
EP 195 | Being Magnetic


There is something that you know, that you attract into your world. Maybe it’s people, maybe it’s experiences, maybe it is opportunities, maybe it’s clients, something that’s really easy for you, like, you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, ‘I attract that into my life.’
— Andrea Crisp

About This Episode:

Imagine for a moment that you could attract EXACTLY what you want into your life and business. Wouldn't that be absolutely amazing. Here's the thing -- you are attracting right now what you believe is possible. And if that's not what you really want then it's time to shift those beliefs to attract what it is you desire.

In the second episode of the series Becoming Your Future Self, we are focusing on what it looks like to attract what we desire into our lives and business by being magnetic.

Connect with Andrea on IG: @andreacrispcoach @the.couragecast

Connect with Andrea via TEXT: Text the word COURAGE to 647-424-2429 CLICK HERE

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To enter the 200th Episode Giveaway, please send a screen shot you sharing the podcast, subscribing, rating and reviewing. Send the screenshot to Andrea at

Connect with Niki Ferguson on IG: @wildly_worthy


Andrea Crisp 0:01
Imagine for a moment that you could attract exactly what you want into your life and business. Wouldn't that be absolutely amazing? Here's the thing, you're attracting right now, what you believe is possible. And if that's not what you really want, and it's time to shift those beliefs to attract what you truly desire.

Andrea Crisp 0:25
Hey, friend, are you ready to take courageous steps to create a life and business you love. Welcome to The Couragecast. I'm Andrea Crisp, mindset coach, author, and a multi passionate entrepreneur. For years, I was afraid to allow myself to shine that was until I discovered that I could step into my own power, shift my mindset, and take ownership of my own destiny. Now I coach women across the globe who are ready to own their life and make a massive impact. Each week, I'll share conversations with amazing humans who've been willing to face their fear and pursue their purpose. I'll provide a blend of practical and spiritual advice to help you take brave steps in your own life and business.

Andrea Crisp 1:04
Hello, my friend, my name is Andrea, I'm your host. I'm so glad you're here. Do you know that when I first started the podcast, I was so afraid that no one would listen to the show. It actually plagued me for months, I lived in this irrational fear that it was going to be so terrible that the only person who would listen would be my mom. Here's the funny thing. My mom doesn't even listen. My dad has pretty much been the person in my family who has listened probably the most consistently, not sure if he's listening to this episode or not. But if he is, Hey, Dad!

Andrea Crisp 1:43
So at the time that I started The Couragecast, I really did not fully understand how magnetic we are when it comes to calling in what we believe to be true for our lives like that was not even on my radar. Now, of course that has changed for me over the course of the past year. And I have become much and I have become much more attuned to the fact that I'm always drawing to me, what I'm focused on and believe to be true. And the really cool thing is that even though I've had this fear in the past, about no one listening to the podcast, I've stayed the course. And next month, we're going to be celebrating our 200th episode, which I am so excited for. I am believing that this month, we're going to attract more listeners to the show in one month than we have in the past year. And in order to do that, I'm going to need your help.

Andrea Crisp 2:44
Yep, that's right. Whenever I started the show, I really focused on bringing stories of women who had overcome their fear to do extraordinary things. And I really did showcase some pretty amazing guests. If I do say so myself, you can go back and listen to many of them. But as time went on, I knew that I was growing and shifting. And so were the women who listened to the podcast. And now I believe I'm attracting multi passionate female entrepreneurs, coaches, creatives, who are themselves taking brave steps in their lives every single day, to make a bigger impact in the world. And I want this podcast, The Couragecast to celebrate you, and every single challenge you've overcome.

Andrea Crisp 3:28
So during the week of our 200th show, I'm going to be doing a huge giveaway with some of my favorite things. And for every person that shares about the podcast on social media, and tags me, screenshots, and sends it to me, they're going to be entered into a massive giveaway. And so if you do that, you can email or DM me the screenshot, the links will be in the show notes, you can just check them out there. And another way to get into the giveaway is also to subscribe, rate, review the podcast. And you can take screenshots of those and send them as well. There'll be an entry as well. And if you feel like maybe that's too much for you, please would you just share it with a friend. You don't have to screenshot me. But I would love if you did share an episode with someone else. And with your help, by doing this by getting the word out and really getting The Couragecast kind of back in front of people, I believe that we're going to reach our 200th episode with over 100,000 downloads. So I'm gonna thank you in advance for helping me get there, helping us get there. And I really, really appreciate you.

