can talk to anybody I want. It's really also if you don't know the energy, you can tap into what what's your belief? What are the thoughts going around in your head all the time, and you can see are those rooted in this scarcity or the abundance, the love or the fear the upstream or downstream, and that helps you start to become more present to what I would say is the energy, the vibration, it starts with, like, feelings when you're slowing down and understanding the thoughts that you have kind of on autoplay, that you can pause and kind of see, oh, even though I'm saying I'm wanting this appear, my thoughts are not a match for that my thoughts are reinforcing what I'm seeing again and again.

Andrea Crisp 18:25
So what is this like, upstream downstream thing? Like, what's that?

Jessica Jovanovich 18:29
So upstream, downstream, so think of the feeling of it, like if you're like paddling upstream, that's a struggle, versus if you're flowing downstream.

Andrea Crisp 18:39
Okay, got it. Of course. Yeah!

Jessica Jovanovich 18:40
I feel like when we've got that part locked in, we can we can check any part of our life. Like any part, if you're driving and you're in traffic and you're frustrated, you can say, am I swimming upstream? Or am I flowing downstream, and it helps us kind of shift back into this place of alignment? Because downstream flow would be an indication that you're in alignment, and therefore being an energetic match for what you desire.

Andrea Crisp 19:05
Okay, that makes a lot of sense. Because like, I, I go kayaking often And so yeah, like when when the waves are coming at me, and I'm like, going against what the the flow is, I'm paddling harder. And I know it takes me longer to get where I need to go. And it's like arduous and I don't really enjoy it. On the days that I show up in the morning, and the lake is nice, calm and serene. And it's like, Oh, this is so easy. It's like, I just I love it. It's like a totally different ride. When I'm doing it at different times of the day, when I'm, you know, when the lake is really, really calm. And I find that even if I'm kayaking, and I'm going against the flow, I'm getting more worked up to. So the harder I'm working, the more worked up I'm getting about it and from straited and then just compounds. So it's kind of like if you're in the flow, and you're doing it aligned, then that's when the when things can start working for you is that it's,

Jessica Jovanovich 20:13
yeah, it's like, you've probably heard the expression of getting out of your own way, you can see when you're not in this resistance, you're not trying to swim upstream, you're allowing and receiving like the downstream flow, that's when you're out of your way, you're not getting all worked up and flustered. But really, it comes to momentum, it comes to wherever your attention is, however you're showing up, it's going to build momentum in that same place. So if it's upstream, then yes, to your point, it's like, I'm frustrated, then I'm getting more worked up, and then what else happens and then like, that's when, you know, have you had a day where like, all these bad things are happening, and then you stub your toe, and then you lose your keys. And then like, it's, that only happens when you're already frustrated, you know, you stub your toe when the day is already been bad. But if you can see the momentum that's been created, what you're an energetic match for. And so it's so fun to remember that no matter how worked up we are, we can choose to shift back into weight. Life doesn't have to be like this anymore. I can choose to allow it to be downstream, I can stop trying to fight the current I can flow. And that creates momentum in that regard, and allows like the universe to show up in these new ways where you'll look around, and you'll think like, What magic unfolds, when really, it's just we are creating momentum in this new direction.

Andrea Crisp 21:26
Very interesting. So like, I want to ask you a question about energetic match, because I do hear that often. And they're like, Are you an energetic match? Can I become an energetic match for something? If I'm not? Am I just it? I it is, or it isn't?

Jessica Jovanovich 21:43
Yeah, so you're not doomed. No one's doomed, you can become an energetic match for anything. It doesn't even matter if you've had yours in another place. Like I had years and years and years of momentum built up in a belief of like hustle and grind and sweat it out and work hard and struggle and sacrifice. And that's was my belief in order to reach those goals. But until I was an energetic match for more struggle, more sacrifice, more grind, more hustle before I could have the thing I wanted. So you can change in an instant. That's what I love about energy. And we're powerful creators, you can choose to change at any time, and shift into becoming an energetic match for something else. Having said that, people will be like, well, I shifted and nothing happened. Remember, you've had some momentum you've created over here. So like, let that die down and practice shifting into the new way. That's the hard part. I'll see people quit too soon. And then there'll be like, oh, it doesn't work. It doesn't? Well, it does. You're just manifesting from this energetic place. But anytime you've been able to create something that you intentionally wanted in your life that you had your eye on, like you had created momentum energetically along with the action you're taking to get to that place. So you can pivot pivot, pivot, shift, shift shift a million times over.

Andrea Crisp 22:57
And that, like, I've heard that in relationships, I'm going right back to relationships. I'm not sure why. But anyways, apparently it's on my mind. But I've had people say, Well, you are not you, you too, are not an energetic match. And, and I'm like, okay, but then sometimes that's good. Like, sometimes you don't want to be an energetic match to that person, because their energy is not where you want to be. And so it can work both ways, right? Like you can be an energetic match of low energy to something as easily as an energetic match in a more positive way. Is that right? Does that make sense?

Jessica Jovanovich 23:35
Yeah, absolutely. Anything that you're experiencing in your life right now is because you're an energetic match for it. And with relationships, I like to bring it back to like, I stay in my own lane, you stay in your own lane. So we're not really reaching across and saying, Oh, I'm not an energetic match for you necessarily, but like, especially if someone's wanting to create a relationship. So I was definitely at that place in my life before I met my husband. And the cool thing about manifesting is I could be tuned into energetically the relationship I want to have, but I got to cultivate that in and of myself. First, you don't wait till someone comes and you're like, oh, you're the complete match, you know, you get to live in the feeling of it now. And then that makes you an energetic match for the relationship versus we can sometimes get stuck if we get fixated on someone else or someone else's behavior or how someone else is showing up that outsources our power.

Andrea Crisp 24:28
Okay, I'm gonna have to listen back to that and like really digest that because I think that hugely important more questions for you later. And so you know, there's so many people who are creatives or entrepreneurs or multi passionate people that you know, follow me listen to the Couragecast, and they're probably trying to even figure out okay, well how do I just even start this manifestation journey? Like how do I start implementing this in my life? What would you say is kind of like their first steps in really getting an understanding of how this works for themselves and start to do it.

Jessica Jovanovich 25:08
Awesome. Yes. Okay. So I think first and foremost, being willing to pay attention to how you feel and give that credit. And this isn't like passing emotion or I watch a sad movie. In some crime. This is like, What? What are you feeling beneath what you want to create in your business or in your life. And when we start there, it helps us decipher what is there, because it's a should, because it's for someone else, because it's what we were supposed to do. And get some awareness on that. And then establish truly what you want, and give yourself permission to want whatever you want. Then from there, I mean, there's some steps in manifesting. But I feel like from there, it starts to illuminate some limits that people have. And so you get to say, you get to ask yourself, this belief, I've had this thing I've been saying that's holding me back, you get a question that, is that even true? Is it true without a shadow of a doubt? Well, no, it's not, it's not going to be the 100% and all truth. And so you can begin to tell a new story. And that will clear up some of these things that have been keeping you in this holding pattern of I want this, but I can't have it, I want this, but I can't have it, it'll help you move into, this is what I want. And it is for me, and then you get to show up being that version of yourself. Now, energetically, that is congruent with what you desire.

Andrea Crisp 26:24
So it's like doing some of the work first, the mindset work, shifting those old stories are the you know what you believe to be true? And then when you are able to be in that space and believe that to be, you know, possible for yourself, then you can hold the space for that. Is that kind of how your diet saved? Absolutely. Okay. Okay. Because I get some Yes, definitely. When I'm talking even to my clients, and it's like, it's like, what comes the cart before the horse, right? But I think it's like, okay, you have to sometimes really heal in some of those areas. So that you can believe for the things you desire. Because it's like, you can't just all of a sudden jump to manifestation be like, Oh, I'm gonna be in the right, you know, because there are things that are rooted in us that we have to be able to heal from is that do what? What do you What's your take on that?

Jessica Jovanovich 27:20
Yeah, so one, one word of caution is we don't have to make it complicated. We don't have to make it difficult. That can be the old thought process. But exactly what you said where the energy we show up in is going to be determined based on the thoughts we're thinking the thoughts, we're thinking, create our beliefs, a belief is just a thought, we've thought a whole bunch of times, but the thoughts were thinking creator belief, which then determines what is possible for us, because it will cap us within what we will allow to be drawn to us. So that's why there is power in looking at if there is a belief that has been holding you from what you desire, cleaning that up healing, that, getting rid of that writing a new story, telling a new story, believing something new that will allow you to be vibing with what you actually want, because you'll have your belief around it like yes, this is for me.

