“When we have a desire that we truly want to see manifest in our lives, we have to be super, super clear, and careful about what energy we’re applying to the thought.”
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Are you feeling frustrated by your lack of results in your business? Maybe you're constantly looking at the metrics trying to figure out what is going right and what is going wrong. Today on the podcast we're going to take a deeper look into why you might not be getting the results you desire.
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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?
Are you feeling frustrated by your lack of results in business? Maybe you're constantly looking at the metrics trying to figure out what's going right, what's going wrong. Well, today on the podcast, we're going to take a deeper look into why you might not be getting the results you desire.
You're listening to The Couragecast a show to equip and empower you to live bravely. Each week, we'll share solo episodes and conversations with amazing people who have been willing to face their fear and pursue their purpose with a blend of practical and spiritual advice will help you take brave steps in your own life. Now, here's your host, mindset and confidence coach, author, and your secret weapon.
Hey, friend, welcome to The Couragecast, I am so glad that you have joined me today. My name is Andrea Crisp, I am a mindset and confidence coach. And you know what I would love to connect with you. One of the reasons why I created the podcast was really to create community. And there is no better way to do life and do business and really to take those brave steps than to do them together. So if we have not already connected, I would love to connect over on Instagram you can find me at at Andrea crisp coach. And when you do, come say hi. And let me know that you listen to the courage cast. And let's just connect and let's actually get to know each other a little bit better. So today on the podcast, I want to talk about why you may not be getting the results you truly desire. And this is going to be coming straight from a personal place. Because over the past few months, I have had some pretty big revelations when it comes to working towards certain outcomes in my life. And in my business. Now I am someone who loves the Whoo, I love visualization meditation. And it has always helped me to focus on the kind of results that I really want. But what I didn't realize was that when I was doing my meditations, when I was doing my visualization, I was actually focusing on the wrong thing. Yeah, I mean, I wouldn't I'm as surprised as you are, you're probably like, well, what are you focusing on. So in the coaching space, we hear all the time that we need to visualize ourselves where we want to be, and focus on that outcome, focus on making that happen. And that's what I thought I was doing, honestly, and truly, I thought, during my times of visualization, that I was focusing on my future self and the life that I want to create for myself. And I would picture in detail, absolutely everything that I wanted to happen, how I wanted it to happen, what I was wearing all of the things, you know, if you've ever done meditation or visualization, you probably know all of this stuff. But I still was not getting the results I wanted. So as you can imagine, that was causing a lot of frustration. And it wasn't until I realized that there are actually two different ways to focus on what we desire, that everything changed for me. So what I'm about to tell you actually blew me away. It's a very simple concept, and yet a very, very powerful one. So we can either focus on having our outcome, or focus on the lack of having our outcome. I need to say that again, we can either focus on having the outcome, or the lack of having the outcome.
And I was focusing on the lack of it, but I didn't know that. And if you're anything like me, then you're probably thinking to yourself, well, of course I want to focus on the having it. But here's the thing, are you actually doing that? Or do you find yourself ruminating over the lack of it and focus on the disappointment that hasn't come yet? And it can really be sly when it comes to those thoughts coming in. But the moment we start thinking one thought, like, oh, well, it didn't happen today. Then all of a sudden that attracts another thought. And it builds upon another thought and then Finally, we find ourselves in a place that every time we think about what it is that we truly want, what we're actually focusing on, is the fact that we are not getting what we want, which then produces more of the same. So here's what got me. When I would focus on my desires, day after day, I would find myself like maybe later on in the day drifting into those thoughts. You know, like, maybe I was, you know, thinking about something I wanted to happen in my business, and then, you know, I wouldn't get any response, or I wouldn't really get what I wanted. And then I'd start to second guess myself, and then I would start to, you know, my insecurities would get the better of me, and all of a sudden doubt would creep in. And before you know it, you're in this place of frustration, and you're in this place of, you know, lack, and my energy was depleting, and it was going down so quickly.