Andrea Crisp 4:42
Now last week on the show, I was talking about how we can be expansive in our lives. And I want to circle back with that topic specifically and ask you, How have you been feeling as you've been starting to open up to the possibility of holding more in your life? What are you believing for in 2022? What parts of your life and business are now expanding? Like, you know, it's happening, it's now in process in your life? Are you making room for more clients, new collaborations, new ideas, new projects, maybe something that feels really big and scary. Even as I was doing some recording of the podcast and editing just a few minutes ago, I was starting to have like new ideas come to me about possibilities for things to happen on the podcast, and guests and all those things that I mean, as we make room, we do expand, and opening yourself up is the first step to believing in the possibility believing that the universe has your back.

Andrea Crisp 5:47
So today, we're going to take that one step further. And we're going to talk about what it looks like to become completely magnetic to what you desire. That's like totally attracting new clients, collaborations, relationships, ideas, all the things. And a friend of mine reminded me not long ago that I had told her that I attract really amazing women into my life, mentors, coaches, peers, friends. And that is 100% true. When I was about nine years old, I had a babysitter, her name was Rosanna. And she came into my life, and helped me go from this shy little girl, to believing that I was able to do anything, that anything was possible for my life. And when she babysat me one particular summer, she taught me how to cook, bake, sew, we made these dresses with polka dots on them. And we would do Olympics in the backyard, and she would take us on the bus to the beach, we just had like the most amazing time, she also did the hard things like set the timer on the piano for me to practice every single day for 30 minutes, which I hated. But she saw the best in me and made room for me to grow. And that was the first time in my life where I really saw what it was like for me to expand, but also realized that I was drawing in amazing people.

Andrea Crisp 7:18
Now, here's the crazy thing, she was only 14 at the time. She didn't even drive. But Rosanna was my very first mentor. And she didn't even know probably what mentorship was. But she was instilling in me this desire to make my mark on the world, to show up as the most authentic version of myself. And the reason why is because she was the most authentic version of herself. But Rosanna was not the only mentor I had. She was one of many, I was also mentored by my pastor who was Shirley Lira. And when I was probably even younger than nine years old, she saw my singing ability. And she nurtured it. She mentored me, and helped me to realize that I could sing in front of crowds, and put me on the stage, and allowed me to really show up as myself. I was also mentored by Sunday school teachers, by my youth pastor, who I absolutely adored. By my high school music teacher, who honestly, I'm not even sure she even liked me. But she totally believed in me, because she put me up for like some award in the city. But anyways, I digress. But year after year, city after city, place after place, I continued to attract incredible mentors into my life. And never once did I doubt that I could be in relationship with these incredible women. And it still amazes me to this day.

Andrea Crisp 8:49
So let me ask you, what are you attracting into your life? Like right now, think about that. There is something that you know, that you attract into your world, maybe it's people, maybe it's experiences, maybe it is opportunities, maybe it's clients, something that's really easy for you, like, you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, I attract that into my life. Maybe it's completely different than what I've been talking to you about. But nonetheless, you are a magnet for that specific thing. And there are things in life that we believe to be true, and we attract those things. But on the flip side, there are also things we attract that we don't want, okay, because we're magnetic, we get more of what we believe to be true.

Andrea Crisp 9:40
And the universal law of magnetic attraction states that we attract into our lives, people, things, circumstances that correspond with our dominant patterns of emotional thinking. The first is the Law of Attraction, which states that our thoughts are like magnets attract into our lives, corresponding circumstances. Incredible, right? So when I started to understand that I was attracting both good and bad things into my life, I had to get really serious about shifting my mindset to believe for what I did want. So here's the thing. As much as I was attracting incredible mentors into my life, I was also attracting some things I really didn't want. One of the things was terrible jobs, I had a propensity to attract, like the worst employers, I got fired from almost every job, now I have to take responsibility for that, because that was something else I believe to be true. And that kept me feeling really insecure about who I was, and quite frankly, very unsafe, because I always worried about where I was going to be in life. Was I going to be able to pay the bills? Was I going to be able to take care of myself? And if you've listened to the podcast for any length of time, you know that I've talked about how I have really lost almost every job that I've ever had. And I continuously attracted jobs that kept me small, hidden away, until the moment I stood up for myself, then that's when I usually lost the job.