Andrea Crisp 28:09
Yes. Okay. I 100% love that. Because that is the journey that I was on over the past couple years was really creating a new story for myself. And I think I met you at the perfect moment, because I was learning about manifestation and learning how to really get in alignment with my business and what I wanted for my business and how I wanted to be in my business. And so I know that even just having conversations with you, has really shifted me. So that's why I want to I wanted to bring you on because I know that you know, there may be so many entrepreneurs or creatives out there that are like, I need to figure out how to be in alignment with my business or how to you know, Jessica is your girl, she is the person you need to talk with hire as a coach, because you have been instrumental in helping me to really shift that. So I definitely want to endorse you highly to people. If this is something you're feeling like yeah, I've worked on the mindset. Now I'm ready to like, take that piece and accelerate it in this way. How can people how can people contact you?

Jessica Jovanovich 29:21
Well that is so nice to say!

Andrea Crisp 29:24
No, I hey, and go hire this lady.

Jessica Jovanovich 29:30
Thank you so much. So I would love to chat with any of you guys just find me on the Instagrams. I'm jessica.jovanovich on Instagram so come over there DM me, we can chat and see what next steps make sense for you. But I loved what you said Andrea, like this is oftentimes the missing component. And I love when people realize, like, oh, there's something missing and this just kind of connects the dots and it feels it like resonates it lands like oh, this is what's been missing. And it's it really does transform experience when we can tap into this and start intentionally creating the life and the business of our dreams without those limits without the sabotage that comes in when we don't know the rules to the game.

Andrea Crisp 30:12
And I'll tell you, just even knowing how to put some of these things into practice has been so transformational for me because it's like, I love my business again. Because I love who I get to be in it. And I love that it's I'm not making it over complicated, and trying to be all the things that I don't need to be. And so thank you for sharing your wisdom with me personally, but also sharing your wisdom to people that are watching this today and also listening on the Couragecast. And thank you for being a guest. I appreciate it. So, so lovely to have you here.

Jessica Jovanovich 30:49
You are welcome. The pleasure is all mine.

Andrea Crisp 30:51
Okay. I love that conversation. I love learning from Jessica, this is literally one of my favorite topics right now. And for a really long time I stay clear of it because I came out of a church background where talking about this kind of stuff was a little bit taboo. And maybe that's where you've been at or maybe you're in the church now and this is seems like a whole big thing for you. And, friend, if that's you, I just want you to take a deep breath and know that it's okay just to be curious. I'd love to chat with you about it. I love you know, to have a conversation with you about manifestation or if you're super manifester, and you want to teach me more things, then feel free to jump in my dams as well. But I really want to thank Jessica for just being so gracious with her wisdom and her knowledge and for really showing us what it is truly to become an energetic match for what it is that we truly desire. And friends. I also just want to remind you that if you are interested in finding out more about the Confidence Accelerator which launches October 18, it is right around the corner I love to have you take part, make sure you jump onto the website andreacrisp.ca. to find out more information, or even to schedule a call with me and talk to me about whether or not this is the right fit for you. Until next time, remember you have everything you need to live bravely.

Kate 32:20
If you like this episode of the Couragecast, we'd love to hear from you. Leave us a rating and review and while you're there, hit subscribe so you never miss an episode. Original Music and production by Stephen Crilly.


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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?

180 | Become A Magnet For What You Desire


Squarespace Bio Pic.jpg
I really understand when I focus on what I truly desire, those desires, they manifest themselves.
— Andrea Crisp

About This Episode:

Have you ever felt like life was happening to you instead of for you. For most of my life that is what I believed. I bought into the belief that life's circumstances and situations were out of my control. That was until I had a shift in my perspective that helped me to see that when I position myself for what I want then I get exactly that.

In this episode you'll learn how to become a magnet for what you desire so that you can start attracting more clients, opportunities and income into your life and business.

If you are ready to start attracting what you truly desire into your life and business I want to invite you to join me for The Be Magnetic Experience on September 30th. Get ready to position yourself to receive abundance on a whole new level.

Connect With Andrea:

I’d love to connect and chat with you over on my socials. If you’re ready to dive a little deeper into understanding your purpose, grab a copy of my book Designed With Purpose.

Instagram + Book

Join The Be Magnetic Experience on September 30th



Andrea Crisp 0:00
Have you ever felt like life was happening to you instead of for you? For most of my life, that is exactly what I believed. I bought into the belief that life circumstances and situations were out of my control. That was until I had a shift in my perspective that helped me to see that when I positioned myself for what I want, that is exactly what I'll get. In this episode, you're gonna learn how to become a magnet for what you truly desire, so that you can start attracting more clients opportunities and income into your business.

Kate 0:33
You're listening to The Couragecast, a show to equip and empower women to live bravely. Each week, we'll share coaching conversations and stories of women who are willing to face their fear and pursue their purpose. here's your host, life coach, author, and your secret weapon.

Andrea Crisp 0:48
Hello, friend, welcome to The Couragecast. I am thrilled that you're joining me today. This fall has been amazing, so far, up north in Ontario, we get fall pretty early. So the leaves have already started to turn. And it's just you know, those really cool, crisp, chilly mornings. It's literally my favorite season. And it's also my birthday season. And that's coming up in October. And I'm actually going to be celebrating my birthday on Canadian Thanksgiving this year, which I love. But I'm also really excited because this week, starting on Thursday, is the start of the B magnetic live experience. And if you have not already signed up for the five day experience, there is still time. So stop the podcast right now and go sign up, and then come back and listen to the episode. You can just go to my website, andreacrisp.ca. And you can click on a link to sign up to the big magnetic live experience.

Or you can find the link in the show notes as well. And it's also in my Instagram bio. So I want to make sure you have all the ways to go ahead and sign up, this is going to be the most amazing five days. And when I was thinking about what I wanted to talk about today, it only felt fitting to talk about why I think it's important for us to position ourselves for what we want in life. You know, I just actually had a conversation with two of my aunts. On both sides of my family. One is on my dad's side, and one is on my mom's side. But it was really interesting, because they were talking about all their ailments, you know, as they do. And, you know, just saying things like, you know, well just wait until you get older Andrea, and you're gonna have these problems too. And it was really interesting.

Because for years, I would have thought, yeah, you're right, I'm absolutely going to have those problems, this is genetic, and this is going to happen. And I lived for a majority of my life with the belief that things just happen to us. They happen to me, and we're out of control of you know, those circumstances, you know, whether it be financial, whether it be with our health, or, you know, just life circumstances. And that had a lot to do with my, of course, my family upbringing, but also had to do with my evangelical upbringing. I mean, not all of it, but some of it. And it was also, you know, a belief that I bought into, because I had to own it for myself. And I was of the belief that I had to wait to allow things to happen in my life, and that I was never going to be in control of what happened to me. So it was this, like, weird mix of like, waiting on God, you know, because I'd grown up in the church and making sure I was in the will of God, and not ever taking any action myself in case I made the wrong decision to, you know, being on the other side, where it's like, well, you know, things just happen.

And because it's generational, it's gonna happen this way, and you don't have any control over things. And then there was, you know, of course, the part of me that wanted to do things perfectly, and I didn't want to rock the boat, because I wanted to make sure people approved of me. So I had this kind of perfect perfectionistic mentality, you know, I kind of shudder at the thought of it. Because, you know, that kind of theology in the church is not even really correct. And so I'm so glad that I have let go of those beliefs, and that I am not buying into those mindsets and narratives that are passed down generationally within my family, and that I have let go of my own need to control the outcome of everything. And I'm really opened to what is possible in my Life, especially when I positioned myself for God universe source to surprise and delight me. And so maybe you've had a similar upbringing, you know, maybe you can relate to one of those things, maybe you found yourself, you know, within a conservative religious upbringing, or maybe you have, you know, some cultural family, you know, narratives that you've been hearing for your whole entire life, and you just believe them to be true. Or maybe you also have found yourself, you know, in this perfectionistic, control driven type mindset, similar to myself. So, if you have, this is definitely a episode that I want you to pay really close attention.