Because I was then focusing on the lack of what it is that I truly wanted, and I didn't even know it. And I was attracting nothing. Like, even though I was doing all the visualization, all the meditation, I was actually getting back zero results. And I went, I started realizing that it like I just like, was like, Oh, my gosh, this is crazy. How did I not know this? And so of course, I want to talk to you about it, because maybe you've done the same thing, right? Maybe you're like, just new into the manifestation world, maybe you're just trying to figure out this whole subconscious programming thing. And you're like, What in the world, that's what I have been doing. Okay, so, my friend, here is the thing about manifestation and mindset. When we have a desire that we truly want to see manifest in our lives, we have to be super, super clear and careful about what energy we're applying to the thought. Because in that visualization, that energy, that emotion attached to the thought, that is what we will manifest. Yes. So if you are feeling frustration, or fear or insecurity and you're attaching it to the desired outcome, you will not have what you desire, because you are in an energetic vibration, of lack. So it's so important that you attach to the thought, the energy and emotion you would feel upon receiving that desired result. So, for example, say you were gonna go on a beach vacation, and you're like, Oh, I cannot wait to sit in the sunshine. And I'm so excited that I'm going to have the best time in the world. Well, when you're visualizing yourself on the beach, you definitely want to attach the emotions of like, what is it going to feel like when I'm lying on the beach, it's going to feel so peaceful and relaxing. And maybe like in the background, you can hear like this island music, and you're feeling like, Oh, I just feel so energized and like, just at rest. And so every time you visualize this beach vacation, you want to attach and associate that energy and those emotions to the visualization. But if you instead are thinking about your beach vacation, you're like, I don't have any clients yet. And I'm never going to be able to save money for that beach vacation. And I really want to go to that beach vacation, and I'm seeing myself sitting on the beach and but really, there's frustration a lack attached to it, then we're going to attract exactly what we're putting out, which is frustration and lack and no beach vacation, or you might get a beach beach vacation that's full of frustration, a lack, I don't know, it could be the to either one. So it's so important that you want to attach the right energy and emotion to it. Now, here are some real life examples for you because of course, I want to share from you know, my own life. So I want to talk a little bit about lead generation. So when it comes to, you know, building community when it comes to finding new clients, connecting with other people in my own life and my own business i over the past few months have had a huge desire. And the outcome that I wanted to see was a thriving community and to really cultivate community on an in an authentic way. But what was happening was that every time I I started to do lead generation, I would move away from the desire of the authentic community and more into overwhelm about having to do the cultivating part. And it was really depleting my energy. And so every time I thought about community or building community, I was like, Oh, this is so draining. And as you can imagine, what I was getting was crickets, because my energy attached to the desired result was of lack, and was not in the right place. So I had to take a look at, well, how am I doing this? What energy Am I approaching this with. And so it really had to shift for me and I had to start looking at every time I make a connection, every time I'm on, I have a conversation with somebody, it really needs to be from a place of service and adding value and my desire to have that connection. Because that is the only way that I'm going to have the desired result. So that I have the right energy and emotion going towards what it is I desire. Same thing happened. When it came to filming my my group coaching program, I had two programs in a row. And the first one was a brand new program. And I was really excited about it. And I was at ease, and I just was able to sell the program. The second one, however, was very different. I felt this scarcity around it and this need to have it be filled. And I was focused on that on the need to have it be filled, which was an emotion and an energetic vibration, that really wasn't what I desired. Instead of just thinking about how this program could add value to people, how could change our lives, how could change our business, how could help them really with their confidence, I was focusing on the lack thereof. Now I want to give you one more example. And this is from one of my clients. So this is more of a personal nature. So one of my clients that I've been working with came to me one day in frustration, because she has a partner that was really, the relationship was causing some frustration. But here's the thing, she was focused on the frustration, and not the desired outcome. So every time that she would visualize what it is that she desired in the relationship, she was allowing the frustration to get in the way. And of course, what happens is you attract more of that from the relationship. Often, that's not even the partner who's doing it, it's just your own emotion or energetic vibration that's happening that's causing that, and then that person, just follow suit. And all of a sudden, there's, you know, more crisis. So here's the thing. It doesn't matter if we apply this to business, relationships, finances, when we're focused on the lack of something than we're allowed, and we're allowing our emotions to set the attraction point, then we're going to attract more of the same. So even if we're taking actions towards those results, we will attract what it is that we do not desire. So it's so important that we set the attraction point. And then we make sure that when we're thinking about what it is that we desire, we think about it from the vantage point of being in a high energetic vibration, and having an emotion that would be attached to the desired outcome. Okay, so I think you get the point here. So leaving you today, I want to ask you, What results do you want to see manifest in your life or business? And how will you feel when you experience that outcome? Whatever the good feeling is that you have that is exactly what you want to connect with. When you're visualizing planning and executing your actions. They call it aligned action. Who knew? Right? So it's so important that when you have that aligned action, that really you have the aligned emotional and energetic component there as well. Okay, friend, I hope that is helpful for you. I know it was helpful for me, gosh, I wish I would have known that sooner. I really would just just encourage you when you are setting goals and outcomes for your life and for your business, that you take a look at how you want to feel and when what state you will be in when you achieve them. And every time you think about that, and every time you take action towards it, you are in that state. Now, if you've never joined me for a mindset mentor circle, I would love to have you join me each week on Wednesday at 12pm. Eastern Standard Time, there is a free weekly zoom call where you can jump in, you can get support when it comes to mindset. And really, it's just a great place for us to build and cultivate that community together. And really to support one another because you know, oftentimes it can feel lonely and isolating when we're doing this. So I would love to have you take part, you can find the link to the call in the show notes. And friend, Olivia, thank you for being here. Until next time, remember, you have everything you need to live bravely.
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