Andrea Crisp 11:19
Okay. So romantic relationships were kind of along the same lines. In high school, I dated a guy who cheated on me, married the girl. And later, I subconsciously bought into the belief that that was going to happen to me over and over again. And guess what, it did, three more times to be exact. So as you can imagine, my fear about being employed, having a terrible job, being let go, being an unsafe relationships, being loved, or not being loved, continued to keep me believing that I somehow deserved this type of treatment, and I continued to attract it into my life.

Andrea Crisp 12:03
So the Law of Attraction does not operate based on what we deserve. It operates on what we believe, okay? So I didn't deserve any of that. But I believed it. So think about that for a moment. If you're attracting right now, what you believe, what might you be attracting, because you don't deserve bad things to happen. But when you focus your attention there, and you're allowing yourself to ruminate on those thoughts and those ideas, sorry to say, but you're going to get more of the same. So whatever those negative thoughts that you're having, in your life, you're going to keep attracting them. And right now your subconscious is playing at a scenario that is trying to keep you safe. And unless it's triggered, you won't know that you need to adjust that mindset, and that belief about yourself and your life. But the moment that trigger is pushed, everything in you will go into fight, flight, or freeze.

Andrea Crisp 13:05
So you may know exactly what I'm talking about, because you could probably imagine, right now, visualize, a moment in your life where something happened. And you thought to yourself, how the EFF did this happen again? Right? Yeah, okay. It's a Law of Attraction, you get more of what you believe to be true. So now you deserve. Okay, I can't stress that enough. We attract what we believe not what we deserve. So my friend, it is so important that you're moving through the beginning of this year, and setting into motion, what it is you truly desire. And your beliefs need to match up with those desires. Now we're going to take just a quick break here. And when I come back, I'm going to share with you a few journal prompts to help you to get started when it comes to attracting what you desire into your life. But before that, I want to share with you my good friend, Niki Ferguson, who is a money mindset coach, she's going to share how we can be magnetic when it comes to our finances.

Niki Ferguson 14:11
Hi, I'm Niki money and mindset coach back for another Money Minute. So today I want to talk to you about being a money magnet. Are you inadvertently repelling money? Wah wah! I know? Of course you're gonna say you're not. But I want you to think about what stories and beliefs come up when you think about money. When somebody says the word money or you see money or whatever it comes up. What do you think? Are there any negative thoughts that come to mind that surround money because there are a lot of things in our society that people will say that get implanted in our brain. So like, is money bad? Is it are you greedy or selfish if you have a lot of money, or maybe it's on the other end and you don't feel worthy or deserving or feel a little bit out of place when it comes to having money. Do you think that something bad would happen if you had money? So first, we've got to start there and take away that negative connotation. Money just is, it's not good or evil, we get to decide what we do with our money. And we get to decide who and what to support with our cash. So, make a list of your dream budget. If you had x amount of dollars, what would you do with it? So let's say you had a 10k month, what are you going to do with it, write it down an itemized list, okay. 1000 would go to this, 500 would go to this, 250 would go to this, right? Write it out so you can get excited about where your money's going, and then you'll be able to call more in.

Andrea Crisp 15:48
Thank you so much, Niki, I appreciate you hanging out with us tonight. All right, friend. If you feel comfortable to do so, I invite you to close your eyes and place your hand on your heart, and allow yourself to completely drop into your body. Take a breath all the way down to your hips, allowing your belly to expand. And as you release, let go of any tension that you may be feeling. Take another breath all the way down to your hips, allowing source energy to completely fill you up. And as you exhale, release anything that feels heavy or burdensome. And one more breath in and this time allow yourself to rest in the knowledge that you are inviting all that you desire into your life and releasing what you no longer need. And as your breath returns to a normal rhythm, I invite you to visualize yourself attracting what it is that you desire into your life. Allow that to come into full view. Take a moment to hear what you would hear and see what you would see and to feel what you would feel. If that vision feels in alignment with what you believe is meant for you, then I invite you to make it even clearer. See it from a different perspective. Turn up the brightness and allow your senses to be more fully involved. What you are envisioning for your life, for your relationships, for your business is here, right now. And as you are focusing on what you desire, anchor that feeling deep within you. That feeling you feel is the emotion, the state that you can access whenever you feel yourself drifting or doubting. You can access the feeling of what you desire at any moment by coming back to this feeling. Take one more deep breath all the way down to your hips and slowly exhale. And when you're ready, I invite you to open your eyes.