Because all of those things, although maybe well meaning and well intentioned, keep you in a cycle of attracting what you don't really want into your life. I'm going to talk to you today about attracting what you do desire becoming a magnet for the things you desire in life. By no stretch of the imagination, do I claim to have all the answers or am I, you know, thinking am, I am even an expert in this. But I am open to the possibilities now. And I'm on the journey to discover what is possible when I am available. And I want to chat with you all about that. And that's why I think it's important to become a magnet for what we desire, instead of being a magnet for what we don't want. And as I mentioned, that was basically me up until a couple of years ago. So let me rewind, just share a quick story with you. It was about my early 40s, when I really started to recognize that I had been dealing with anxiety and depression for a better part of 20 years. So if you've never listened the podcast before, and this is your first time, you know, you're hearing this story. It was something that I just didn't even know I was dealing with because it was low grade. And I was functional. And I was doing things but I always felt really down and defeated. And I had this fatigue. And, you know, it was just kind of like below the surface, right. And it really impacted my life, it impacted my relationships. And it was one of those things where I always just assumed that I would feel that way. I actually assumed everybody felt that way that everyone lacked enjoyment, peace and an overall sense of joy, right? Like, I just assumed, okay, like, that's what most people feel, I didn't even know that you could feel any differently. And a lot of the reason why that was happening was because I was focused, like Uber focused on what I did not have, you know, I wasn't married, I lacked a job that, you know, was really bringing in a good income. I didn't have my own home, I didn't have kids. And I was just like, so focused on the things I didn't have, that I was actually starting to play a victim role. And I would make excuses for why things weren't changing, and why I wasn't getting what I wanted. And in all of that, because it was so it was so I don't know, defeating self defeating, that I started to isolate myself from other people, because I didn't want to admit how I truly felt.

And I didn't want other people to know, you know that I felt that way because I wanted them to think that you know, had everything together. And that my life was great, wonderful. And I would have hated to admit that something was wrong in my life. But it really was like there were there were so many things that I wanted to change, I wanted to shift and I didn't really know how. And I didn't know that my mindset played a huge role in that. And part of that mindset was really understanding that whatever we focus on grows, which is a Tony Robbins quote, because that was something I did not understand at all. So it wasn't really until I started working on my mindset that I realized that what I was doing, which was focusing on the lack and the negativity and the reasons why things weren't happening and the possibility of like, you know, ailments, all the things that it was actually harmful, like, how harmful is it to position yourself to think okay, well, it's only a matter of time until I get arthritis or it's only a matter of time until my eyesight goes on. It's only a matter of time until I lose my job or my relationship you know falls apart or, you know, I'll never be able to, you know, get any further ahead with my finances. I'm always going to be in debt.

Like, I mean, that way of living is just no way of living at all. And I had, I had really had adopted that type of philosophy and that mentality, which kept me spinning my wheels. And it actually had me, like, when I think about it, like, think back at the many, many jobs that I lost. During those years, I was really, you know, having those self fulfilling prophecies and saying, you know, like, I never can keep a job. And, you know, things always happen to me, like, Well, duh, things always happen to you, because you're consistently talking about it, and you're always projecting it out. And then of course, it keeps happening. And that is what kept happening, I would lose jobs, I would be treated poorly at work, I was felt like I was never being respected. And then I, you know, in my relationships, I was like, I was never asked out, and nobody wants to be with me. And I can never be in a long term relationship, like mean. And then I look back at, you know, things that I was saying, and how I was projecting that into the world. And it's not a wonder that that was happening. And the same thing goes with my finances. I mean, like, you can really take a look at, but like, you know, go down deep into my life and see how pervasive this thought was. And this mindset was in my life, friend, I cannot tell you how often I work with clients now as a coach, and they tell me, you know, different things about their life. And I'm like, Oh, I can totally relate to that. I have been there, I thought that exact same thing, I had to go through that I had to work out my mindset around that particular issue. And I had to get some answers, and I had to get some freedom in my mindset. And now, I feel as though things have opened wide up. And I feel as though I am so much more open to the possibility of what can happen within my life. But for so long.

I was just held back by this fear of not being accepted, not belonging. And I had this shame that my life was imperfect. And I was so fearful that people would know that I felt like my life was in shambles. And then they would know that, and then they would not want to be my friend, or they would not want to hire me or they would not want to be in a relationship with me. Oh, it was a lot. Okay, so let's switch gears, right. So, here's the thing I just mentioned, the the quote by Tony Robbins, what you focus on grows, that became so real to me. And it became real to me, because I started to understand when I focus on lack, I get more lack. But Alternatively, if I focus on fun, I get more fun. And now I really understand when I focus on what I truly desire, those desires, they manifest themselves, okay. But you may be wondering, a lot like I was, How the heck does that happen? Because I heard people talking about this concept for years. Like they call it the law of attraction. And, you know, I was like, okay, you know, the law of attraction. And then in the church, you know, they they talk about how, you know, it's kind of like, name it climate, and, and people get really, really, really like, Oh, my gosh, like, that's a terrible philosophy and theology. But here's the thing.

You don't have to be a rocket scientist, to figure out that what you really think about you actually bring into your life, because you're either moved to action towards it, or you move to inaction. And then you don't do anything, and things stay the same. So I mean, like, that's not rocket science, right? So when I focused on lack, I would feel defeated, I'd have all this self doubt, I would feel just anxious and depressed. And that kept me in that cycle, making excuses for myself for why things weren't happening. But when I started to shift my mindset, and I started to really be able to pull apart what I was actually thinking and start to reframe those thoughts and focus on, you know, having success in my life. Then I started to in body, what it would look like if I was successful, and all of a sudden, things started to shift. And, and here's the thing. A lot of people think, Okay, well, do I just think about success, and then I get success? Well, no, it's not as simple as that. I think what people miss is, we really have to be in the emotion of what it is we desire. And when I was in the, in the lack mindset, I was, as I mentioned, defeated, anxious and depressed Right, my emotions were such that it continued to draw that to me because I was in that low vibration. But when I was focusing on what I did want, and I allowed myself to be excited about the possibility, and I allowed myself to just envision what that will look like, and to get that anticipation in my spirit, and just like, feel like it was already there for me, I was at a different vibration, my vibration was higher, and I would start to attract what it is that I did desire into my life. So it's not just as easy as going, I want this and then I get it, it's really about embodying the emotion and the feeling of what it would be like to have that as though it is already done. So let me ask you, what are you inviting into your life? And is what you're getting right now what you truly want.

Because if you're caught up in the what ifs the excuses, the reasons why things aren't working, then I hate to take it, I hate to tell you, but you're going to keep getting the same thing over and over and over again. And so many people, myself included, fall into this victim mentality and say like, Well, you know, things just never happened for me. And, you know, it's, you know, get all these reasons why. And if you feel like you've been there, you're not alone. So, you know, I know, it's, it's, it's easy to say, Okay, well, I'm going to fall into a shame spiral because of that. But I just want you to release yourself for that right now. Just be like, you know what it is what it is, but it's time to like change the story. And it's time to actually make a huge adjustment and start to attract what it is that I really want in my life. And you can make that decision right here. And right now to become a magnet for what you truly desire. So as I mentioned, at the beginning of the podcast this week, on Thursday, September 30, we are starting the B magnetic live experience, I'm going to walk you through the process, I'm going to hold space for you to learn and to grow and expand in really attracting what it is that you desire into your life. So whether you're a baby manifester, or you are like a full fledged manifester, I want to invite you, I would invite everybody of every level into this because I believe that we all have something to offer one another. And that when we are together, holding space for one another, and really, truly believing for powerful, powerful things to manifest within our lives, that we will draw those things to us. And so maybe you've been in a place in your life where you really are desiring something to happen, whether it's work, whether it's relationship, whether it's finances, whether it's just really, you know, stepping into a future version of yourself, I want to invite you to to join me for these five days, and to become part of this community because I really believe that this is going to be something that is going to shift your life much like it has shifted mine and continues to do so. So in order to sign up, all you have to do is go to my website, andreacrisp.ca and you can easily sign up there or you can click one of the links in the show notes or in Instagram in my bio and you can find that at Andrea Crisp coach. I am so excited to get started with you, I cannot wait for us to go through this together. The Be Magnetic Live Experience, five days you are going to attract what it is you truly desire into your life and I cannot wait to walk the journey out with you. Alright friend, this was so fun. Thanks for hanging out with me today. And I'll hopefully see you on Thursday. But until next time, remember, you have everything you need to live bravely.

