118 | Finding Your Identity In Dark Times


Don’t wrap your identity up in anything because change is great and that’s part of the adventure. If you’re going to pursue a dream, chances are it’s going to take you a bit to figure out what that looks like.
— Kathleen Van Engen

About This Episode:

So often in life, we as women can feel like we are being defined by the roles that we play, so we begin to search for our true identity. In this episode, I’m talking with my friend and director of Tattered Tiaras about the struggles we face as women to be uniquely who have been created to be. In this candid conversation, Kathleen shares her battle with mental illness following the birth of her second son and how that was the catalyst for her becoming an advocate for women suffering from mental health issues. We also talk about the challenge women face in leadership and trap that we can easily fall into when we look for our identity in what we do instead of who we are. 

Kathleen Van Engen is the executive director of the teenage girl’s organization, Tattered Tiaras. Kathleen is passionate about the advancement of young girls in positions of leadership and influence. Tattered Tiaras offers support for teen girls in the areas of identity, mental health, and leadership. As a soon to be the mom of ironically, 3 boys, Kathleen has been navigating the balance of several important roles; wife, mom, and entrepreneur.



Connect With Kathleen:

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117 | Living Out Your Moment of Courage


Courage can only help you flourish if you are ridding yourself of ego or negative self-talk that would tell you that you can’t do it.
— Tania Kolesnik

About This Episode:

Our most innovative ideas are often born in times of adversity. During seasons in life when we feel that everything is chaotic and out of control. It’s only when we’ve come to the end of ourselves that we’re able to let go and surrender to the process. This year (2020) has been fraught with uncertainty and chaos. Courage finds you when you’re in the depths on your worst day.

In November 2017 we released EP 017 Courage Found Me With Tania Kolesnik. We’ve decided that the message is timely for today and we wanted to re-release the episode in light of our current circumstances. This is when we need courage most. 

Tania Kolesnik proudly lives in Prince Edward County, Ontario where she un-schools her two children, Henri & Magnolia. Tania has been blogging for just over 9 years & her feed is full of her strong messages highlighting the importance of mental health, body positivity & all-around women’s empowerment.

With a zest for self-love & abundant personal growth, Tania is a unique voice who doesn’t shy away from embracing challenges while applying what she’s learned to be fearless in her creative endeavors. She, alongside her husband Dustin, are true entrepreneurs who dare to live life unconventionally with their family, gratitude & a push to inspire others at the core of what they do. They’re currently working hard to expand their business with many new projects in the work & are looking forward to seeing what the next few years have in store for their family. 


Connect with Tania:

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116 | Black Lives Matter


History, despite it’s wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again.
— Maya Angelou

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27 | Creating A Socially Conscious Business



Have you ever wondered how you can marry your passions with your business? On this episode of The Couragecast, we are chatting with a business strategist and the podcast host of ‘Big Hearted Business Show’, Kerry Sheppard. She explains that having a business is not just about having freedom, but it’s also about having the opportunity to give back.

Kerry helps mission-driven entrepreneurs build a profitable online business so they can be more, do more, and give more beyond their business. With over 15 years of experience, she has mentored hundreds of people, helping them to become top performers in their industry. She hails from Austin Texas, loves Mexican food and chocolate and takes pride in everything she does


Are you ready to get crystal clear on your unique vision and purpose so that you can take your dream to the next level? In this three hour coaching intensive, we will identify what has been holding you back, so that you can break free from your limiting beliefs. This three-hour coaching intensive is designed to help you create a strategy that you can implement immediately. By the end of our time together you will be empowered to take massive action.


115 | A New Vision For Sex, Desire and Intimacy


Singleness has given me time to look back and see who am I becoming, what am I about, where am I called to and how am I stepping into that now.
— Kat Harris

About Episode

Today on the podcast we’re talking about love, being known, and the yearning we have to be intimate with someone. In a culture of instant gratification, sex is seen as a way for our personal desires to be fulfilled. But what if we start to look at relationships and physical intimacy in a new way. I’m joined by educator, podcaster, and founder of The Refined Woman, Kat Harris and we’re talking all about sex. 

In full disclosure this is a conversation between two single women sharing their experience and viewpoints. We're not experts, just real people sharing our thoughts on sex before marriage, abstinence, what the bible says about sex, and some of the damage that has been done through the purity culture. Whether you are single or married, this is a conversation you do not want to miss. 

Kat Harris is an online educator, speaker, author, and photographer. Her vision is to equip and empower women with practical tools to walk in their worth and navigate their lives grounded in freedom, vision, and wholeness. 


Sex God: Exploring the Endless Connections Between Sexuality and Spirituality - Rob Bell 

The Defining Decade: Why your twenties matter and how to make the most of them now - Meg Jay,  PhD

Redeeming Sex: Naked Conversations About Sexuality And Spirituality - Debra Hirsch

Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology Of The Body - John Paul II

Calling In The One - Katherine Woodward Thomas


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114 | Are You Struggling To Gain The Approval Of Others


If you’re trying to seek the approval of people in your life you may be buying into the lie that you don’t have what it takes to be successful, and that will zap your confidence to take those bold steps that you know deep down you need to take.
— Andrea Crisp

About Episode

Today on the podcast we’re talking about the struggle we all face when we’re caught in the trap of trying to gain the approval. You're going to have to STOP living your life for other people and start living the life you were created to live. 

Moving past the approval of others is hard, but not impossible. Even in a pandemic. Especially in a pandemic. In fact, I can’t think of a better time to take those steps than right now. 

  • Clarify what is keeping you stuck?

    • What is the limiting belief that you have bought into?

    • Check the accuracy of those beliefs.

  • Make yourself a PRIORITY by cultivating your self-worth.

    • Give voice to your thoughts and opinions.

    • Determine what your core values are.

  • Give yourself permission to ALIGN with what you truly desire.

    • Release the victim mentality, fear of what others think.

    • Get real about what you truly want and how you can do that.


Connect With Andrea

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113 | Don't Shrink Your Dreams


Don’t shrink your dreams to match your current situation. Expand your capacity to meet your dreams and destiny.
— Jim Kwik (paraphrased)

About Episode

Life is anything but predictable right now.

This week I was listening to one of my favourite podcasts (shout out to James Wedmore and The Mind Your Business Podcast) and special guest, Jim Kwik (author of the book Limitless).  I was so inspired by the conversation between him and James that it motivated me to talk about it here on The Couragecast.

The premise of what they were talking about boiled down to this…

Don't shrink your dreams to match your current situation. Expand your capacity to meet your dreams and destiny. 

And with what is going on in the world right now, I’d say there is no better time to expand our capacity than right now. 

In this episode I’m sharing with you five ways in which you can expand your capacity for growth. 


Connect With Andrea

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112 | Empowered To Rise


I think we get mixed up between our behaviour and life skills and our value and identity.
— David Trotter

About Episode

Do you ever feel like you’re too much? You might be surprised to hear that feeling like you're 'too much' is rooted in 'not enough-ness'. This week we're talking to the author of Empowered To Rise, David Trotter who said, "I think we get mixed up between our behaviour and life skills and our value and identity."

David Trotter is the host of Inspiration Rising, a podcast dedicated to inspiring women (and the men who support them) to rise up in life, love, and leadership. For over 25 years, he’s helped people get unstuck, clarify their goals, and take their lives to the next level through his leadership, speaking, books, and filmmaking.


Connect With David

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