Andrea Crisp 18:38
How do you feel? In the next few moments as we are wrapping up the podcast episode, I'm gonna ask you a few questions. You might just even stay in that mode of meditation. These questions are designed to help you go even deeper, so feel free to pause and take that moment to write down your thoughts. Or if you want listen all the way through to the end and then come back when you have a moment. First question is what are you becoming a magnet for in your life? How will you feel when that is present in your life? Describe what you see, you hear, you taste, touch, and sense. What is the future telling you right now about becoming magnetic to what you desire? Describe how you feel as this vision is unfolding before you and what action will you focus on right now to allow this to start to manifest in your life?

Andrea Crisp 20:05
Now, these are some really great questions to get you started on your journey. And if you want to take a little bit of a closer look at what it would look like for you to become more magnetic, to manifest a life and business, you love that I would be happy to chat with you personally. Because if there's one thing I'm passionate about, it's seeing you flourish this year in every area of your life, and to have that forward momentum. So if you want to get on a free call with me, book a time to chat, just head over to The link will be in the show notes. And you can book your free 30 minute strategy session. And I will post the link so that it's really easy for you to access. And next week on the podcast, we're going to be continuing this series by talking about being confident, something I absolutely love to chat about. It's exactly why I started the Confidence Accelerator which is by the way going to be coming up again this Spring, so you want to stay tuned for news about that. So don't forget all about the giveaway that's going to be happening next month. Make sure to subscribe, rate, and review, screenshot and send all of those things to me. And you're gonna be entered into the 200th episode giveaway. Friend, I am sending you so much love for the journey. Thank you for hanging out with me today. Until next time, remember, you have everything you need to live bravely.

Andrea Crisp 21:43
If you like this episode of The Couragecast, we'd love to hear from you. Leave us a rating and review and while you're there, hit subscribe so you never miss an episode. Original Music by Stephen Crilley. Production by Claudia Henock.


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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?

EP 190 | Cultivating Trust


Really trusting yourself is all about learning to have grace and compassion for yourself. Learning that you can release yourself from these crazy expectations of being perfect, of having to know all the answers, of having to constantly be working, and hustling, and striving, trusting yourself is really about knowing that you, innately, are worthy, and that you can make decisions that will benefit your life.
— Andrea Crisp

About This Episode:

When you cultivate trust  in your life it shifts the way you perceive your circumstances and what is possible for your life. Today we are in episode three  of the  four part series on cultivating our desires beginning with cultivating trust. 

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Andrea Crisp 0:00
What would your life look like if you cultivated trust with yourself, God, and others? In this episode, we are continuing our four part series in Cultivating Our Desires. And today we're focusing on what trust looks like and how we can start to cultivate that and grow personally and professionally.

Andrea Crisp 0:23
Hey, friend, are you ready to take courageous steps to create a life in business you love. Welcome to The Couragecast. I'm Andrea Crisp, mindset coach, author, and a multi passionate entrepreneur. For years, I was afraid to allow myself to shine. That was until I discovered that I could step into my own power, shift my mindset, and take ownership of my own destiny. Now I coach women across the globe who are ready to own their life and make a massive impact. Each week, I'll share conversations with amazing humans who've been willing to face their fear and pursue their purpose. I'll provide a blend of practical and spiritual advice to help you take brave steps in your own life and business.

Andrea Crisp 1:02
Well, hello there, welcome to The Couragecast. Friend, I am really excited to be doing this four part series that we're in right now, which is all about cultivating what we desire in our lives. And if you ever stopped to think about what it is that you truly desire, like have you gotten still enough to actually think about what it is that you want? For a long time, I avoided doing that. I think maybe I didn't feel like I deserved it. So I didn't want to be disappointed or put my expectations too high. And so I just never really thought about what it is that I desire. But I've had some friends and peers lately that have been encouraging me to really get honest about what it is that I do desire in my life. And how is that going to manifest personally in my life, and also in my business.