Kate 19:16
If you like this episode of The Couragecast, we'd love to hear from you. Leave us a rating and review and while you're there, hit subscribe so you never miss an episode. Original music and production by Stephen Crilly.


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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?

179 | Step Into Your Future Self


Squarespace Bio Pic.png
In order for me to actually manifest my future self I had to make decisions as my future self and realize that in the future I am not doing that anymore so I need to stop doing it today.
— Andrea Crisp

About This Episode:

Do you feel like you're 'stuck' in an old pattern or narrative? You don't have to stay stuck in the past -- you can start to live out of your future self. Discover how you can start making decisions and take action out of your future self and who you are becoming.

In this episode I'm going to share with you the two lessons that I learned over the past few months when I decided I was no longer going to stay stuck in those past mindsets.

If you are ready to start attracting what you truly desire into your life and business I want to invite you to join me for The Be Magnetic Experience on September 30th. Get ready to position yourself to receive abundance on a whole new level.

Connect With Andrea:

Join The Be Magnetic Experience on September 30th


I’d love to connect and chat with you over on my socials. If you’re ready to dive a little deeper into understanding your purpose, grab a copy of my book Designed With Purpose.

Instagram + Facebook + Book



Andrea 0:00
Hello, hello friends, I am so excited to chat with you today, the sun is shining, it is like fully fall here. I don't know about you, but where I live, it goes from like, full throttle summer, like one day to immediately it's fall. And it's the funniest thing because last week I was in Toronto, and I was wearing a sun dress. And it was like 28 29 degrees Celsius. And then I came back home. And it's like now 19 degrees Celsius. Like that's a huge drop. But it's beautiful out today. And I love this time of the year, like it's one of my favorites. And I'm excited to be back in my studio talking to you. And I feel like I have some really great thoughts that I want to share with you. And they're not all my thoughts, just so you know, they are definitely things that I have been chatting about with amazing people in my life, the people in my world, who I love dearly and who pour life into me. And I'm really excited to be sharing them with you. And if you hear the little tinkling in the background, that's my little puppy, she's found me, I was down here recording, and she seems to find when I'm recording, and then wants to hang out. So you might hear my beautiful little Coffee Crisp in the background today as I record this podcast episode for you. But anyways, I'm excited to talk to you about your future self. And I'm going to take a quick little pause while I put the dog on the bed. And I'll be back.

You're listening to The Couragecast a show to equip and empower women to live bravely. Each week we'll share coaching conversations and stories of women who are willing to face their fear and pursue their purpose. here's your host, life coach, author and your secret weapon.

Hey, friend. Okay, so I'm back. And I'm excited to chat with you today about your future self. Because this is something that I have been really implementing into my life. And it was something that was introduced to me by my friend Vanessa, who is a money mindset coach, she's amazing. She's someone who has been on the podcast, I will link to her episode as well, because she is just honestly one of the most brilliant coaches I know. And we have been on a journey together for the past couple of years. But she hosted something on her Facebook, a challenge, a 30 day challenge. And I loved it. And I participated in August, and it is absolutely revolutionized the way I look at my life, the way I make decisions about my life and my business. And it has caused me to make a huge paradigm shift into my future self. And we're gonna get into that. What the heck does that even mean? Right? Your future self? Like? Is that something like out in the ether? I don't know. But here's the spoiler alert. Your future self is something that you can access right now. Because time it's relative, right? So you are both your past, your present and your future. And you get to decide what part of you takes the lead? Is it the past? The old stories, the narratives, the decisions from the past? Or is it who you are becoming,

that you're making decisions from? And I want to talk to you about how can you start stepping in to your future self? You're gonna love this episode, my friend. So welcome to the courage cast. If you've been listening to the courage cast over the past six months, you have heard me talk a lot about the mastermind that I've been in called fast foundations. And it has been something that, quite frankly, shifted my life. And it put me in a virtual room with over 100 other entrepreneurs. And these entrepreneurs were some were starting out somewhere, you know, really doing super well on their business. But the one thing that they all had in common was that they had made a mindset shift towards moving their business and life forward. So within the client text of those six months, because we're almost to the end of it, I have been able to connect with so many of those people, and rub shoulders with them, have conversations with them, and learn from them. Many of them have been so generous with sharing their wisdom and knowledge and what's worked in their business and what hasn't worked in their business. And it has really, honestly shifted my perspective around what's possible for my life, and led me to where I am today. And the reason why I wanted to share that with you is because so often we think that we're stuck somewhere. And we are, you know, a victim of our circumstances, whatever those circumstances may be. And if you find yourself in your life and in your business right now, feeling that way, feeling like you cannot take those steps of courage in your life, because while this has happened, or that has taken place in your life, then you may feel as though you are not making forward momentum. And you might be making excuses around that you're stuck in an old pattern in an old narrative and an old story stuck in the past, right? But here's the thing, you don't have to stay stuck in the past, you can start to live out of your future self. Now, for me, this was a really, really kind of like, big mindset shift for me, because I've been taught a lot to be present, right. So like we should live in the present, which I totally agree with and believe that we should live in the present. But what if you started to make decisions out of your future self. Because when you start to make decisions and take action, out of your future self, that is when you are starting to manifest what it is that you truly desire for your life, for your relationships, and for your business. And that is what will catapult you into the next season of life and into that next paradigm for you. But when you're making decisions out of the old past narrative, the same old thing that you have been rehearsing for year after year after year, you're gonna stay where you are. So yes, be present every single day in your life, but learn to make decisions out of your future self.

Now, I've heard of this concept before. But what really shifted it for me was when I joined my friend, Vanessa, who also refers to herself as mentor, the dotco actually shows she is a money mindset coach, and she was hosting a 30 day challenge is called 30 days to your future self. And I remember when I came upon it in her facebook group, and I was like, You know what, this is exactly what I need right now. I was at the tail end of my mastermind, I was launching some programs, and I felt like I really needed to pick me up, I needed to actually shift from where I was thinking and the place I was living out of to really embody my future self, but I had no idea like, seriously, zero clue about how that was gonna happen right? In in shoes offering to guide us through this process. And I joined and I'll tell you what, from like, week one, I knew that I was in the right place. Because the the space that she held for us within that group was really healing for me, but also allowed me to envision what my life was going to look like. And also to take steps from that place, and not making decisions from fear and from anxious thoughts. And from worry, were circumstantial situations in my life that are currently happening. And when I was able to do that, I started manifesting these amazing things into my life, and I'm going to tell you all about them. Now, I'm not gonna lie, I was super nervous about the prospect of you know, being in the challenge and doing this because I had been playing pretty small up until that point. And often when we get into this kind of container, this kind of group, it's easy to compare ourselves to what other people are doing and think, Oh, well, I'm not at that level or I haven't made that much money or I haven't done this and so then immediately, you count yourself out. And I really had to talk myself into, you know what area where you are is fine. You just need to start from here because the whole process is seeing who you are becoming. And operating out of that, not out of the old story. In the old narrative. There was one particular day where I knew in my spirit that it was time for me to start making decisions in my future self. And I wanted to share with you what I needed to do in order for that to happen, because sometimes it's like, you just need to distill it down and start to see what is possible for you when you are actually making decisions that of your future self. So the first thing was, and you probably heard this before, this is not new news, but let go of what no longer serves me. And that meant kind of taking a mental inventory of what was happening in my life, and making a decision around those things. One of those things was the music school that I had been working for over the past several years, great music school, fantastic students. But here's the thing, I had been feeling really drained, because I was trying to grow my business, during a pandemic, and also utilizing my skills as a music teacher to teach voice and piano to teach kids through zoom. And I'll tell you what, that was no easy feat. And it was mentally, at times very exhausting. And I had done it for, you know, a good part of two years, some in studio and some over zoom. And I had gotten to the point where after two days of teaching, I was exhausted, like I had no more left to give. And that meant that any of my coaching or podcasting had to be done prior to teaching, because I was so tired afterwards that it took me several days to even recuperate from teaching piano voice lessons. Now, under normal circumstances,