Andrea Crisp 2:02
And so in this four part series that we're in right now, we're talking about how to cultivate those desires. And the first one is cultivating gratitude. What does it look like to really be in a place of gratefulness, of appreciation for those things in our lives that we love, but also for the challenges that we may be facing because of the lessons that we can learn. And then the second week, we talked about cultivating belief. And that one is so important when we are establishing ourselves in business, and entrepreneurship is really having a belief around what is possible, and how do you cultivate that within your life. So that was the second part of the series. And today, we're focusing on cultivating trust.

Andrea Crisp 2:55
Oh, my friend. Now this one is so important. At the beginning of 2021, I set an intention for my year. And it was three pronged: to learn to trust myself, God, and others. And if you've been tuning into The Couragecast for any length, then you know a bit about my story. I won't go into length with it today. But I had a lot of woundings and spiritual abuse that I had experienced when I was a pastor, and other things in life that had happened and that really had created a distrust in my life. And as I started to go through my faith deconstruction, a lot of that was learning about how I could trust again. And so this year for me has been learning to trust myself, to trust God and to trust others.

Andrea Crisp 3:53
And so the first question that I have for you today, as you are thinking about cultivating trust in your own life, where are you at right now, when it comes to trust? Do you trust yourself to execute the plans you have for your life? Do you trust that source, God, universe is going to come through for you? Do you trust that you can have a community or relationships that really help you move to the next level? Are you developing them? Are you cultivating them? Or are you in a place in your life where you feel like you need to be isolated, you need to keep everything to yourself, where you really truly don't trust yourself to make those decisions. You really don't trust God, source, universe to come through for you. Or you don't trust that other people really have your back, or that they're there for you when you need eat them. And part of growing and expanding our lives, expanding our businesses is really about cultivating that trust within those three areas. And I think that they really reflect one another, If you really think about it, to how much you trust yourself, will really be how much you trust God, and how much you trust others, It is a reflection, it is a mirror. And so you can't grow one without growing all three.

Andrea Crisp 5:34
So we're going to talk about a little bit about that today, and how I have been cultivating those things in my life and how that has helped me. And hopefully those things will also be helping you as well. So let's first talk about trusting ourselves. Maybe you've, you know, been at a place in your life where you're like, I've made some really terrible decisions, or I've gotten myself in to some situations and circumstances that I don't want to be in. And I feel like I'm trapped in them, I feel like I'm stuck. And I don't really trust myself to get out of them, I don't trust myself to make a decision that is going to benefit me, or my life, or my finances, or any of those things. And really trusting yourself is all about learning to have grace and compassion for yourself.

Andrea Crisp 6:24
Learning that you can release yourself from these crazy expectations of being perfect, of having to know all the answers, of having to constantly be working, and hustling, and striving, trusting yourself is really about knowing that you, innately, are worthy, and that you can make decisions that will benefit your life. And that when things don't work out, you can be resourceful enough to make an adjustment, and a change, and begin to move forward. But when we don't trust ourselves, it's almost like we're asking for something that we can never get back. Because at the core, we don't trust ourselves enough to carry it, we don't trust ourselves enough to own it, we don't trust ourselves enough to be responsible with it. And then we give away that power to someone else. So trusting yourself is all about learning that you have the permission. You give yourself the permission and the ownership over your own life. Think about that for a second. What would be possible for you, if you gave yourself permission, today, to take a risk, to start a new job, to start a new business, to get out there and put your message out into the world? What would be possible? What kind of impact would you have? If you trusted yourself, you gave yourself permission to do just that.

Andrea Crisp 8:05
The second thing is trusting God. So whether you look at it as God, Source, Divine Energy, Consciousness, however you look at it, we're going to look at it in the same way. Because it's trusting that there is something bigger than yourself at play, that is working for your good. And so often we fall into this victim mentality of things are happening to us. And really, when we are trusting Source, God, we are trusting things are happening for us, even when they are not going exactly as planned. Even when we don't know exactly what's going to come up next, or how we're going to walk things out in our lives. There is an ability to trust that Source, The Divine, is working things out for us. When I started to dive into that for myself. It really was about pulling back the layers of some of the religious beliefs that I had had. And if you're listening to this, and you've had a similar experience, or maybe you've been thinking, "You know what, that's a hold up for me, like that's something that I don't know that I really trust God. I've you know, put my faith in God and God hasn't come through for me." I want you to take a step back and go, "Okay, well, what exactly am I asking here? What exactly do I want God to come through for me? And do I trust that what happens for me is for my benefit, is for my good? Whether it is to expand me, to provide growth and learning, opportunity." And when we look at everything as an opportunity versus everything as It's happening to me, and "Oh, no, I need to guard myself against it. And God obviously doesn't like me or I'm not favored, or I'm not blessed", which that totally drives me nuts when people do #blessed. I'm like, Oh, so you're more blessed than everybody else? No, here's the thing.

Andrea Crisp 10:16
A lot of people who do that really are saying that they believe God is doing things for their benefit, doesn't mean they're more blessed. It just means they believe they are more blessed. Okay? And so there's a difference. And for a long time, I was like, "Well, you know what, okay, great, you'll be blessed. I obviously have gotten the short end of the stick, God is not for me, I am not favored." But I had to realize that it wasn't about that at all. It was about: Do I allow God to work things out of my life, for my benefit, and not expect that everything always has to be perfect, and in order, and pretty, and all the things? But I know that when I am in a place of allowing, and I'm in a position to receive, that God is going to do things for me, and I'm going to be stretched, and grow, and there's going to be that trust developed, cultivated, that we can move forward. Here's the thing that has come up for me over and over this year is really co creating with the divine. And that's all about trust, when I believe that God is for me, and I mean that co-creation, I know that when I am deeply connected to Source, deeply connected to God, that is when the best things come.

Andrea Crisp 11:41
The third thing is cultivating trust with others. And if you've ever been in a position in your life, where you've been wounded, in friendship, or in business, this can be a really difficult place to be because maybe you have an idea about what it's like to be in relationship with others, when it comes to business, when it comes to your personal life, when it comes to romantic relationships. And you don't have a lot of trust, that they are for you, that they want to be your friends, that they want to be in community with you. And developing and cultivating trust with others is, is a lot like letting them off the hook too and saying, "You know what, I understand that what you are going through in your own life is something that I have to be aware of. And I have to know and understand that we are walking the path together. And that we can do that walking in our own lanes that we can do that when each other are growing at different paces, we can do that knowing that if we believe the best of each other, and for each other, then we can cultivate that trust in one another, and allow ourselves to both grow, and to experience all sorts of amazing things."

Andrea Crisp 13:02
When I think of the Mastermind that I have been in this past year, it has been one of the biggest growth experiences for me in learning and cultivating trust in other people, especially when it comes to business. I've always had amazing relationships and friendships, but the business aspect of it was something that was lacking. And I was surrounded by a lot of amazing coaches, most of whom were way ahead of me in business. And there were times where I had to check myself and go, are they for me? Or am I just wondering if they're trying to sell me on something? Or, you know, are they wanting more out of me than what I'm able to give? And I had to look back internally and say to myself, "You know what, I don't think it's necessarily about them. I think it's about me and about whether or not I can trust." Because here's the thing, a lot of the times we want to put the onus on somebody else. But what we're looking at in them is often a reflection of the very thing that we are judging in ourselves. And so when we are trusting other people, and we are seeing something we don't like, often we need to take a look back and say, "Okay, is this something in me that I need to take a look at, or shift in my life or make an adjustment, because if I'm making a judgment on them, then it's probably happening in my life as well?"

Andrea Crisp 14:31
So developing and cultivating trust is all about allowing ourselves to be in a position to trust someone else. Okay, and when we are in a position to trust other people, and to really allow those people into our lives to create synergy, and we will energetically draw the right people. It's not like we're going to continually draw negative people because if you're in that negative energy, then you'll magnetize that to you. But if you're in this energy and high vibe of really believing that people want the best for you, you're going to draw those people to you, see how that works. So when you think about it, really cultivating trust is really about creating this pathway of belief in our lives, that things are working out for us. And that we can trust the process, we can trust ourselves, we can trust God, and we can trust others. And when we allow ourselves to move on that continuum, and create momentum, in that in our lives, magic happens.