maybe that wouldn't have been the case, because maybe in studio, I would have had better opportunity to, you know, stay focused and not beyond zoom all the time and not, you know, have all this screen time. But because of the circumstances we were in, it was very taxing on my body sitting for long periods of time, staring at my computer, staying super focused for all the lessons and it was really, really draining my energy. And I knew that it was time for it to go. But here's the thing. I was fearful that I was having to let go of that income, because that had been a great source of income for two years. And it had been a foundational piece of me growing my business because I could always rely on it being there. So saying goodbye to income that is coming in on a weekly basis was a big shift, right. And I knew that I had to let that go. Because my future self, when I really took a look at what she was doing. She wasn't doing it anymore. She was fully immersed in her coaching business. She was spending time with her clients and podcasting and communicating and doing all the things that she really loves to do to move this forward. And not just sitting on zoom, teaching kids how to play piano and saying, which is a great, great living. But it wasn't what I wanted to be doing anymore. So in order for me to actually manifest my future self, I had to make decisions as my future self and realize that in the future, I am not doing that anymore, which means I need to stop doing it today. So that when I am at that point, I am actually manifesting what it is that I do want. Does that make sense? Okay, so here's example number two, because that wasn't enough, right? It's not enough just to have one thing happen. The universe has got to give you a couple things, right. So just so it just nailed it and makes it very concrete to you. You get double lessons. So the second one was I had an opportunity to work for the elections. And this is something I have done a couple years ago and made some good money by doing it. It was five days, and it was 12 hour days. And it was exhausting work. I'm not gonna lie. And at the time, it was what I needed. But I was feeling like he, we had a kind of one of those impromptu elections. And it wasn't during a time where it was really feasible for me to do it, I was going to be in the middle of a launch when it was going to be happening. And I thought to myself, you know what, this is not really gonna work. And I had all this pressure, this internal pressure and external pressure that, you know, here, I'm going to make some money, and I'll be able to do it. And it's quick. And it's, you know, Why say no to something amazing. But again, I stepped into my future self. And I said, in two years from now, if there was another election, would she be working the election? And I knew right then and there that know, the answer was no, she wasn't doing that, because she was fully in her business, and she was fully doing her life. And in order for her to be there, I needed to make a decision today. That placed me there. I know, it sounds completely counterintuitive. But I had to say no to an opportunity today, in order to manifest my future self, my future vision, and what I believe that I am going to be doing. Now, why is this important? It's important because it creates space, and opportunity for what is supposed to be manifesting in your life. And in your business, when you are being future focused. And you are allowing yourself to be who you're becoming, and not make decisions from fear. Worry, you know, I just need to get this. Now I just need to pay this bill. Now I just need to make sure this is taken care of today, right? Because that keeps you in that cycle. But when you are making a decision from your future self, your future self is not worried about that. So I was making decisions from that place, I'll tell you what, as hard as it was,

it was also super freeing, because I felt so liberated, and at ease with my decisions, and very at peace. The second lesson that I needed to learn was that I needed to get support in my business. So this is all happening simultaneously, right within the same month. And I've made this decision to let go of my students, I've made this decision to not take the opportunity to work the elections. But now I'm having conversations with people in my life in the mastermind, people that I really trust in business. And they're saying to me, you know, it really, really overwhelmed with the amount of work that you have to do, it's time for you to invest in some support. I was like, you've got to be kidding me. How in the world? Am I going to do that? How am I going to get support, when I am saying no to opportunities, and I'm saying no to money. Like, that doesn't even make any sense. And I knew that stepping into my future solve was me stepping into my zone of genius. And in order for me to step into my zone of genius, I had to be doing what comes really, really naturally to me, and leave things that don't come naturally to me to people who really feel at ease doing them. And that meant investing in some support in my business and paying for it. So I started looking into how I could get support. And I invested into a company that provides apprentices. And at first I wasn't finding anybody. I was like oh my gosh, I'm spending this money. And I'm not even finding the right people for what I need in my business. And maybe this was a wrong decision. And I was just kind of at the point where I thought you know what this is, this is not what I wanted, this is not going to work. Maybe I learned the lesson. I've spent all this money, and then it's not what I need. But then I came across a Facebook post in a group that I'm in, and I saw this girl who was doing virtual assistant business and she was doing kajabi which is where all of my membership is hosted and all my products are hosted. And I was thinking to myself, you know what, I really actually need to talk to someone about building funnels in my kajabi membership portal because I have no idea what I'm doing. It is so over my head, and I'm gonna get on a call with this girl. Melissa turns out, she's amazing. She's just starting her business but she knows all about kajabi and she built my funnels within a week and did a brilliant job. Took a load off my back. And immediately when I started working with her, and she started to do things, it actually pushed me to make decisions quicker because I needed to give her information and I need to get things to her so that she could do them. And I stopped procrastinating on so many things that I had been eating to make decisions about, because someone was counting on me to give them the information. He's like, I wish I've done this way sooner. If I had known that I would not procrastinate nearly as much, then I would actually outsource. And so this, this young woman has completely helped me. So not only did she build my funnels, but then she built a second set of funnels. And she helped me set up a Facebook group. And she has been brilliant. In the meantime, as this is happening, I get a message from the first company that I had invested in. And a young lady is interested in working on my podcast, which is what I had been looking for. And just yesterday I on boarded her, as well. And so now not only did I have help building my next launch, but I also am getting help with the back end of the podcast, which I am thrilled about. And here's, here's the thing, none of that would have been possible, if I had not taken the steps to really let go of what no longer serve me. Because the moment I did that, I opened up that space to actually get what I truly needed in my life. And I was able to attract what it is that I desire in my life. And within a few days of really doing all of that everything felt just so simple. I felt ease and lightness. And I started even becoming more confident as a coach and in my own business.

And not only that, because I got to tell you this to my clients started seeing better results. And I started getting more client inquiries myself. So all of that to say this, when you are making decisions out of your future self and not out of the fear and the worry of what could possibly happen. You are going to attract what you truly, truly desire into your life. And I I attribute all of this to being in the challenge with Vanessa 30 days do you feed yourself? I absolutely loved it. And I am so grateful for the opportunity that she provided for me, which leads me to this, I have decided that I want to do the same for you. Yes, that's exactly what I'm going to do. I want to provide a space for you to step into your future self, and to become magnetic to attract what you truly desire into your life in business. And so I am going to be starting the beam magnetic live experience, which is a five day experience starting on September 30. And what we're going to be doing is we're going to be holding space for one another, to attract what it is that we truly desire into your lives into our lives. It's going to be completely life changing. I know it, I feel it in my bones, I feel it in my spirit. This is something that I feel is so for us right now. So have you been in a place in your life where you've been feeling like you've been spinning your wheels, you're stuck or you're making decisions out of an old narrative out of an old mindset and you're like, I need to step into something new, I need to actually shift that for myself. And I need to become magnetic to what it is I desire and not magnetic to what it is that I do not desire. And I want to invite you to join me for the be magnetic live experience. It starts on September 30. And all you have to do is go to my website, Andrea crisp.ca. and sign up. I'm also gonna put links in Instagram in the show notes as well so that you can have easy access to signing up for the B magnetic challenge. I honestly believe this is going to revolutionize not only your life it's going to revolutionize my life as well. And if you are in business, I believe it is going to set you up to start attracting clients income opportunity, creativity, collaboration, all of the things, all the things. So make sure you join me September 30 for that Be magnetic live experience. Friend. I just want to encourage you, you are not stuck anywhere. You can make a decision today to step into your future self like I 100% believe that is true for you as much as it is for me. So thanks for joining me today. Thanks for hanging out. If you haven't connected with me already, please make sure you find me on on Instagram at at Andrea Crisp coach. I'm on Facebook as well, but I'd love to chat with you. And until next time, remember, you have everything you need to live briefly.

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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?

178 | The Gift Of Comparison


Rather than seeing what other people are doing better than me and feelings like I am therefore not enough, I instead turn it into a goal because goals make me feel like I’m in control.
— Paige Lawrence

About This Episode:

Have you ever fallen into the trap of comparison only to feel worse about yourself than when you started? In this episode, I'm chatting with Canadian Olympian Paige Lawrence about how she uses comparison and competition to her advantage. You'll learn how this Olympic athlete was able to shift her mindset in a very competitive sport so that she could harness the power of comparison and competition.