Andrea Crisp 15:41
So as you are thinking about, you know, even moving into the New Year, where can you focus your attention? Do you think you need to start with focusing on trusting yourself, trusting God, trusting other people? Where is there a disconnect for you,right now, that you can start to focus on? I know that when you make this a priority in your life and in your business, you are going to grow exponentially, and you're going to see growth happen in your personal life and in your business, because I think that when you focus on one, it also spills out into the other as well. So you have to trust that just take one little step, and focus on one thing, start there, and then believe that it is going to actually spell out and spill over into every other area of your life as well.

Andrea Crisp 16:35
And if this is something that you're thinking, you know, what I love to work on. And I love to truly create and establish that trust in myself, God, and others, but I've got some limitations, or blocks, or things that are holding me back from doing that, then I want to invite you to jump on a call with me, and let's chat about that. Let's see if there is something that you can work out, and switch that narrative so that you can position yourself to grow in this area. And in order to do so you just go to my website, which is, and you can book a time, it's free, we'll chat. And if it's something that you want to continue to work on with me, then we will go from there.

Andrea Crisp 17:17
Friends, I have loved doing the series with you. Next week, we're going to be finishing off this four part series on Cultivating Our Desires. And we're going to be focusing on cultivating community and what does that look like? And how is that going to be established, and built in your own life. And speaking of community, I don't know if you have joined my brand new text community. I'd love for you to jump over there, and text me, because I am sending out about two to three text messages a week, journal prompts, affirmations, encouragement, guided meditations, all about how you can take those big, brave steps in your life. I have the link in the show notes. But if you want to go ahead and just text me right now, you can text me the word COURAGE to 647-424-2429. Before we go today, I want to invite you just to take a little bit of time for yourself. We're going to go through a guided meditation, and just be in that place of allowing trust into our own lives.

Andrea Crisp 18:24
In this meditation today, we are going to take time to develop trust. Perhaps you have been in a place in your life where you have wanted to deepen that connection, deepen that trust with yourself, with God, Source, Energy, with others in your life. For the purpose of this meditation, set intention, and focus on one of the three, yourself, God, or others. Take a deep breath all the way to your belly. And as you exhale, allow your body to completely relax.

Andrea Crisp 19:21
Take another breath in and as you inhale, allow yourself to be filled with that light energy. And as you exhale, release any stress, or anxiety, or discomfort that you may be feeling. Imagine that you are in a place where you feel completely held, supported by everything and everyone around you. Visualize where you are, what that looks like, and how you feel. And as you get that visual in your mind's eye, allow it to become even more clear. Pulling the colors and vibrancy, bringing it to life in your mind. And allow those feelings of being supported, and held completely fill your entire body.

Andrea Crisp 21:04
Being held and supported in this way allows you to completely trust and deepen that relationship with yourself, your ability to make decisions, be resourceful. Take risk to start new things, and to grow, and expand. Deepening trust allows you to completely connect with yourself in a whole new way. Letting go and forgiving any part of you that feels like you have disappointed yourself, that you haven't met expectation, or you have fallen short in some way. And as you release any of those feelings, and emotions, allow yourself to deepen that connection of trust with yourself that it's okay when things aren't perfect, that it's okay when things don't turn out exactly the way you had intended. That it's okay, that you are not exactly in the position you'd hoped you would be. But that you can create forward momentum in your life. Because you now trust yourself to walk out those desires in your life, and bring those desires clear into your mind's eye. Getting a full complete picture of what it would look like to be in the fullness of your desire, trusting that you have the capacity and capability to bring that about.

Andrea Crisp 23:50
Take a deep breath all the way to your belly, and allow yourself to completely feel how excited and at peace you are when this desire is complete. Knowing that you have been able to trust in a whole new dimension Take one more breath all the way to your belly and exhale. And when you're ready, you can bring movement to your hands and feet. slowly waking up your body, bringing back your awareness to the here and now. And when you're ready you may open your eyes. Friend thank you for hanging out love ya! Until next time, remember, you have everything you need to live bravely.

Andrea Crisp 25:06
If you like this episode of The Couragecast, we'd love to hear from you. Leave us a rating and review and while you're there, hit subscribe so you never miss an episode. Original Music by Stephen Crilley, production by Claudia Henock.


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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?