Paige Lawrence is a Performance coach for entrepreneurs and elite athletes. She competed in pairs figure skating in the 2014 Olympics, 21 international competitions (medalling at several), and was the 4x Canadian Pairs Bronze Medalist. She is now dedicated to helping elite entrepreneurs and athletes to optimize their performance and achieve new personal bests in their goals while avoiding burnout.

Through her Olympic career, Paige learned firsthand the exact mindset and skillset that is required for experiencing success, however, she also learned how the “high-performance at all costs” mentality can cut a rising career short. She is now passionate about helping others to achieve their high performance in their business, achieve their bold goals, and feel fulfilled without sacrificing their physical and mental health or happiness.

Connect With Paige:

Instagram + Website

Connect With Andrea:

Instagram + Facebook + Book

Join The Be Magnetic Live Experience


Andrea Crisp 0:00
So often we look at comparison as something that is negative. But what if we started to use it as fuel for us to make momentum in our lives? Today I'm chatting with Paige Lawrence, who's Canadian Olympic pairs figure skater. She's going to talk to us about how she takes comparison and competition and uses it to her advantage,

Paige Lawrence 0:23
rather than seeing other people in what they're doing better than me and feeling like I'm there for not enough. Why instead, turn it into a goal, right? Because goals make me feel like I am in control.

Kate 0:38
You're listening to the courage cast a show to equip and empower women to live bravely. Each week we'll share coaching conversations and stories of women who are willing to face their fear and pursue their purpose. here's your host, life coach, author and your secret weapon.

Andrea Crisp 0:54
Hey there, welcome to The Couragecast. My name is Andrea Crisp, I am your host. And if this is your very first time listening to the podcast, I want to say a huge welcome. I have a fabulous guest on the show. And if you have known me for any length of time, you know how obsessed I am with Canadian figure skaters. Like it's a whole thing. I love our Canadian Olympians. And today, on the show, I am talking to pairs figure skater, Olympic athlete, Paige Lawrence. And Paige and I have actually been in a mastermind together over the past almost six months. And so I have gotten to know her a little bit. But one of the things I was talking to her about which I was so interested in was how she has used competition and comparison to her advantage, which is so counterintuitive to what we normally do. Because we're always taught that we should not compare ourselves to others. But what if you need to what if you need to use it as a fuel to actually give you that forward momentum? So I'm thrilled to talk to Paige today. No, Paige is a performance coach. And she is just about to launch a brand new program. She's going to tell us all about that today here on the courage cast. And I cannot wait for you to get to know Paige Lawrence. Hey, everyone, I am so excited to be back for another episode on the courage cast called the courage creator series. And today I am welcomed by a very special guest. If those of you who are maybe following me, maybe know that yesterday was our Canada Day. And today I'm really excited because we are actually going to be chatting with Paige Lawrence. And Paige is a Canadian Olympian. And I love the Olympics. Those of you who know me, I love figure skating. I don't know if Paige knows that. But Hey. Hi, how are you? Oh, so good. Glad to be here with you. Yes, I'm so glad you're here. I was just telling people I love our Olympians. I love our Olympians. I'm Oh, and Anna says I love Canadian friends. So it's so glad I'm so glad to add I mean I'm literally Yeah, I one of those people like when the Olympics is on. I watched like everything I could possibly watch. I absolutely love to go and watch figure skating shows. I never figure skating myself. I was more of a rap player. But so I'm excited. I need to be on the ice ball. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Why don't you tell people a little bit about your yourself and your journey?

Unknown Speaker 4:02
Yeah, sure, I'd love to. Um, so I grew up in a really small town up in Canada, I started figure skating simply because my parents like wanted me to learn how to skate in a small town. There's not a lot to do in the winter. And I ended up really loving figure skating. And so my parents being the good parents that they were they just kind of continue to look for opportunities before me to get better. Which led me to a coach in a neighboring town about 25 minutes from my house. And I was nine years old, I think when I started working with her, and she was the coach that ended up like taking me to the Olympics like years and years later. So it was really kind of a crazy story because I mean, we we didn't have the resources around us that we typically should have. I started eating chairs when I was 15 which is what I competed in the Olympics and and a pair team from the prairies was very unheard of We had no pairs experience, my coach was watching videos of how to teach pairs and teaching us. It's kind of a crazy startup story. Um, but we really were just a case of being so committed to finding solutions, and finding a way to move forward towards our dreams that in 2014, we qualified and competed at the Olympics in Sochi, Russia, which is pretty awesome. In my books, I think there was a 22nd Olympic Games, my first and the best experience of my entire life. Yeah, I

Andrea Crisp 5:35
can imagine, like I I've heard of what the Olympic villages have is like, but I imagine that with being surrounded by so many other elite athletes, also in your sport, in another sports, there would be like, all of this possibility to compare yourself to what other people are doing other sports, other athletes, and that's what we're going to talk about today is competition and comparison, because usually most people want to steer clear from that, because it's has such a negative connotation. But I'd love to hear your take on like, how has comparison. And competition helped you? So hopefully, hope I want to say that again. How is comparison and competition helped you? Basically?

Paige Lawrence 6:26
Yes, it's a great question. And I love talking about this, because I feel like I have a little bit of a polarizing view on it. Like you said, normally competition comparison, it can kind of bring out our worst, it brings out that self doubt our inner critic, and makes us feel like we're not good enough. And helps us to play small. And as an athlete, I really have to learn how to use comparison and competition as a great thing as a tool in my toolkit, because as competitors, you are literally being compared to the rest of your field, right? That's what the judges are doing. They are comparing you. So I was playing a sport of comparison. And I needed to learn how to make it work for me. And so what I like to do, what I've learned how to do is, rather than seeing other people and what they're doing better than me and feeling like I'm there for not enough way, instead, turn it into a goal, right? Because goals make me feel like I am in control, like I am in charge and like I am making progress towards this thing. So I'm not I'm not a machine, I would feel this comparison kind of pop into my head, like, Oh my gosh, these people are so much better than me. Like, why can't I look as beautiful or graceful as she is? Or why can't I do throw quad Sal, those voices still popped up. But what I did was a quick check in with myself was like, Hey, is that something that I really want to go and do. And if it is great, let's make a plan of action. Like if I want to learn how to do a throw quad sale, which I never did. But if I want to learn how to do that, let's map this out. Let's have a conversation with my coach and my partner, let's talk about how we can make this fuel us to become better, rather than fueling us to feel like we're not good enough. Does that make sense? Yeah.

Andrea Crisp 8:20
Did you know to do that? Or did you learn to do that? Like, how, how did you come upon that?

Paige Lawrence 8:25
I think there's a bit of both. So I wasn't naturally the most talented figure skater. You know, if you had seen me as a nine year old, I was chubby and fell down more than I stood on my feet like I was just like a little bit of a bull in a china shop. So I learned quickly that if I wanted to progress to these, like better levels, I just had to work harder. I had to I had to show up and take everything as an opportunity to learn to be my best. And so I think a little bit of it was that I was surrounded by great athletes in my home skating club that were better than me. And so I was naturally looking forward them to them for ways that I myself could challenge myself to be better. So happened a little bit and neatly. I also think that my amazing coach kind of planted those seeds a little bit herself. She was this like this motivating hungry force that just always believed in the fact that I could be better out to all of her skaters, you know, she was so committed to helping them realize their potential, whatever that may be, that everything was an opportunity for us to learn how to be better. And so I think a lot of that came from how she approached sport as well is that she was constantly just looking at people that were better than us trying to learn from them and trying to help us to get better. And so I do think it was a lot of that learned environment.

Andrea Crisp 9:54
You know, for a long time, I probably fell into the trap of comparison and You know, thinking to myself, like, Oh, you know, I don't want to just compare myself to people and then feel bad about myself. That was a thing. But yeah, more recently, I'm in a mastermind with you, actually, yes. And I'm in this like, container of amazing people, it's like elite athletes, except for elite business owners. And yeah, I have really started to understand that principle of get in the room with people who are better than you more knowledgeable than you, then that really have grown, maybe more than you have at that point. And I want to know, like, cuz you're now a performance coach. So you work with your own clients now. So how do you help them like to raise the bar for themselves, and actually close the gap? So if they get into the room with another, you know, other business owners that are like, maybe further ahead or making more money? Or how do you close the gap and and allow this principle to propel you forward?

Paige Lawrence 11:06
Gosh, there's like, so many things that I want to say about that I have a really great story from the Olympics. I think that changed my perspective about all that. But at the fundamentals. How I help my clients with this is I really believe that like, optimal performance, like you being your best rests on three pillars, one is preparation. Two is execution. Three is ownership. Right? So let's preparation means let's get you a plan set up for success so that you can trust that you're ready. execution, let's make sure that we've like dotted the i's cross the T's, and that your mindset is ready to rock and roll. Right? So you're rolling into these these opportunities, and you are like, trust your abilities. And the third one is ownership. Right? And to me, that means that we built this, this unstoppable force within you this confidence in yourself, not for what you're not, but for who you are. And I think that with my clients, that's one of my favorite pillars is really just helping them to boldly own their own capabilities, and to know that they are enough as they are right now, while also pursuing better, right, being wanting to be better, doesn't mean they're not good enough. You can be a damn awesome powerful force as you are right now, at this, like entry level mastermind with elite business people, and you can want to be better and you can be pushing yourself to do more, learn more, become more. And I think it's this really perfect blend that when you when you get it right. You're unstoppable, which is exciting to see and the clients that I work with.

Andrea Crisp 12:44
Yeah, now of course you have me curious, I need to know the story from that story.

Paige Lawrence 12:53
Well, I think it's an interesting, it was an interesting story. Because again, I can sit here and like, like, tell you about how much I understand this concept. And I practice it and how it's so great and yada yada, yada. But what's interesting is I actually had a moment of like, I'm going to call it weakness or like humaneness, I'll call it at the Olympics was my first night at the Olympic Village. Okay, and we've already established but I'm pretty confident human being I'm pretty outgoing. I love meeting new people. You know, I'd created that like inner foundation of self worth and self belief. At this point, I'm at the Olympics. So it's our first night there, and I'm in the athlete village. And Team Canada has these three apartment buildings and one floor was dedicated to us all just hanging out, right we're there for three weeks. This is the the universal code Team Canada hangout place. So I walk up there and like cash to go meet some people and I sevens the room. I am like smacked in the face with imposter syndrome. Like it just like takes me off my feet. And the next thing you know, I'm like sitting on a couch in a corner, looking around me at all these amazing human beings and thinking to myself, How the heck am I here? Like, I don't belong at the Olympics. I'm Pete Lawrence from Kennedy, Saskatchewan. Like, I grew up watching people on the Olympics. I'm not an Olympian. And so I'm sitting there in the corner being really shy. And I sit there for a while and then I kind of give myself a pep talk. I'm like, hey, Paige, we didn't come here to sit in a corner. Let's just go and go and say hi, go Introduce yourself. Someone. Let's let's have a conversation. So I sit down in this group of people playing cards, I started having a conversation with the guy next to me. And it was great, you know, I realized we have a lot of similarities that he was from a small town originally and and like I don't even remember what the conversation was about to be honest with you. But I remember walking away from it feeling like okay, I found another like minded individual who was probably insecure and feeling self doubt and keep cool. There's other people like me Hear, associating, like me is the like, I don't belong here. Go back to my room and social media wasn't a huge thing back then like think like Facebook was was the cool place to hang out. And so I did spend a lot of time on it. But I hopped on a Facebook and I realized I was tagged in this like BuzzFeed article. So I'm like looking through it. And I see the face of the guy had just been talking to, I'm like, guy, let's do a quick little look at it. Turns out, he was like World Champion speed skater he had meddled in a couple different events at the last Olympics. And I was like, You're such an idiot. Like, how did you not know this guy was so accomplished here, you were talking to him thinking that you were just like him like, oh, Paige, you're an idiot. So the next day, I see him walking around the village, and I kind of I walk up to him and smack them on the shoulder. And I'm like, Oh, my gosh, like, Why didn't you tell me you were so good. I didn't even realize it last night when we were talking. And he looked at me and he's like, well, Paige, we're at the Olympics. We're all pretty good. And it was like this light bulb went off in my brain, which I know sounds silly, cuz everyone's like, Well, yeah, you're at the Olympics page. Of course, you're pretty good. But for me, it was permission. It was this lightbulb moment to give myself permission to be on equal playing field with all of these people. Because guess what, if this Olympic medalist could tell a story that I related to, it meant that we're all just humans, it meant that we all had these humble beginnings, that we were not born superstars. We fell in love with the sport that we love, we worked our butts off. And we made this amazing thing happen. And it was really cool. Because for the rest of my Olympic experience, and to be honest, the rest of my life, I now go into these events, these big meetings, these opportunities. And I try to meet people as humans first, and their titles or present positions, their accomplishments. Second, and it's really cool when you start to do that, because you realize, cool, you've done these amazing things. But I'd love to meet you, Andrea, I'd love to hear your story a little bit about who you are, how you got to this place. And when you meet people as humans first, it's easier to see that comparison as less of a like, you versus me. And wow, what have you accomplished. I love that, like, that's so amazing. And I've done some really cool things also, and this is what I still have left to do in front of me. And so I offer that story, just to say that, like, I can sit here and tell you all about comparison, competition, all that stuff, I still feel the things. I've just learned to work through them really quickly. And in a manner that works for me. Does that make sense?

Andrea Crisp 17:43
Yes, that totally makes sense. And it It evens the playing field in the sense of like, it's just, you know, us getting to know each other on like, more of a soul level. And, you know, and spurring each other on to keep working, keep doing things that were gifted at doing, but not always looking at like, well, this person is doing that, or oh my gosh, this. And I know that, you know, I didn't think as a coach, I would fall into the trap of the same trap I did in like high school in college, like, you know, who knew, you know, I thought, Oh, this is funny, cuz you could be a coach, and you're like, comparing yourself to other coaches. And then the reality of it is is like, you know what, it really doesn't matter what that other person's doing, you know, when you get to know them, and you get to hear their story. And I have now even in myself have gotten to that place where I'll hear what they're doing. And I'll be like, Oh, you know what, I actually have somebody I want to refer you for refer to you. Yeah. Because you work in that area. And that's your sweet spot. And that is exactly what they're looking for. Yeah. And I don't need to have that person come to me. I can, you know, free I give them to you.

Paige Lawrence 19:00
Yeah. I love that. And I think that's, again, you've given yourself permission to own what you're great at, which then opens you up to recognize the other people's greatness, right? And I think that too often the conversation around comparison competition is that it's terrible, like get rid of it from your life. And I would say we're human, it's probably not going anywhere. And so it's rather than trying to get rid of it. Let's just open yourself up to using it to your advantage, right when I feel comparison now, I see it as a moment to recognize the other person is doing something amazing because if I'm comparing myself that means that I am, like envious or jealous or, you know, seeing myself seeing them having something that I want. Great. That's a moment to be like hell, Yes, sister, you're doing something awesome. So I celebrate it. Now I make change that energy to excitement, to joy to giving you a round of applause in my head. And then I simply say, is that something that I want to go after? Because if it is, I know I'll get there. And then sometimes it's actually not something it was just like a gut reaction that I was like, Oh, that's amazing. Like, I actually don't want it for my goal. So I'm just gonna celebrate you and like, put my head back to what what's in front of me? What are my goals are? I've used it to my advantage, right? I've moved through it and we move on with my life comparison is gonna be there. Let's figure out how to work with it.

Andrea Crisp 20:20
Yeah, now you're doing a new initiative with another Olympian, which I find so interesting, because, you know, again, you could easily go, Well, I'm gonna find somebody else in the business world, or, you know, but you're teaming up with another elite athlete. So I love to hear what are you doing? How are you guys moving forward with your new initiative?

Paige Lawrence 20:42
Yeah, so it's actually, we're starting with just kind of like this, this center of what we're wanting to accomplish. And it's an online course right now. It's called the podium performance program. We're actually just about to launch our own Instagram accounts. So like, give us a couple days, but then come give us a give us a follow. And we are excited and committed to helping people to step into what they're truly capable of, by taking back ownership of what you eat, drink and think. As athletes, we learned the two of us, she was an Olympic luge athlete, as an elite figure skater, she's now a holistic nutritionist and Chef, like she makes the best food she's like, so good. Um, but we learned as athletes from a very young age that how you fueled your body, both in food, hydration, and what went on in your brain actually dictated what you were capable of achieving, right. And we we tested and pushed our bodies to the limits to compete at the Olympics. But those three fundamentals were at the core of everything, what we did, what we ate, what we drank, and what we thought. And we realized as entrepreneurs now, that that gets brushed to the side, so quickly, right, like, how often do you see an entrepreneur is like, Oh, my gosh, I had four cups of coffee a day, and a banana and went to bed, like I'm just exhausted, right? And yeah, you expect yourself to do this amazing work. And so we really kind of want to flip the script, we want people to take care of themselves. Because when you are your best, you do your best work. That's what we truly believe. And so we've started this mission to help more people step into their actual potential just by taking ownership and responsibility for themselves. So the course is launching for a second time in September. And we're really excited about it. So people have any questions or want to reach out and talk about that, like, heck, yeah, pop into my DMS. happy to chat about it.

Andrea Crisp 22:40
Yes, no, I'm very excited for you. I think it's such a fun thing to do. And, you know, you're totally right, because I was eating really, really healthy. And then I got a puppy. And I'm pretty sure everything that I have done good for myself went out the window for the past few weeks. If I can just go to the bathroom and sleep. But I it's funny because I you know, I woke up early this morning, and I you know, got a chance to do a little bit yoga before the puppy woke up. And I was like, Oh my gosh, like I'm back to myself. And and, you know, you're right, when you are operating out of this, you know, place of just trying to get by surviving, you're not thriving in the best mode that you could possibly be thriving in. So I love what you're doing. I think that's thanks.

Paige Lawrence 23:32
I mean, it's, it's, it's no one's fault. It's a norm that's been created in our field, right? That like burning candle at both ends, it's normal to put yourself last and your list of priorities and all that stuff. And don't get us wrong, like we understand that shit needs to get done. But we also understand that there's a better way to do it, right? We talk about all these things, like from stalking, to meal planning to just understanding the basics of food, we talk about mindset, self talk, setting goals in a manner that actually works. And so that you can prioritize the things that truly matter, rather than just like being busy. We talked about a lot of things. And hopefully, we're doing it in a way that meets people where they're at and solving problems that they actually have. Because, I mean, I think we've done a good job of it, because we see it, we've lived it and we see a lot of people around us living in a way that they don't need to and so we just want to take you off autopilot and introduce you to the better version of yourself that you're capable of. No, I love that when you're helping other people like you said, you have to help yourself first. And you have to be in your best, you know, performance mode in order to actually help someone else perform.

Andrea Crisp 24:43
I know you've helped me, you know, just even on a call we had a couple weeks ago you inspired me and you kind of gave me a little shove that I needed. You know to get busy on some things that I was excited about which is you know, coaching artists and friends For those of you who know me, I'm a former musician, and it's something that I kind of put on the back burner, but in my Olympian friend has, you know, encouraged me to get out there. And, and I've seen some beautiful clients come my way. So I want to thank you love that, for seeing that potential in me and calling it out. And for, you know, encouraging me and doing the exact thing that you're saying, and encouraging us to do, which is really to, you know, raise ourselves up and not compare not be in competition in the way that, you know, could be detrimental. I mean, it's always great to be competitive in other ways, but not maybe not in this way. So how can people find you? Because we're going to actually have this on the podcast on the courage cast as well. So those people who are listening to the courage cast are going to want to know like, how to actually get in contact with you.

Paige Lawrence 25:55
Yeah. So you can follow me on Instagram at Paige Lawrence coaching. Like I said, in probably one week time, we're launching our new podium performance programs, that's podium dot performance dot program on Instagram. And I see this always on when I'm talking to someone, if you hear something and you want to come over and follow, say hi, as well, like, I love meeting new people. I love connecting, hearing your stories and just like having these conversations. So if you want to follow, come along and follow. And if you want to say hi, I would really, really love that.

Andrea Crisp 26:30
Yeah, please do. And if you guys are listening to the podcast later, please let us know that you listen, take a screenshot tag both of us. And then we'll know because I always love to know, you know, what big takeaways people are having from what you're saying and what you're sharing with us, which was gold to me and was so encouraging to me today to remember that you know what, step into the room, and just be myself and let like kind of like the magic happen and allow myself to kind of lift up to that level. So thank you so much for being here on Instagram Live with me. And I will make sure to post when this is going live on the courage cast. So much, Paige.

Paige Lawrence 27:15
Thank you for having me. Take care everyone, guys. Bye.

Andrea Crisp 27:22
Okay, is anyone else geeking out like I am. I mean, there's no shame, right? I can totally love our Canadian Olympic athletes, even when I can become friends with them. And so I am so grateful to have had Paige on the show today. And just to hear her Olympic story and how she has used that both in her life personally, as well as in her business. And now she is coaching high performing elite athletes and helping them to really get where they need to go. And I think when we think about moving ourselves forward, it is so easy to fall into that trap of you know, I don't want to just look at another person and copy what they're doing. And that's really not the whole point, right? The point is, is that we use comparison as a tool to help us to improve what we are doing our skill set and help us to move along further. And the reality is, is that I can look at Paige and say you know what, she's doing amazing things and compare myself to her and say I want to do those amazing things too. And then make those decisions in my life to move myself forward. A great way to use comparison. So thanks, Paige for being on the show. And thank you for listening. If you have not already connected with me, please do so. You can find me on Instagram at at Andrea Crisp coach. Until next time, remember, you have everything you need to live briefly.

Kate 28:54
If you like this episode of The Couragecast, we'd love to hear from you. Leave us a rating and review and while you're there, hit subscribe so you never miss an episode. Original Music and production by Steven Crilly.


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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?

177 | Your Biggest Obstacles Can Be Your Biggest Opportunities


Are you co-creating your life or just letting it happen to you?
— Andrea Crisp

About This Episode:

Do you feel like life is happening for you or to you? When we face obstacles in life it can be easy to find an excuse to run and hide or to throw in the towel altogether. In this episode, you will discover how to turn your obstacles into opportunities.

Connect With Andrea:

I’d love to connect and chat with you over on my socials. If you’re ready to dive a little deeper into understanding your purpose, grab a copy of my book Designed With Purpose.

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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?

176 | Make Friends With Your Money


We need to release that desperate energy around money.
— Niki Ferguson

About This Episode:

Have you ever stopped to think about what it would be like to make friends with your money? 

On the podcast, I'm chatting with Niki Ferguson who is a Money Mindset coach and she explains how to become friends with your money and what it looks like to set an intention around your money.

Niki Ferguson is a Money & Mindset Coach and host of the Wildly Worthy podcast who teaches online entrepreneurs how to make the most of their money and free themselves from what’s holding them back from breakthrough transformations using financial strategy and massive mindset work. She relishes traveling this incredible world and also enjoys hiking and outdoor yoga near her home in East Tennessee.

Connect With Niki Ferguson:

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Connect With Andrea:

I’d love to connect and chat with you over on my socials. If you’re ready to dive a little deeper into understanding your purpose, grab a copy of my book Designed With Purpose.

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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?

175 | Accelerate Your Confidence Part Three


Are you co-creating your life or just letting it happen to you?
— Andrea Crisp

About This Episode:

Have you bought into the myth that you need to be like everyone else to succeed? In this three-part podcast series, we're going to dive into what it takes to truly stand in your authentic power.

In this third episode, we are going to be talking about the power of your story and how to share it authentically.

Learn more about The Confidence Accelerator

Connect With Andrea:

I’d love to connect and chat with you over on my socials. If you’re ready to dive a little deeper into understanding your purpose, grab a copy of my book Designed With Purpose.

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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?

174 | Accelerate Your Confidence Part Two


Are you co-creating your life or just letting it happen to you?
— Andrea Crisp

About This Episode:

Have you bought into the myth that you need to be like everyone else to succeed? In this three-part podcast series, we're going to dive into what it takes to truly stand in your authentic power.

In this second episode, we're talking about the real problem -- the fact that you are out of alignment with the vision for your life and what you can start doing RIGHT now to reconnect with that purpose.

Learn more about The Confidence Accelerator

Connect With Andrea:

I’d love to connect and chat with you over on my socials. If you’re ready to dive a little deeper into understanding your purpose, grab a copy of my book Designed With Purpose.

Instagram + Facebook + Book


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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?